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The impact of governmental consumer spending on the development of the current account balance in Iraq for the period (1990-2014) using ARDL model
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To avoid the negative effects due to inflexibility of the domestic production inresponse to the increase in government consumption expenditure leads to more  imports to meet the increase in domestic demand resulting from the increase in government consumption expenditure. Since the Iraqi economy economy yield unilateral depends on oil revenues to finance spending, and the fact government consumer spending is a progressive high flexibility the increase in overall revenues, while being a regressive flexibility is very low in the event of reduced public revenues, and therefore lead to a deficit in the current account position. And that caused the deficit for imbalance are the disruption of the structure of government spending in favor of consumer spending and the disruption of the current account structure, as the export of a single commodity is oil from which to finance the spending offset by a wide range of imports that are brought to a large portion of this spending it.

Therefore research aims to determine the impact of government consumer spending on the development of the current account balance in light of increased government spending, through the reality of government consumer spending analysis and structure of the current account in Iraq, measure and analyze the impact of government consumer spending on the development of the current account balance during the study period (1990- 2014), has been using Autoregressive Distributed Lag Model(ARDL), because of this form of advantages is the suitability for small samples and data of stationtary in the first-difference or the level or a combination of the two, a researcher has reached to the existence of a long-term positive relationship between spending government consumption and the deficit current account balance, as the increase in government consumption expenditure (1%) lead to increased current account deficit by (0.25%). The increase in consumer spending, the government and one unit (million I.D) has led to the increase of imports of goods and services by (0.58) unit (million I.D) in the short term and by (1.16) (million I.D) in the long term.

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 15 2022
Journal Name
Alustath Journal For Human And Social Sciences
کاریگەری ستراتیجیەتی مێزگرد لەسەر دەستکەوتی بابەتی خوێندنەوە و ئەدەبی کوردی
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Publication Date
Wed Dec 28 2022
Journal Name
مجلة التربية الرياضية
إدارة درس التربية الرياضية لدى الطالب المطبق وفقا المهارات التدريسية من وجهة ً الهم نظر اعضاء هيأة التدريس في كلية التربية البدنية وعلوم الرياضة جامعة بغداد
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Publication Date
Thu Jul 02 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الإدراك الحسي الحركي لدى الطلبة المتفوقين والمتأخرين دراسيا في المدارس الإعدادية (بحث مستل من رسالة ماجستير بنفس العنوان / جامعة بغداد) كلية التربية للبنات 2009 م
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مشكلة البحث   The Problem of the Research


          يعّد التحصيل الدراسي للطلبة عموما من أهم أركان النشاط العقلي في المجال التربوي، فلا تكاد تخلو منه أيه مدرسة، أبتداءً من المدارس الابتدائية وقد تسبقها رياض الأطفال، إلى المدرسة الإعدادية والجامعية ، وقد تمتد إلى مراحل متقدمة في العمر، فكان الطالب وما يزال هو محور العملية ال

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
دراسة تحليلية لظاهرة الفساد الاداري والمالي في بعض المؤسسات الصحية لمحافظة القادسية: An analytical study of the phenomenon of administrative and financial corruption in some health institutions in Al-Qadisiyah Governorate
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Certainly there is a negative impact on development due to corruption in its corruption forms It is administrative and financial as well as direct impact on all sectors Including the health sector, which has seen in Iraq a marked setback in performance and services , The research aims at the possibility of demonstrating the negative effects of financial and administrative corruption on health institutions and Inability to meet health needs The extent to which Regulatory institutions and institutions manage to reduce financial and administrative corruption and ways of dealing with it The phenomenon of financial and administrative corruption is the most serious phenomenon because of its impact on economic growth, which in turn impedes the

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Financial investment strategies – Conceptual Framework
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The investor needs to a clear strategy for the purpose of access to the financial market, that is, has a plan to increase The share of the profits thinking entrepreneur and new, and highlights the importance of this in that it sets for the investor when it goes to the market, and when it comes out of it, and at what price to buy or sell the stock, and what is the the amount of money it starts. Fortunately, he does not need to invent his own investment strategy, because over the years the development of effective methods of buying and selling, and once you understand how to work these methods investor can choose the most appropriate methods and adapted image that fit his style investment .


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