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The Impact of Architecture design quality in build competitiveness for contracting companies in The Ministry of Housing and Construction of Iraq
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The study aimed at interpreting the role of architectural design quality in in build competitiveness model in accordance with the proposal included the idea of ​​architectural design quality for its removal; interesting design factors of the environment, good design of the spaces, and design aesthetic explanatory variable. The competitiveness dimensions; the level of innovation, stimulate research, and the quality of the company's products, and activating the role of human resources, entrepreneurship, profitability, market share and competitiveness, variable responsive. The study of construction companies in the Ministry of Housing and Construction has taken the Iraqi society for the study. The sample consisted of (48) managers from senior management there. The questionnaire adopted data collection tool that was processed program
(SPSS v.20) to extract the results of Cronbach's alpha, and the arithmetic mean, standard deviation, correlation, and analysis of multiple linear regression, the study has resulted in the following conclusions:

1- High level of care managers architectural design quality and its dimensions, and building Competitiveness and its dimensions in the construction companies which shows the depth of knowledge and awareness of their technological aspects, economic, and environmental and sustainable for of its business and operations.

2- The existence of a significant impact in part to the quality of architectural design in dimensions interesting design factors of the environment and aesthetic design to build a competitiveness and dimensions are collectively and individually.

3- The possibility of using the architectural design quality in the interpretation of the estimated change the dimensions of competitiveness partially.

4- Proven the validity of the idea of ​​a model study in the interpretation of the potential ability of contractors to build competitiveness Changes in terms of awareness of its directors architectural design quality.

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 22 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Leadership crisis and environmental pressures A Survey of the views of a sample of administrative leaders at Mosul University and the North technical University
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The administrative leadership relies on a variety of behavioral paths in the functional areas in which it operates, and thus indicates its ability and thus has the upper hand in the organizational events, and in such a way that it can draw lessons and evaluate the results so as to test the expectations within the framework of the changes.

Does the study sample leadership have the characteristics that enable it to contain both crises and environmental stresses?

The aim of the study was to determine the location of the administrative leaders in the system of the study sample from the issue of crises and environmental pressures. The study concluded with a number of conclusions, the m

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
PROBLÉMATIQUE DE L’ENSEIGNEMENT DE LA TRADUCTION ET PROLÈMES DE SON APPRENTISSAGE DANS UNE CLASSE DE LANGUE The problem in teaching Translation and problems of its learning in a language lesson
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Le présent travail aborde la question de l’enseignement de traduction en tant que matière faisant partie du programme élaboré dans des Départements de Français au sein de certaines universités irakiennes, en particulier celle de Bagdad. La méthode d’enseigner suivie constitue une véritable problématique qu’on a bien diagnostiquée à partir de quelques années d’expériences, à la lumière des observations faites dans des cours de traduction professionnelle, et dans la perspective des citations et témoignages établies par des traductologues et pédagogues et principalement par Marianne LEDERER qui a établi la Théorie Interprétative de la traduction. Mais pourquoi l’enseignement lui-même poserait une telle probl

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The Mechanical Behavior Of Materials
The slenderness ratio effect on the response of closed-end pipe piles in liquefied and non-liquefied soil layers under coupled static-seismic loading
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Abstract<p>This study presents the findings of a 3D finite element modeling on the performance of a single pile under various slenderness ratios (25, 50, 75, 100). These percentages were assigned to cover the most commonly configuration used in such kind of piles. The effect of the soil condition (dry and saturated) on the pile response was also investigated. The pile was modeled as a linear elastic, the surrounded dry soil layers were simulated by adopting a modified Mohr-Coulomb model, and the saturated soil layers were simulated by the modified UBCSAND model. The soil-pile interaction was represented by interface elements with a reduction factor (R) of 0.6 in the loose sand layer and 0.7 in t</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Mon Jan 02 2017
Journal Name
Intraventricular Pressure Ventr
The Use of Rate of Increase of Intraventricular Pressure During Isovolumetric Contraction (dP/dt) in Assessment of Left Ventricular Function in Acute Coronary Syndrome
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BACKGROUND: Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is the clinical manifestation of acutely diminished coronary arterial blood supply. The rate of increase of intraventricular pressure during isovolumetric contraction (left ventricular dP/dt) represents the rate of change of pressure during ejection. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to evaluate the usefulness of the rate of increase of intraventricular pressure during isovolumetric contraction (dP/dt) in assessment of left ventricular function in patients with acute coronary syndrome and its relation to certain clinical and echocardiographic features. PATIENTS AND METHODS: The study is a cross sectional study including 50 patients with an established diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome. The

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 24 2009
Journal Name
Proceeding Of 3d Scientific Conference Of The College Of Science, University Of Baghdad 24 To 26 March 2009
Bacterial DNA induces inflammations in murine renal system
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Abstract Since unmethylated CpG motifs are more common in DNA from bacteria than vertebrates, and the unmethylated CpG motif has recently been reported to have stimulatory effects on lymphocytes, we speculated that bacterial DNA may induce inflammation in the urinary tract. To determine the role of bacterial DNA in lower UTI, we intraurethrally injected prokaryotic DNA (extracted from E. coli) in white mice and performed histopathological study for the kidneys and urinary bladders, 24 h after the exposure. The results showed infiltration of inflammatory cells, shrinkage of glomerulus and increase the capsular space, as well as edema formation in kidney tissues. Moreover, urinary bladder sections showed infiltration of inflammatory cells.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
5'-nucleoridase activity in sera from iraq children with leukemia
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Enzyme activity were studied in the sera of children with leukemia than healthy children, where 31 cases were studied, including 21 cases of patients with acute lymphatic leukemia

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
A Study on Cosmetic Products Marketed in Iraq: Microbiological Aspect
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Cosmetic products contain variable amounts of nutrients that support microbial growth. Most contaminants   in   cosmetic   products   include bacteria such as Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas, Klebsiella,   Achromobacter   and   Alcaligenes. Contaminated water  is  a  likely  source  of organisms found in cosmetic products. Products such as shampoo, hand and body lotion, facial cleanser,  and liquid soaps were analyzed. In this study, out of 60 cosmetic products analyzed, 26.4% were found to be contaminated.    Most of the contamination was from bacteria and no fungal contamination was detected.  The highest level o

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 15 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Oral health status among kindergarten children in Karbala city\Iraq
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Back ground: Dental caries and periodontal disease followed by enamel defect were the most common and widely spread diseases affecting children. Aim of this study is the assessment of the occurrence and severity of dental caries, dental plaque, gingivitis and enamel anomalies among 4-5 years old children in Karbala city-Iraq. Materials and methods: A sample of 658 children (350 males, 308 females) aged four and five years old was selected randomly from the fourteenth kindergartens in Karbala city. Diagnosis and recording of dental caries and enamel anomalies were followed the criteria of WHO 1987, WHO1997 respectively. Dental plaque was assessed using plaque index of Silness and Loe,1964. Gingival health condition was assessed using gingiv

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Politeness Theories in Synge's Riders to the Sea
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This research tackles the play of Synge "Rider to the Sea" to find out whether the
theories of Leech (1983) and Brown and Levinson (1987) can be applied or not to this study.
The model of Leech (1983) consists of seven principles and for Brown and Levinson
(1987),it consists of two principles of politeness where one of them is positive and the other is
negative politeness.
It is hypothesed that:
1. There is a relation between the two theories.
2. Synge deals with these theories in such a way to depict his characters.
3. It is also hypothesed that every character deals with these principles in such a way to show
the events of the play.
The study concludes that there is a relation between the two theories in d

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 11 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Isolation and identification of the Myxobacterium Myxococcus fulvus from the Farms and study the inhibitory effect of cells and filtrates against pathogenic fungi
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The study was performed to isolate and identify the Myxococcus fulvus from the one hundred samples of soils of farms. Special growth conditions had been used to support the growth of M.fulvus local isolates and suppressed the growth of other microorganisms like (Drying , High Temperature , High concentration of antibiotics and specific growth media ) M.fulvus isolates had been subjected to the morphological, cultural , biochemical examination for identification , as well as , study the inhibitory activites of cells and filtrates of localized isolates against some pathogenic fungi include (Trichophyton mentagrophytes , Microsporum gypseum , Aspergillus niger and Fusarium oxyporum ) by using three methods :- Cup assay , well diffusio

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