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Using the Critical Path Method to Find Time of Constriction for Helicopters Airport Project in the Oil Fields
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This research is considered one of the important researches in Maysan Governorate, as it focuses on the construction of helicopter airport project in the oil fields of the Maysan Oil Company, where the oil general companies in Maysan Governorate suffer from the cost of transporting the foreign engineering experts and the governing equipment of sustaining oil industry from Iraq's international airports to oil fields and vice versa. Private international transport companies transport foreign engineering from the oil fields to Iraqi airports and vice versa, and other international security companies take action to provide protection for foreign engineering experts during transportation. Hence, this process is very costly.

     The objective of this research is to construct helicopters airport in the oil fields of the Maysan Oil Company, which can be reduced the required time for the arrival of foreign engineering experts and required equipment to the oil fields of the company by using the Critical Path Method (CPM). This may assist finding the time and cost of completing the project and drawing charts the project in light of the existence of non-traditional relationships between some activities in the project network, depending on the computer engineering software such as Primavera V6. 478 days were required to complete the project. Finally, a number of conclusions and recommendations are drawn up, and a number of future studies are suggested.

Paper type: Research Paper

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 20 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The use of Auditors the Islamic Financial Engineering tool for Assessing Funding Risk Management in Islamic Banks: Applied research on a sample of Islamic banks
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Experience the Islamic financial industry faces many challenges, most notably the lack of proper risk management tools that meet the requirements of legality and economic efficiency advantage from another side, so it requires the search for innovative ways to manage the risk of Islamic banking, Islamic finance industry is manufacture up-to-date, if compared with the financial industry (traditional), which increases the problematic of risk management in the Islamic financial industry nature of treatment which should be compatible with Islamic law, as well as economic efficiency, thereby Progress came the importance of research to highlight the entrance to Islamic financial engineering and the goals sought to be achieved through the use of

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The role of teachers in Sociology In the development of creative thinking for students stage Middle school section of the literary In Karkh II schools From the perspective of the teachers and the students themselves
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This study aimed identify the teachers of sociology. In the development of creative thinking. I have students in middle school .llvra literary. In schools. Second Karkh From the perspective of the teachers and the students themselves  numbered (41), a teacher and a school. As The study population   encompassed of some students the fourth and fifth preparatory stage in the Karkh II schools, totaling 200 male and female students. As the study sample were consisted of (7) and a teacher (34) and accented (85) of male students (115) were female student The researcher the questionnaire which consisted of (39) items And to achieve the objectives of the study it was ascertained sincerity And stability. And

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Bashar bin cold language poetic in critical discourse Modern Literary
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Bashar bin cold language poetic in critical discourse
Modern Literary

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Improved Runge-Kutta Method for Oscillatory Problem Solution Using Trigonometric Fitting Approach
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This paper provides a four-stage Trigonometrically Fitted Improved Runge-Kutta (TFIRK4) method of four orders to solve oscillatory problems, which contains an oscillatory character in the solutions. Compared to the traditional Runge-Kutta method, the Improved Runge-Kutta (IRK) method is a natural two-step method requiring fewer steps. The suggested method extends the fourth-order Improved Runge-Kutta (IRK4) method with trigonometric calculations. This approach is intended to integrate problems with particular initial value problems (IVPs) using the set functions  and   for trigonometrically fitted. To improve the method's accuracy, the problem primary frequency  is used. The novel method is more accurate than the conventional Runge-Ku

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Development of 1D-Synthetic Geomechanical Well Logs for Applications Related to Reservoir Geomechanics in Buzurgan Oil Field
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Knowledge of the distribution of the rock mechanical properties along the depth of the wells is an important task for many applications related to reservoir geomechanics. Such these applications are wellbore stability analysis, hydraulic fracturing, reservoir compaction and subsidence, sand production, and fault reactivation. A major challenge with determining the rock mechanical properties is that they are not directly measured at the wellbore. They can be only sampled at well location using rock testing. Furthermore, the core analysis provides discrete data measurements for specific depth as well as it is often available only for a few wells in a field of interest. This study presents a methodology to generate synthetic-geomechani

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 27 2019
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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The monogenean Gyrodactylus bychowskianus Bogolepova, 1950 is recorded in the present study for the first time in Iraq from the gills of the cyprinid fish Arabibarbus grypus (Heckel, 1843); which was collected from the Tigris River at Al-Taji Beach north of Baghdad Province during the period from July until November 2018.

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2010
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
The Study of Ability of Local Ninivite Rocks in Purification of Drinking Water
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This study is conducted to verify the efficienecy of local Ninivite rock when used in the treatment of drinking water in plants operating currently in the country in order to develop the situation of these stations to cope with the increase in population. Also, this will limit the pollutian which are increasing in the country's rivers.

(Euphrates and Tigris). These rivers are the sources to feed all water treatment plants in the country. The idea is the develop or the modify these stations by replacing part of top layer of sand filters used in these stations with Ninivite rock to operate as filters composed of two medium. The efficiency of this rock is compared with other materials used successfully worldwide in this area, such a

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 02 2022
Journal Name
Nankai Business Review International
Evaluating the dimensions of strategic intent according to the Hamel and Prahalad model/a case study in Oil Projects SCOP Company
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The purpose of this study is to examine the dimensions of strategic intent (SI; see Appendix 1) according to the Hamel and Prahalad model as a building for the future, relying on today’s knowledge-based and proactive strategic directions of management as long-term and deep-perspective creative directions, objective vision and rational analysis, integrative in work, survival structure and comprehensiveness in perception.


The quantitative approach was used based on research, detection and proof, as data were collected from leader

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 15 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Petroleum Research And Studies
Selection of an Optimum Drilling Fluid Model to Enhance Mud Hydraulic System Using Neural Networks in Iraqi Oil Field
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In drilling processes, the rheological properties pointed to the nature of the run-off and the composition of the drilling mud. Drilling mud performance can be assessed for solving the problems of the hole cleaning, fluid management, and hydraulics controls. The rheology factors are typically termed through the following parameters: Yield Point (Yp) and Plastic Viscosity (μp). The relation of (YP/ μp) is used for measuring of levelling for flow. High YP/ μp percentages are responsible for well cuttings transportation through laminar flow. The adequate values of (YP/ μp) are between 0 to 1 for the rheological models which used in drilling. This is what appeared in most of the models that were used in this study. The pressure loss

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Electrical And Computer Engineering
Intrusion detection method for internet of things based on the spiking neural network and decision tree method
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The prevalence of using the applications for the internet of things (IoT) in many human life fields such as economy, social life, and healthcare made IoT devices targets for many cyber-attacks. Besides, the resource limitation of IoT devices such as tiny battery power, small storage capacity, and low calculation speed made its security a big challenge for the researchers. Therefore, in this study, a new technique is proposed called intrusion detection system based on spike neural network and decision tree (IDS-SNNDT). In this method, the DT is used to select the optimal samples that will be hired as input to the SNN, while SNN utilized the non-leaky integrate neurons fire (NLIF) model in order to reduce latency and minimize devices

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