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The Use of Particle Swarm Algorithm to Solve Queuing Models with Practical Application
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This paper includes the application of Queuing theory with of Particle swarm algorithm or is called (Intelligence swarm) to solve the problem of The queues and developed for General commission for taxes /branch Karkh center in the service stage of the Department of calculators composed of six  employees , and it was chosen queuing model is a single-service channel  M / M / 1 according to the nature of the circuit work mentioned above and it will be divided according to the letters system for each employee, and  it was composed of data collection times (arrival time , service time, departure time) In minutes , Where it was data Test the obtained them found it distributed statistical distribution commensurate with the nature of the data and when tested were found to be distributed the distribution of arrival (Discrete Uniform distribution) and the distribution service (Exponential distribution ) , and it was finding performance measures (the service provided) in the system ( Ls , Lq , Ws , Wq ), and the problem is resolved to the research using software MATLAB R2013a Version : 8.1  and it get the required results, and This paper aims Solve the problem of The queues in General commission for taxes / branch Karkh center and reduce the customer waiting times and improving the efficiency of the service provided.

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
biofuels industry and impact on the development of the agricultural sector in developing countries
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       Although the subject of biofuels industry is linked directly to the energy sector, but has links and numerous indirect effects, in particular effects on the environment and agriculture, this study (opportunities and challenges of biofuels industry and impact on the development of the agricultural sector in developing countries) a modest step to identify the industry in detail and identify the types of products and raw materials entering, then define or limit the positive and negative impacts of this industry in General and for specific products In particular, detailed, and then flip all those effects on the agricultural sector in developing countries can benef

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 20 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Modeling and Analyzing the Influence of Fear on the Harvested Modified Leslie-Gower Model
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A modified Leslie-Gower predator-prey model with a Beddington-DeAngelis functional response is proposed and studied. The purpose is to examine the effects of fear and quadratic fixed effort harvesting on the system's dynamic behavior. The model's qualitative properties, such as local equilibria stability, permanence, and global stability, are examined. The analysis of local bifurcation has been studied. It is discovered that the system experiences a saddle-node bifurcation at the survival equilibrium point whereas a transcritical bifurcation occurs at the boundary equilibrium point. Additionally established are the prerequisites for Hopf bifurcation existence. Finally, using MATLAB, a numerical investigation is conducted to verify t

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Scopus (3)
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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
the effect of temperatures and humidity rates on the mean weight loss from developement
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The effect of some environmental factors in the loss rate for high weights virgins are full to the screwworm fly of the ancient world and included temperatures 15,20,25,30,35,40 study showed that the rate of loss in weight virgins advanced to full participants at a temperature of 15 C while notgets evolution

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 08 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Assessment of Health Problems for the Elderly at the Nursing Home in Baghdad city
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Objective: Assessment of health problems and identify demographical information to elderly. Methodology:
it is a descriptive study, data were collected by the researchers depended on the direct interview with the
elderly by using the study instrument (questionnaire) as well as review the records of the geriatric.
Results: The majority of study sample (66%) were males and (24.3%) were within age group (70-74) years,
(44.7%) were widows, and (41.7%) did not read and write. This study applied the international classification
of diseases(short-table) in (11) items, which stated that most of the elderly were complaining from
health problems: debility of hearing (80.65%), eczema or allergies (69.35%), debility of vision (66.9

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 07 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Geographical Distribution of Wheat Crop in Wasit Province for the period ( 2003 – 2010 )
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This study focuses on the basics of cultivation and production of the Wheat Crop in
Wasit Province ; in order to reveal the reality of the geographical distribution of its cultivation
and production.
Wheat is the most important field crops cultivated in Wasit province, as it has vast
possibilities for expansion in growing and production, in which agriculture conducted in a
year and left in other , then changing this method would increase cultivated area of it to nearly
doubled, as well as the possibility of increasing average yields in Donam by using improved
seeds, fertilizer, with the availability of water lever machines, especially wheat is grown in
areas of rivers abutment.
The study showed the spread of th

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 26 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Factors affecting the support of local investment in iraq for the period(1996-2015)
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This paper aims to explain the effect of the taxes policy including direct & indirect taxes on supporting the domestic Investment in Iraq. This could help the official planners for drawing the future policies that help provoking (istumlating) the domestic investment in Iraq the quantitative analysis approach was adopted using regression model. The results showed the significance of the effects of both direct & indirect taxes policies on domestic as a simple correlation coefficient ( r ) of ( 0.6 ) , ( 0.64 ) respectively.  

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 01 2014
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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    A survey conducted at Dalmaj marsh, Al-Diwaniya Province during 2013 revealed that the marsh encounters a considerable part of the Iraqi vertebrate fauna including 147 species belonging to five classes; Pisces, Amphibia, Reptilia, Aves and Mammalia. Some species are of globally conservation importance. The present results are discussed with the pertinent literature.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Designing the Websites of the Iraqi Electronic Newspapers and its Role in Attracting Visitors
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The researcher seeks to know the extent of applying the concept of design by Iraqi electronic press sites to provide media product with the acceptance of their browsers and ensure their repeated visits to such sites in the framework of the guiding rules for laser browsing. The researcher uses analytical study on a sample of six Iraqi electronic newspaper sites to identify the general features of their design and the methods of distribution of the structural elements of the pages. The researcher also conducts a field study on a sample of the surfers of electronic newspaper sites to see the extent of their evaluation to their design and the degree of their satisfaction.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 15 2019
Journal Name
The Dominating Sign of the Space Structure in TV Drama: صادق كاظم عبد علي
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  The space constitutes a cornerstone of the creativity process since the emergence of arts and literature. Gaston Bachelard has a significant role in highlighting the importance of the place in his book entitled (Poetics of Space). Since then, the space, especially in the TV drama, is no longer a mere background indicating the location or the date of the event. Space inside these series has become an inseparable part of the artistic or dramatic fabric, that the visual scene started to formulate alongside the movement of the individuals in their language or accents that are specified inside the space as an incubator for the décor, clothes, makeup, accessories and lights in addition to the sound and musical effects. The lens angles

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 15 2022
Journal Name
Al-adab Journal
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The article attempts to provide the theoretical fundamentals for the semiotic component of lacunae in a language. The definitions of the following notions have been represented: 1) lacunarity as a complex phenomenon that works in the modes of language, speech and speech behaviour; 2) lacuna as a gap, an empty space, which lacks something, which may be characteristic of a written work. The author of the article considers the main classes of lacunae, among which are: 1) generic lacunae, which reflect the absence of a common name for a class of objects; 2) species lacunae are the absence of specific names, names of individual types of objects or phenomena; 3) intralingual lacunae are found within the paradigms of one language; 4) interlanguage

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