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Using Some Estimation Methods for Mixed-Random Panel Data Regression Models with Serially Correlated Errors with Application
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This research includes the study of dual data models with mixed random parameters, which contain two types of parameters, the first is random and the other is fixed. For the random parameter, it is obtained as a result of differences in the marginal tendencies of the cross sections, and for the fixed parameter, it is obtained as a result of differences in fixed limits, and random errors for each section. Accidental bearing the characteristic of heterogeneity of variance in addition to the presence of serial correlation of the first degree, and the main objective in this research is the use of efficient methods commensurate with the paired data in the case of small samples, and to achieve this goal, the feasible general least squares method (FGLS) and the mean group method (MG) were used, and then the efficiency of the extracted estimators was compared in the case of mixed random parameters and the method that gives us the efficient estimator was chosen. Real data was applied that included the per capita consumption of electric energy (Y) for five countries, which represents the number of cross-sections (N = 5) over nine years (T = 9), so the number of observations is (n = 45) observations, and the explanatory variables are the consumer price index (X1) and the per capita GDP (X2). To evaluate the performance of the estimators of the (FGLS) method and the (MG) method on the general model, the mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) scale was used to compare the efficiency of the estimators. The results showed that the mean group estimation (MG) method is the best method for parameter estimation than the (FGLS) method. Also, the (MG) appeared to be the best and best method for estimating sub-parameters for each cross-section (country).

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
THE role of Organizational flexibility and its impact in responding to achieve higher performance requirements; Field research in the General Directorate of Municipalities.
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The purpose of this research is to measure the impact of regulatory flexibility dimensions (formal and authoritarian procedures) to achieve response to the requirements of high performance dimensions (the effective recruitment, intensive training, motivate employees, participation of workers) in the general municipal Directorate as one of the directorates of the Ministry of Municipalities and Public Works. For the purpose of this measure it has been selected sample composed of 88 individuals from the research community represents the levels of assistant general manager of department heads and managers of people and some of the staff to answer the questionnaire prepared for the purpose Hama

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
تقييم إداء السياسة النقدية في العراق وأثرها في التضخم دراسة تحليلية للمدة من (1980- 2003)
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تلعب السياسة النقدية دوراً فاعلاً ومتميزاً في تحقيق معدلات نمو عالية وتحقيق الاستقرار والتوازن الاقتصادي وبالاخص الحد من ظاهرة التضخم.

يمكن حصر اهداف السياسة النقدية في الدول النامية والعربية خصوصاً من خلال التعرف على الاغراض المنصوص عليها في التشريعات وتشمل (تحقيق استقرار نقدي، المحافظة على قيمة العملة، تشجيع النمو الاقتصادي، تطوير الاسواق المالية والنقدية، استقرار الاسعار، تحقيق ال

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
The effect of different flooding ratio on Al-Shuwaija marsh
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In this research, the effect of changing the flood level of Al-Shuwaija marsh was studied using the geographic information systems, specifically the QGIS program, and the STRM digital elevation model with a spatial analysis accuracy of 28 meters, was used to study the marsh. The hydraulic factors that characterize the marsh and affecting on the flooding such as the ranks of the water channels feeding the marsh and the degree of slope and flat areas in it are studied. The area of immersion water, the mean depth, and the accumulated water volume are calculated for each immersion level, thereby, this study finds the safe immersion level for this marsh was determined.

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Mathematical Model, Simulation and Scale up of Batch Reactor Used in Oxidative Desulfurization of Kerosene
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   In this paper, a mathematical model for the oxidative desulfurization of kerosene had been developed. The mathematical model and simulation process is a very important process due to it provides a better understanding of a real process. The mathematical model in this study was based on experimental results which were taken from literature to calculate the optimal kinetic parameters where simulation and optimization were conducted using gPROMS software. The optimal kinetic parameters were Activation energy 18.63958 kJ/mol, Pre-exponential factor  2201.34 (wt)-0.76636. min-1  and the reaction order 1.76636. These optimal kinetic parameters were used to find the optimal reaction conditions which

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Numerical Simulation of Thermal-Hydrodynamic Behavior within Solar Air Collector
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Solar collectors, in general, are utilized to convert the solar energy into heat energy, where it is employed to generate electricity. The non-concentrating solar collector with a circular shape was adopted in the present study. Ambient air is heated under a translucent roof where buoyant air is drawn from outside periphery towards the collector center (tower base). The present study is aimed to predict and visualize the thermal-hydrodynamic behavior for airflow under inclined roof of the solar air collector, SAC. Three-dimensional of the SAC model using the re-normalization group, RNG, k−ε turbulence viscus model is simulated. The simulation was carried out by using ANSYS-FLUENT 14.5. The simulation

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 23 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Experimental and Numerical Study on CFRP-Confined Square Concrete Compression Members Subjected to Compressive Loading
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Strengthening of the existing structures is an important task that civil engineers continuously face. Compression members, especially columns, being the most important members of any structure, are the most important members to strengthen if the need ever arise. The method of strengthening compression members by direct wrapping by Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) was adopted in this research. Since the concrete material is a heterogeneous and complex in behavior, thus, the behavior of the confined compression members subjected to uniaxial stress is investigated by finite element (FE) models created using Abaqus CAE 2017 software.

The aim of this research is to study experime

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Psychology And Education
The effect of Daniel's model on the development of critical thinking in the subject of Arabic language among students of the College of Management and Economics
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This research aims to identify the impact of Daniel's model on the development of critical thinking. In order to achieve this objective, the following hypotheses are formulated: 1. There is no statistically significant difference at the significance level (0.05) between the average differences in the posttest scores of the experimental group taught according to Daniel's model and the control group taught according to the traditional method in the measure of critical thinking. 2. There is no statistically significant difference at the significance level (0.05) between the average differences in the preand post-tests scores of the experimental group taught according to Daniel's model in the measure of critical thinking. The current research i

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Iraqi stock market structure analysis based on minimum spanning tree
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tock markets changed up and down during time. Some companies’ affect others due to dependency on each other . In this work, the network model of the stock market is discribed as a complete weighted graph. This paper aims to investigate the Iraqi stock markets using graph theory tools. The vertices of this graph correspond to the Iraqi markets companies, and the weights of the edges are set ulrametric distance of minimum spanning tree.

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 30 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Deep Learning-based Predictive Model of mRNA Vaccine Deterioration: An Analysis of the Stanford COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Dataset
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The emergence of SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic, has resulted in a global health crisis leading to widespread illness, death, and daily life disruptions. Having a vaccine for COVID-19 is crucial to controlling the spread of the virus which will help to end the pandemic and restore normalcy to society. Messenger RNA (mRNA) molecules vaccine has led the way as the swift vaccine candidate for COVID-19, but it faces key probable restrictions including spontaneous deterioration. To address mRNA degradation issues, Stanford University academics and the Eterna community sponsored a Kaggle competition.This study aims to build a deep learning (DL) model which will predict deterioration rates at each base of the mRNA

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
An Artificial Intelligence Algorithm to Optimize the Classification of the Hepatitis Type
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Hepatitis is one of the diseases that has become more developed in recent years in terms of the high number of infections. Hepatitis causes inflammation that destroys liver cells, and it occurs as a result of viruses, bacteria, blood transfusions, and others. There are five types of hepatitis viruses, which are (A, B, C, D, E) according to their severity. The disease varies by type. Accurate and early diagnosis is the best way to prevent disease, as it allows infected people to take preventive steps so that they do not transmit the difference to other people, and diagnosis using artificial intelligence gives an accurate and rapid diagnostic result. Where the analytical method of the data relied on the radial basis network to diagnose the

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