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Statistical testing mediation in structural equations models variables with practical application
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In this research was the study of a single method of estimation and testing parameters mediating variables (Mediation) in a specimen structural equations SEM a bootstrap method, for the purpose of application of the integrated survey of the situation Marital data and health mirror Iraqi (I-WISH) for the year 2011 from the Ministry of Planning - device Central Bureau of Statistics, and applied to the appropriate data from the terms of the data to a form of structural equation SEM using factor analysis affirmative (Confirmatory Factor analysis) CFA As a way to see the match variables that make up the model, and after confirming the model matching or suitability are having the effect of variables mediation in the model tested by the bootstrap mentioned above using AMOS V.23 software method, as researcher found that the independent variable X affects the dependent variable Y indirectly through the mediation of one variable of the presence of any single mediation in the form.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2013
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Al-Khriet Agricultural Waste Adsorbent, for Removal Lead and Cadmium Ion from Aqueous Solutions
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The availability of low- cost adsorbent namely Al-Khriet ( a substance found in the legs of Typha  Domingensis) as an agricultural waste material, for the removal of lead and cadmium from aqueous solution was investigated. In the batch tests experimental parameters were studied, including adsorbent dosage between (0.2-1) g, initial metal ions concentration between (50-200) ppm (single and binary) and contact time (1/2-6) h. The removal percentage of each ion onto Al-Khriet reached equilibrium in about 4 hours. The highest adsorption capacity was for lead (96%) while for cadmium it was (90%) with 50 ppm ions concentration, 1 g dosage of adsorbent and pH 5.5. Adsorption capacity in the binary mixture were reduce at about 8% for lead a

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 19 2018
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Analytical Study of Cartoon picture AL-Mada Newspaper is a model
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The researcher studies and explains the content of some pictures that are published in al-Mada newspaper. The research is important as it deals with a topic that has a relation with visual culture and its role to transfer the press letter to the audience. The researcher finds that cartoonist exposed the security services through important people who have a major role in state policy and reveals the level of corruption and the weak treatments for this phenomenon and its reflection on the whole society and individuals. In addition to that, cartoonists try to encourage the public for going on the peaceful demonstrations since it is a good tool to make pressure on the government to punish the corrupts.

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 31 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Sustainable Development And Planning
Monitoring and Prediction Functional Change of Land Uses Toward Urban Sustainability
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Urban land uses are in a dynamic state that varies over time, the city of Karbala in Iraq has experienced functional changes over the past 100 years, as the city is characterized by the presence of significant tourist and socio-economic activity represented by religious tourism, and it occur due to various reasons such as urbanization. The purpose of this study is to apply a Markov model to analyze and predict the behavior of transforming the use of land in Karbala city over time. This can include the conversion of agricultural land, or other areas into residential, commercial, industrial land uses. The process of urbanization is typically driven by population growth, economic development, based on a set of probabilities and transitions bet

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Dynamics of Predator-prey Model under Fluctuation Rescue Effect
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This paper presents a novel idea as it investigates the rescue effect of the prey with fluctuation effect for the first time to propose a modified predator-prey model that forms a non-autonomous model. However, the approximation method is utilized to convert the non-autonomous model to an autonomous one by simplifying the mathematical analysis and following the dynamical behaviors. Some theoretical properties of the proposed autonomous model like the boundedness, stability, and Kolmogorov conditions are studied. This paper's analytical results demonstrate that the dynamic behaviors are globally stable and that the rescue effect improves the likelihood of coexistence compared to when there is no rescue impact. Furthermore, numerical simul

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Applied Science And Engineering
The effect of model scale, acceleration history, and soil condition on closed-ended pipe pile response under coupled static-dynamic loads
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This paper analyzes the effect of scaling-up model and acceleration history on seismic response of closed-ended pipe pile using a finite element modeling approach and the findings of 1 g shaking table tests of a pile embedded in dry and saturated soils. A number of scaling laws were used to create the numerical modeling according to the data obtained from 1 g shake table tests performed in the laboratory. The current study found that the behaviors of the scaled models, in general have similar trends. From numerical modeling on both the dry and saturated sands, the normalized lateral displacement, bending moment, and vertical displacement of piles with scale factors of 2 and 35 are less than those of the pile with a scale factor of 1 and the

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 11 2024
Journal Name
International Journal Of Dynamics And Control
The modified predator–prey model response to the effects of global warming, wind flow, fear, and hunting cooperation
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Global warming has a serious impact on the survival of organisms. Very few studies have considered the effect of global warming as a mathematical model. The effect of global warming on the carrying capacity of prey and predators has not been studied before. In this article, an ecological model describing the relationship between prey and predator and the effect of global warming on the carrying capacity of prey was studied. Moreover, the wind speed was considered an influencing factor in the predation process after developing the function that describes it. From a biological perspective, the nonnegativity and uniform bounded of all solutions for the model are proven. The existence of equilibria for the model and its local stability is inves

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 08 2024
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Evaluation of the Dynamics of Psychological Panic Factor, Glucose Risk and Estrogen Effects on Breast Cancer Model
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Contracting cancer typically induces a state of terror among the individuals who are affected. Exploring how glucose excess, estrogen excess, and anxiety work together to affect the speed at which breast cancer cells multiply and the immune system’s response model is necessary to conceive of ways to stop the spread of cancer. This paper proposes a mathematical model to investigate the impact of psychological panic, glucose excess, and estrogen excess on the interaction of cancer and immunity. The proposed model is precisely described. The focus of the model’s dynamic analysis is to identify the potential equilibrium locations. According to the analysis, it is possible to establish four equilibrium positions. The stability analys

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2013
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
A comparison between PCA and some enhancement filters for denoising astronomical images
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This paper includes a comparison between denoising techniques by using statistical approach, principal component analysis with local pixel grouping (PCA-LPG), this procedure is iterated second time to further improve the denoising performance, and other enhancement filters were used. Like adaptive Wiener low pass-filter to a grayscale image that has been degraded by constant power additive noise, based on statistics estimated from a local neighborhood of each pixel. Performs Median filter of the input noisy image, each output pixel contains the Median value in the M-by-N neighborhood around the corresponding pixel in the input image, Gaussian low pass-filter and Order-statistic filter also be used. Experimental results shows LPG-PCA method

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 25 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Prioritized Text Detergent: Comparing Two Judgment Scales of Analytic Hierarchy Process on Prioritizing Pre-Processing Techniques on Social Media Sentiment Analysis
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Most companies use social media data for business. Sentiment analysis automatically gathers analyses and summarizes this type of data. Managing unstructured social media data is difficult. Noisy data is a challenge to sentiment analysis. Since over 50% of the sentiment analysis process is data pre-processing, processing big social media data is challenging too. If pre-processing is carried out correctly, data accuracy may improve. Also, sentiment analysis workflow is highly dependent. Because no pre-processing technique works well in all situations or with all data sources, choosing the most important ones is crucial. Prioritization is an excellent technique for choosing the most important ones. As one of many Multi-Criteria Decision Mak

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 15 2022
Journal Name
Alustath Journal For Human And Social Sciences
کاریگەری ستراتیجیەتی مێزگرد لەسەر دەستکەوتی بابەتی خوێندنەوە و ئەدەبی کوردی
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