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The diagnosis and determine the level of balance between the time available for life and work: The case study of a sample of doctors hospitals City of Medicine
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Purpose: The diagnosis and determine the level of balance between the time available for life and work with the doctors in the hospitals of t the six hospitals in the City of Medicine.

Design / methodology / Approach: It has been relying on ready-scale, to make sure the diagnosis and determine the level of balance between the time available for life and work, where they were distributed on Form 42 doctors in the six hospitals in the City of Medicine, were analyzed by software (Nvivo and SPSS v.22).

Results: The results showed that there is a good level of balance between the time available for life and work with the doctors.

Research limitations: The difficulty of distributing and collecting the forms for doctors in hospitals and clinics, emerging as a result of the continuing busy the doctors work assigned to them.

Practical implications: You can benefit from the findings of the researcher, in the interest and to strengthen the balance between the time available for life and work, can help to improve the performance of hospitals in the City of Medicine.


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Publication Date
Thu Sep 30 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Islam's position on freedom according to John Stuart Mill
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The issue of freedom is the most prominent and distinctive issue of Western thought, which it reached after a long struggle. The English thinker John Stuart Mill is considered the most prominent Western thinker who elaborated on the issue of freedom, until his ideas on the issue of freedom became the semi-final formula for issues of freedom in Western thought, which revolve in their entirety on The individual has complete freedom as long as it does not harm others, and this freedom is controlled by law.

And if the freedoms he offered were not considered an achievement in Western thought; Freedom in Islam is a central and fundamental issue, and the details of freedoms in Islam have not been accomplished by anyone, but rather came

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering And Applied Sciences
New Data Security Method Based on Biometrics
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Merging biometrics with cryptography has become more familiar and a great scientific field was born for researchers. Biometrics adds distinctive property to the security systems, due biometrics is unique and individual features for every person. In this study, a new method is presented for ciphering data based on fingerprint features. This research is done by addressing plaintext message based on positions of extracted minutiae from fingerprint into a generated random text file regardless the size of data. The proposed method can be explained in three scenarios. In the first scenario the message was used inside random text directly at positions of minutiae in the second scenario the message was encrypted with a choosen word before ciphering

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 14 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
On e-Small Submodules
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Let M be an R-module, where R is a commutative ring with unity. A submodule N of M is called e-small (denoted by N e  M) if N + K = M, where K e  M implies K = M. We give many properties related with this type of submodules.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 06 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Some Results on Pure Submodules Relative to Submodule
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Let R be a commutative ring with identity 1 and M be a unitary left R-module. A submodule N of an R-module M is said to be pure relative to submodule T of M (Simply T-pure) if for each ideal A of R, N?AM=AN+T?(N?AM). In this paper, the properties of the following concepts were studied: Pure essential submodules relative to submodule T of M (Simply T-pure essential),Pure closed submodules relative to submodule T of M (Simply T-pure closed) and relative pure complement submodule relative to submodule T of M (Simply T-pure complement) and T-purely extending. We prove that; Let M be a T-purely extending module and let N be a T-pure submodule of M. If M has the T-PIP, then N is T-purely extending.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
On Semiannahilator Supplement Submodules
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Let R be associative; ring; with an identity and let D be unitary left R- module; . In this work we present semiannihilator; supplement submodule as a generalization of R-a- supplement submodule, Let U and V be submodules of an R-module D if D=U+V and whenever Y≤ V and D=U+Y, then annY≪R;. We also introduce the the concept of semiannihilator -supplemented ;modules and semiannihilator weak; supplemented modules, and we give some basic properties of this conseptes

Publication Date
Thu May 04 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
On Generalized Regular Continuous Functions In Topological Spaces
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In this paper we introduce a new type of functions called the generalized regular
continuous functions .These functions are weaker than regular continuous functions and
stronger than regular generalized continuous functions. Also, we study some
characterizations and basic properties of generalized regular continuous functions .Moreover
we study another types of generalized regular continuous functions and study the relation
among them

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 21 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Bubble Size Distribution In Gas-Liquid Dispersion Column
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The present work investigates the effect of; superficial air velocities of: 1, 3, and 6 cm/s for two types of perforated distributor on hydrodynamic characteristic in a gas-liquid dispersion column of; air-water, and airaqueous-n-propanol solution. Bubble distribution, gas holdup, and power consumption are parameters take in consideration. Experimental work was carried out in perspex column of 8.5 cm inside diameter and 1.5 m height. Two types of bubble generator (perforated plate) were fixed at the bottom of the column; plate A (99 holes of 0.5 mm diameter and free area of 0.34%), plate B (20 holes of 1.5 mm diameter and free area of 0.62%). Photographic technique was used to measure the bubble parameters. The experimental results were

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 30 2023
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Viable Strategies to Increase Clinical Trial Patient Diversity
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In the United States, the pharmaceutical industry is actively devising strategies to improve the diversity of clinical trial participants. These efforts stem from a plethora of evidence indicating that various ethnic groups respond differently to a given treatment. Thus, increasing the diversity of trial participants would not only provide more robust and representative trial data but also lead to safer and more effective therapies. Further diversifying trial participants appear straightforward, but it is a complex process requiring feedback from multiple stakeholders such as pharmaceutical sponsors, regulators, community leaders, and research sites. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to describe three viable strategies that can p

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Scopus (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Sep 02 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
New Fuzzy Normed Spaces
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In this paper the research introduces a new definition of a fuzzy normed space then the related concepts such as fuzzy continuous, convergence of sequence of fuzzy points and Cauchy sequence of fuzzy points are discussed in details.

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 02 2021
Journal Name
مجلة بحوث الشرق الأوسط
PROPÓSITOS RETÓRICOS DE LA VOZ PASIVA EN EL NOBLE CORÁN Estudio comparativo entre dos versiones españolas الأغراض البلاغية لصيغة المبنى للمجهول فى القرآن الکريم «دراسة مقارنة بين ترجمتين للقرآن الکريم»
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This research deals with the rhetoric purposes of the passive voice in the holy Quran. First, we put an introductory to the concept of the Quran language and its difference of the spoken Arabic language during the revelation period. Besides; we gave a brief about the structure passive voice form of Arabic language. Second, we explained the purposes of passive voice used in the holly Quran with sufficient examples, commentaries and clarifications about all the cases. Rhetoric purposes that we deals with are: concision, emphasize an idea, avoid using the subject because it is known and clear for all or because it is really unknown, etc. This part has contained the most important purposes for the use of passive voice in holy Quran. At the end

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