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Effects of Water Scarcity on Rural Household Economy
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This study examined the effects of water scarcity on rural household economy in El Fashir Rural Council / North Darfur State- western Sudan. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were used as to get a deeper understanding of the impact of water scarcity on the rural house economy in the study area. 174 households out of 2017 were selected from 45 villages which were distributed in eight village councils forming the study area. Statistical methods were used to manipulate the data of the study. The obtained results revealed that water scarcity negatively affected the rural household economy in the study area in many features. These include the followings: much family efforts and time were directed to fetch for water consequently, reducing time on farming activities and off-farm income- generating activities especially in summer season. Also scarcity of water negatively affects the household budget allocation in the sense that considerable portion of family income was devoted to meet human and animal water needs or in medical treatments from water related diseases due to consumption of unfit water. But the biggest impact of water scarcity is its adverse effect on the rural household food security due to the reduction of the stable and cash crops productivity or increasing food prices as a fall in the rural household income due to the declining of the annual rainfalls. Finally, water scarcity has resulted in increasing school dropout rates, especially girls, in order to help their families in fetching water for both human and animal consumption which, in the long-run, affect the household economy by jeopardizing the rural household’s human capital

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 03 2013
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Magnetic Water Treatment on Prevention of CaCO3 Scales
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Permanent magnets of different intensities were used to investigate the effect of a magnetic field in the process of preventing deposits of calcium carbonate. The magnets were fixed on the water line from the tap outside. Then heating a sample of this water in flasks and measuring the amount of sediment in a manner weighted differences. These experiments comprise to the change of the velocity of water flow, which amounted to (0.5, 0.75, 1) m/sec through the magnetic fields that are of magnetic strength (2200, 6000, 9250, 11000) Gauss, and conduct measurements, tests and compare them with those obtained from the use of ordinary water.The results showed the effectiveness of magnetic treatment in reducing the rate of deposition of calcium carb

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 07 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Mechanical Engineering Research & Developments
Occupational noise and its effects on Baghdad airport workers
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The problem of noise in the Baghdad airport has been examined in this study; and noise measurement and survey studies have been carried out at four high noise level (operation, training and development, quality system, and information and technology) zones located in this region. Noise exposure is a common hazard to workforce in general although at varying degrees depending on the occupation, as many workers are exposed for long periods of time to potentially hazardous noise. A questionnaire was completed by 122 workers during this study in order to determine the physical, physiological, and psycho-social impacts of the noise on workers and to specify what kind of measurements have been taken both by the employers and workers for protection

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 14 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Mechanical Engineering Research And Developments
Occupational Noise and Its Effects on Baghdad Airport Workers
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The problem of noise in the Baghdad airport has been examined in this study; and noise measurement and survey studies have been carried out at four high noise level (operation, training and development, quality system, and information and technology) zones located in this region. Noise exposure is a common hazard to workforce in general although at varying degrees depending on the occupation, as many workers are exposed for long periods of time to potentially hazardous noise. A questionnaire was completed by 122 workers during this study in order to determine the physical, physiological, and psycho-social impacts of the noise on workers and to specify what kind of measurements have been taken both by the employers and workers for protection

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 10 2022
Journal Name
American Journal Of Economics And Business Management
Analysis and measurement of the financial sustainability of the Iraqi economy for the period 1990-2018
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The research aims to measure the sustainability of the Iraqi economy for the period 1990-2018 as well as to show the impact of fluctuations in the level of GDP on financial sustainability, where financial sustainability is the necessary and sufficient condition for achieving economic and financial balance in the country, as financial sustainability reflects the movement of the state budget and its relationship to GDP through the indicators of deficit, fiscal surplus and public debt internal and external, as well as reflecting the art of managing public debt, and the more managed public debt is achieved, the more the management of public debt is achieved financial sustainability. for the state in the sense that there is a reciprocal

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
نظرة المجتمع إلى التقنیات الحدیثة في تنظیم الأسرة (دراسة نظریة في علم الاجتماع الطبي)
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Human use means of birth control in multiple ways including (Isolate
women) and (breast-feeding) and (with drawl) and was used on a small scale for
religious social and economic reasons, but after the industrial Revolution and the
increase in migration from the country side to the city and the over cowing of
population and the limited income and a women going out to work out side the
home and poor relations of the kinship and the weakness of religious morals and
the rule of the individualism and the complexity of life and the Multiplicity of
needs and goals and openness to western culture and the application of love and
spread the principle of democracy and freedom and deviant use of the media, all
this has hel

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Publication Date
Wed May 31 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Chemiluminescence Study of High Power Microwave Pulses Effects on Whole Blood
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   Chemiluminescenc (CL), light emitted during chemical reaction, is one of the accurate methods used to detect directly oxygen free radicals. In this study, luminol was used as CL detector, to detect the concentration of free radicals formed in whole blood exposed to high power microwave pulses. The changes in the intensity of CL signal gives a clear relation between the concentration of free radicals formed by radiation in blood and changes in blood properties such as hemolysis of blood cells. This is done by measuring the electrical sytoplsimic electrical properties, the results are substituted in Maxwell-Wagner equation, to obtain electrical conductivity of cytoplasm, which is 18.3   ms/cm, while at suspension med

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Nano-Scale core effects on electronic structure properties of gallium arsenide
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Ab – initio density function theory (DFT) calculations coupled with Large Unit Cell (LUC) method were carried out to evaluate the electronic structure properties of III-V zinc blend (GaAs). The nano – scale that have dimension (1.56-2.04)nm. The Gaussian 03 computational packages has been employed through out this study to compute the electronic properties include lattice constant, energy gap, valence and conduction band width, total energy, cohesive energy and density of state etc. Results show that the total energy and energy gap are decreasing with increase the size of nano crystal . Results revealed that electronic properties converge to some limit as the size of LUC increase .

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
The effects of devitrification on the lithium glass surface and microstructure
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Publication Date
Tue May 23 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Injection Temperature Effects on the Properties of High Density Polyethylene Crates
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This study was undertaken to provide more insight on the optimum injection temperature used for the production of PE crates, thereby saving time and money, and improving part quality. The work included processing trails of HDPE crates in an injection
molding machine at five temperatures ranged from 220 to 300°C. Both Rheological and mechanical characterization was conducted in order to understand the effect of injection temperature on the properties of crates. Oven aging was also applied for (4 weeks) to evaluate the long-term thermal stability. The results revealed that producing the crates at a temperature range of (260-280 °C) gives the best rheological and mechanical result. The lowest drop in thermal stability has been observed

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Experimental Investigation about the Effects of Blockage on Upstream Box Culverts
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This experimental study focuses on scouring in box culvert inlets under steady-state conditions and at different percentages of blockage ranging from 0% to 65%, and also looks at the hydraulics of water in the culvert. The investigation shows that the blockage of the culverts has influenced the scouring pattern at the blocked culverts' entrances. Ten experiments were carried out at the laboratory to see how blockage impacts the scouring pattern upstream of a box culvert during steady flow. Both partially blocked and unblocked cases were implemented in this study. The experimental tests were done until the equilibrium scour occurred, which took about 3.5 hours of water flow to reach equilibrium conditions.  The results r

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