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Using the Critical Path Method to Find Time of Constriction for Helicopters Airport Project in the Oil Fields
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This research is considered one of the important researches in Maysan Governorate, as it focuses on the construction of helicopter airport project in the oil fields of the Maysan Oil Company, where the oil general companies in Maysan Governorate suffer from the cost of transporting the foreign engineering experts and the governing equipment of sustaining oil industry from Iraq's international airports to oil fields and vice versa. Private international transport companies transport foreign engineering from the oil fields to Iraqi airports and vice versa, and other international security companies take action to provide protection for foreign engineering experts during transportation. Hence, this process is very costly.

     The objective of this research is to construct helicopters airport in the oil fields of the Maysan Oil Company, which can be reduced the required time for the arrival of foreign engineering experts and required equipment to the oil fields of the company by using the Critical Path Method (CPM). This may assist finding the time and cost of completing the project and drawing charts the project in light of the existence of non-traditional relationships between some activities in the project network, depending on the computer engineering software such as Primavera V6. 478 days were required to complete the project. Finally, a number of conclusions and recommendations are drawn up, and a number of future studies are suggested.

Paper type: Research Paper

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2023
Journal Name
مجلة دراسات وبحوث التربية الرياضية
تأثير تدريب الاسلوب المتباين في تنمية بعض القدرات البدنية والمهارات الاساسية للاعبي كرة القدم للصالات الشباب
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الملخص: تعد عناصر اللياقة البدنية العمود الفقري للألعاب الرياضية وخصوصا في الالعاب الجماعية ومنها لعبة كرة القدم للصالات والتي تعد من الالعاب الرياضية التي تتطلب بذل جهود كبيرة خلال المنافسة نظرا لطبيعة الاداء الذي يمتاز بالقوة والسرعة طيلة شوطي المباراة وهذا يتطلب من اللاعب امتلاكه للياقة بدنية عالية تؤهله للإيفاء بهذه المتطلبات خلال المنافسة، لذا نجد المدربين يتبعون كافة الاساليب وطرائق التدريب في سب

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Experimental study for the properties of Fe3O4 dusty plasma using the air in vacuum chamber system
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In this work, we carried out an experimental study of thedusty
plasma by taking the dust material Fe3O4 with radius of the any grain
0.1μm - 0.5μm. In experiment we use air in the vacuum chamber
system under different low pressure (0.1-1) Torr. The results
illustrated that the present of dust particles in the air plasma did not
effect on Paschen minimum which is 0.5 without dust and with Fe3O4
dusty grains.
The effect of Fe3O4 dust particles on plasma parameters can be
notice in direct current system in glow discharge region. The plasma
parameters which were studied in this work represent plasma
potential, floating potential,electron saturation current, temperatu

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
A Suggested Conception to Employ Gamificatio in Teaching the General Education Curricula
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The study aimed to build a suggested conception for employing gamification in teaching the general education curricula. Using the analytical method of the previous analytical studies in Teaching, which agreed with the determinants of the analysis of 20 studies from 2014 to 2019, they come on order: points, badges, leaderboards, and then levels. The four most commonly used theories are the theory of self-determination, flow theory, the theory of planned behavior and social theory. In addition, the researcher identified the most commonly used models in gamification, respectively: the ARCS model and the user-based design model. Based on the results of the analysis and using the descriptive approach, the researcher presented a practical perc

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 14 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Spectrophotometric Method for the Determination of Tetracycline and Doxycycline by Oxidizing Coupling Reaction with 4-aminoantipyrine
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 A simple,  sensitive, accurate and low cost effective spectrophotometric method has been developed for the determination of Tetracycline and Doxycycline in pure and pharmaceutical formulations. The method is based on the reaction of methyldopa with 4-aminoantipyren (4-AAP) in presence of potassium ferriecyanide (PFC) in an alkaline medium. Two optimization methods were applied to determine the optimum conditions of oxidizing coupling reaction variables; univariate and design of experiment (DOE) method. The conditions effecting the  reaction; pH, buffer Volume,   reagent concentration, oxidant concentration, type of buffer, order of addition, time of reaction and stability were optimized . Under univariate and design

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 02 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The comparative method in Maupassant’s (A woman’s Life): Le système comparatif dans Une vie de Maupassant
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The comparative method plays a major role in Maupassant’s novel (A woman’s Life).This is due to a good theme choice and smooth writing style characterized by simplicity, spontaneity and brevity.

The author uses the comparative method in the introduction of his novel where he compares the monastery’s closed world to the open world of the countryside of La Normandie, which represents the dream life of the heroine Jeanne.

The present paper is an attempt to answer the question regarding the importance of applying the comparative method in the novel (A Woman’s Life) by Maupassant. The paper stresses the fact that the novelist employs the comparative method in his book for certain features .One of these features is the

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Formulate a strategy to manage tax compliance risks: An applied research in the General commission for Taxes
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  This research discussed and analyzed the formulation of a strategy to manage tax compliance risks, as an applied research in the General commission for Taxes. The questionnaire was used as a research tool to identify the factors that stimulate or retard the research sample from being compliant. The K-means clustering method was also used to enable the classification of the research sample's views into four behaviors, some of these views pose tax-compliance risks. The research concluded that risk management is a continuous process and that all departments of the General commission for Taxes are responsible for its implementation to enable them to deal with the behavior of the taxpayer towards tax compliance. And it recommended

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 30 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Thickening Time and Compressive Strength Correlations for Bentonitic- Class "G" Cement Slurries
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Empirical equations for estimating thickening time and compressive strength of bentonitic - class "G" cement slurries were derived as a function of water to cement ratio and apparent viscosity (for any ratios). How the presence of such an equations easily extract the thickening time and compressive strength values of the oil field saves time without reference to the untreated control laboratory tests such as pressurized consistometer for thickening time test and Hydraulic Cement Mortars including water bath ( 24 hours ) for compressive strength test those may have more than one day.

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Evaluating the extent of the response of the tax administration leaders towards the concept of the strategic lens and its relationship to tax pioneer performance: Applied Research in the General Authority for taxes
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The aim of the research is to evaluate the response of the researched leaders towards practicing the concept of the lens, which is its dimensions with (stakeholders, resource mobilization, knowledge development, culture management) and the nature of its relationship to tax pioneer performance represented in its dimensions (strategic direction, leadership indicators, growth, renewal and modernization, efficiency, Effectiveness) The questionnaire was approved as a main tool in collecting data and information from the sample members in the General Authority of Taxes, which number (91) Who are on (M. General Manager, Division Director, Deputy Director, Senior Division Director, Deputy Director, Second Division, Division Officer, M. D

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 24 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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The extracted oil from the Chia seeds white and black were used in the manufacture of certain foods such as mayonnaise. The results of the sensory evaluation showed that the product was acceptable except for the flavor of white chia seed oil. The seeds were fully used in the manufacture of the nutella. The results of the sensory evaluation were encouraging the use of the extracted oil from the black chia seeds in the production of the nutella except the spread property. Chia seeds were also used in the manufacture of pudding. The results of the sensory evaluation showed an excellent and acceptable product of black chia seeds oil can be obtained, while the white seeds did not receive the acceptance in terms of color and flavor.

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 07 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Role the media to limit from get games children instigator on the violence
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Violence is a very serious phenomenon affecting the upbringing and culture kids, are playing the most violent forms of development of these Phenomenon, the research aims to determine the role of the media in reducing violence, and conducted a field study on parents Children by 200 form, the results revealed the importance of the media in raising awareness of the risks of violence on the child  Especially television, which hugely increased Show features, as well as the role of parents in guiding the child to buy Useful because the game to play negative impact of violence on children's health, and the media play an important role in raising awareness of these Risks through educational programs and television commercials, and o

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