The research aims to identify the extent to which Iraqi private banks practice profit management motivated by reducing the taxable base by increasing the provision for loan losses by relying on the LLP it model, which consists of a main independent variable (net profit before tax) and independent sub-variables (bank size, total debts to total equity, loans granted to total obligations) under the name of the variables governing the banking business. (Colmgrove-Smirnov) was used to test the normal distribution of data for all banks during the period 2017-2020, and then find the correlation between the main independent variable sub and the dependent variable by means of the correlation coefficient person, and then using the multiple regression model to find the effect between the research variables according to the equation of the LLP it model for a sample of three banks (the Commercial Bank of Iraq, the Bank of Baghdad, the Ashur International Bank) based on a time series extending from (2017-2020). The researchers reached the most important conclusions :The possibility of using the LLP it model on Iraqi banks to reveal the practice of profit management and there is a significant correlation between the net profit before tax and the provision for loan losses. The researchers recommended the most important recommendations: Conducting continuous tests to detect banks that practice earnings management for the purpose of reducing the tax base, the necessity of using modern tools and methods (LLP it) by the tax administration to limit the practice of profit management in order to reduce the tax base
مشكلة البحث
لقد تفاقمت مشكلة تلوث البيئة في السنوات الأخيرة من العقد الأخير والعقد الأول من القرنين العشرين والحادي والعشرين على التوالي بشكل يلفت النظر. إذ انتشر الاستعمال غير العقلاني للموارد الطبيعية من مياه ملوثة وسكن غير صحي وغير ملائم وسؤ التغذية وظروف الصحة العامة الرديئة وانتشار العوادم التي تحدثها المركبات والمولدات التي انتشرت في أحياء المدن العراقية لتزوي
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Anhdralazuri of Yazour a village Ramle Palestine, from a religious family of Abu Mohammed Yazouri arrived in Egypt in the year (439 AH / 1036 AD), and was aimed from behind, returned him to his previous position to assume spend Ramle, Fasttaa a senior statesmen to provide Abu Muhammad Yazouri L. Caliph assuming start, Vtm him so, raising its standing and became MetwallyDiwan or caliph, in the year (441 AH / 1049 AD) was assigned the Chief Justice did not stop at that, but the era of his post of the ministry a year (442 AH / 1051 AD), having proven merit in every Matulah, The minister Yazouri of the powerful minister aspiring and employers pens won several titles did not collect it for one by the judiciary, advocacy and ministry granted C
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This research try to show the influence of the religion in the character of King Amenmhet I , he entered the names of the gods in the installation of his names, because he aimed to the trust of fellows and to get the loyalty centers of worship, and deliberately enter the name of the god Amun in the composition of his name and make him the first god of the state, which covered all the gods of Egypt, after the merge with each other, such as the gods Re became the god Amun - Re or after he inherited the functions of some of the other recipes such as what happened with the god Min
Praise be to God, who is by His Power, righteous is done, and by His help to slaves who He likes, and God bless our Prophet Muhammad envoy mercy to the worlds, and upon his family and the good mates until Doomsday.After:
The fact that cursing is the far distance and expulsion from the mercy of God, curse has been proven by him - peace be upon him - for the many varieties in the Sunnah, with indication of a permit cursing the insurgents from the people of Qibla, either saying - peace be upon him -: (the believer never be as a curser ...), what is meant by those who do not deserve damnation of those not cursed God and His Messenger, and for this we must remove words cursing from the Dictionary of our words following the examp
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Ali Şir Nevai’nin vücuda getirdiği edebi Çağatayca, edebi ve canlı bazı Türk şivelerinin işlenmesinden ve kaynaşmasından hasıl olmuştur. Bu gün bu dilin
fonetik bünyesi hakkında, en çok bilgi veren, yine Nevai’nin kendisidir. Onun―Muhakeemet-ül-luğateyn‖ adlı eseri, bu bakımından büyük bir değer taşımaktadır.Bu eserinde Nevai, bir taraftan Türk dilinin Farsçaya üstünlüğünü ispata kalkışken, bir taraftan da kendi Türkçesinin fonetik ve morfolojik özelliklerini belirtmiştir. O, Arab imlası kaidesi üzerine ayni şekilde yazılarak, semantik yönden başka başka manalarda kullanılan kelimeleri sıralarken, açık bir surette, edebi Çağataya şivesinin fonetik bünyesini d
كَشفت التنقيبات في مدن العراق القديم كالوركاء وماري عـن بقايا أبنية المدارس الموسيقية ( ) . وفي العصر السومري الحديث ( 2000 – 1950 ق. م. ) حُفِظ ما يؤيد وجود مواد المنهج الموسيقي النظري والعملي لعملية التعليم في مدرسة المعبد أو القصر الملكي ، إضافة لبعض اللقى الآثارية كآلات فخارية خاصة بالطفل ، والتي بوساطتها كان يتم تعليم الطفل في البيت ( ) . واحتلت الموسيقى مكانة هامة في حضارات الشرق المختلفة المُتزامنة مع حضارات و
... Show Moreانف كتاب أي.أس.أمىز(6291-9006) انشعشي شاطًء الاشجاس ((1981مه 73قصٍذي. ٌىاقش انبذث ٌزي انقصائذ مه مىضُس فهسفت انطاًٌَ َانتً اتبعٍا انشاعش بذقً فً كتابً.ٌظٍش انكتاب بُضُح انكثٍش مه ملامخ انطبٍعً َانتً تتضمه تغٍشاث دٌىامكًٍ َتطُس تذسٌجً نمختهف انكائىاث انذًٍ .ٌصف انشاعش فً اَل سهسهً مه قصائذي انصُسي انذقٍقًٍ نهكُن مه خلال سؤٌا عمٍقً نهطاًٌَ َانتً تظٍش جهٍا مه خلال تفاعم الاوسان مع انطبٍعً.تُضخ انقصائذ تقاسب انطاًٌَ م
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