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Using Genetic Algorithm to Estimate the Parameters of the Gumbel Distribution Function by Simulation
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In this research, the focus was on estimating the parameters on (min- Gumbel distribution), using the maximum likelihood method and the Bayes method. The genetic algorithmmethod was employed in estimating the parameters of the maximum likelihood method as well as  the Bayes method. The comparison was made using the mean error squares (MSE), where the best  estimator  is the one who has the least mean squared error. It was noted that the best estimator was (BLG_GE).

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
• The Effect Of Brodifacoum On The Reproduction Of Male Wild House Mouse Mus musculus ( Muridae : Rodentia)
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The study  dealt  with the effect  o r the anticoagu l ant  rodentici de Brcidi facom on the reproduction of  male mus musculus trapped from d i ftcrent loculitieo of Uagltdad prov ince and ted with different doses (50

,75 ,100  mg) of  pellets of  this  rodenticide. The  results showed n significant  decrease  (p<  0.0 I )   in   testicular  weight  and   volume, epididymal ( head and tail) weight and numbers of different spermatogenic cells. The rodenticide caused a significant decrease in sperms concentration and a significant increase in dead and abnormal sperms in testes and epididymis.

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 07 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Degree of Academic Leaders Practice at the University of Northern Border for Creative Leadership "Empirical Study"
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The study aimed to identify the degree of academic leaders practices at the University of Northern Border for creative leadership, which attribute to different variables (nature of work, employer, gender, years of experience in administrative work at the university). To achieve the goal of the study, the researcher used the descriptive approach survey. Therefore, the researcher used a questionnaire as a study tool, which consisted of (40) items that included dimensions (sensitivity to problems, initiative, originality, flexibility). The study sample consisted of (240) participants included (agents of colleges, and supporting deanships, and their employees) during the second semester of the academic year 1439/1440 AH. The results showed t

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Effect of annealing temperature on the optical properties of (Cu2S)100-x( SnS2 )x thin films
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Thin films of (Cu2S)100-x( SnS2 )x at X=[ 30,40, &50)]% with thickness (0.9±0.03)µm , had been prepared by chemical spray pyrolysis method on glass substrates at 573 K. These films were then annealed under low pressure of(10-2) mbar ,373)423&473)K for one hour . This research includes , studying the the optical properties of (Cu2S)100-x-(SnS2)x at X=[ 30,40, &50)]% .Moreover studying the effect of annealing on their optical properties , in order to fabricate films with high stability and transmittance that can be used in solar cells. The transmittance and absorbance spectra had been recorded in the wavelength range (310 - 1100) nm in order to study the optical properties . It was found that these films had direct optical band

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Experimental Study of the Effect of Fuel Type on the Emitted Emissions from SIE at Idle Period
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The present study investigated the impact of fuel kind on the emitted emissions at the idling period. Three types of available fuels in Iraq were tested. The tests conducted on ordinary gasoline with an octane number of 82, premium gasoline with an octane number of 92, and M20 (consist of 20% methanol and 80% regular gasoline). The 2 liters Mercedes-Benz engine was used in the experiments.

The results showed that engine operation at idle speed emits high levels of CO, CO2, HC, NOx and noise. The produced emission levels depend highly on fuel type. The premium gasoline (ON=92) represents the lower emissions level except for noise at all idling speed. Adding methanol to ordinary gasoline (ON=82) showed high levels of emi

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The credibility of satellite news channels directed in Arabic from the perspective of Iraqi media, Survey Study
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This research aims at identifying the commitment of satellite news channels in Arabic to the set of important standards that reflect their credibility in dealing with the media material, and considering that these channels give special importance to events in Iraq, as well as the Arab region and the world, decide to choose them and study them with a problem The research was a question about the level of credibility of Iraqi media. This research is descriptive research, which used the survey method on an objective sample of 245 items, while the questionnaire was used as a data collection tool. Seven channels were selected in Arabic for the study. The three most watched channels were chosen. These channels included the channels of Russia t

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 30 2022
Journal Name
Dirasat: Human And Social Sciences
Eco-awareness as an Antithesis of Apocalyptic Eco-Phobia in Margaret Atwood’s (The Year of the Flood)
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This paper argues that eco-awareness is presented in Margaret Atwood’s The Year of the Flood as a remedy for apocalyptic eco-phobia. The study focuses on apocalypse and eco-phobia as a motivation of the characters’ eco-awareness. Accordingly, the novel depicts several scenes of natural apocalyptic regarding the decline of the environment. There is an obvious relationship between apocalyptic eco-phobia and eco-awareness because they are environmental elements. Therefore, the study examines Atwood’s perception of apocalypse that threatens the ideal nature; she offers alternatives to avoid it via elevating the characters’ eco-awareness. Consequently, eco-awareness exemplifies the ideal natural state needed by the characters bec

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Mar 15 2022
Journal Name
The Graphic privacy in vector graphics design for children's publications
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         The graphic privacy feature is one of the most important specifications for the existence of any type of design achievements alike, which is one of the graphic products with its multiple data, and from here the current research investigates the graphic privacy of vector graphics design with all its technical descriptions and concepts associated with it and the possibility of achieving it to the best that it should be from Where its formal structure in children's publications, where the structural structure of the current research came from the first chapter, which contained the research problem, which came according to the following question: What is the graphic privacy in the design of vector graphics in children's publ

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 09 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Foreign Investment in Oil Sector in Iraq after 2003
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Iraq has the distinction of being a great potential of non-renewable natural resources,
especially crude oil and natural gas. Since the discovery of crude oil at the beginning of the
twentieth century in Iraq. Although the different of investment types, it contributed to the oil
sector in the provision of financial resources to the state treasury , since that date until the
present time.
Search has been marked by division ((The foreign investment in the oil sector in Iraq after
2003)) into three sections. The first section included a brief history of the development of
Iraq's oil potential in terms of oil reserves, and oil fields, and the quantities of production and
export. The second section reviewed the investm

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Diagnosing COVID-19 Infection in Chest X-Ray Images Using Neural Network
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With its rapid spread, the coronavirus infection shocked the world and had a huge effect on billions of peoples' lives. The problem is to find a safe method to diagnose the infections with fewer casualties. It has been shown that X-Ray images are an important method for the identification, quantification, and monitoring of diseases. Deep learning algorithms can be utilized to help analyze potentially huge numbers of X-Ray examinations. This research conducted a retrospective multi-test analysis system to detect suspicious COVID-19 performance, and use of chest X-Ray features to assess the progress of the illness in each patient, resulting in a "corona score." where the results were satisfactory compared to the benchmarked techniques.  T

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Scopus (4)
Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Apr 09 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study of the Density of Crustacean Zooplankton and Some Environmental Factors Inside and Outside the Cages Breeding Fish in the Tigris River (Al Rashidiya area) Baghdad
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Two orders of zooblankton,were studied Cladocera and Copepeda in two classes Calanoida and Cyclopoda, where it was studied inside floating cages and for breeding fish placed in the Tigris River in the Rashidiya area. Has been study The population density of zooplankton groups and measure some chemical and physical characters, was studie where she collected samples of zooplankton and water from two locations of cages (inside the cages, after 100m from cages). The study was conducted within six months from January to the end of June 2014 during which there was study of the Wallace pH, water temperature, biological oxygen demand and dissolved oxygen, as to the zooplankton study the species disappeared inside cages of fish and existed after

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