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The Role Of Smart Leadership Dimensions In Crisis Management- A study For Opinions Of Sample Of Administrative Leaderships In A number Of Humanities Colleges At The University Of Mosul
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This research aims at answering many questions raised by the research problem concerning the view of the organizations under consideration for the concept of smart leadership and its most important dimensions, as well as the view of crisis management and its concept and most important methods through research objectives that define and clarify the smart leadership with its dimensions and methods of crisis management.

For the purpose of reaching the results of the research and testing the assumptions about the relationship between smart leadership and methods of crisis management, the researcher adopted a questionnaire, designed especially to be a criterion for the research, as the main tool for data collection. The results of the research sample, which consisted of (44) respondents from administrative leaders working in a number of humanities colleges at the University of Mosul, were analyzed, and important results were reached related to the existence of crisis management methods at the administrative leaders which work through smart leadership in the organization under consideration. The relation between the two variables was one of a strong correlation and the effect was significant between these two variables. The results confirmed the hypothesis of the research, and explanation of the role played by smart leadership in terms of its dimensions in crisis management in the researched field

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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Delays occur commonly in construction projects. Assessing the impact of delay is sometimes a contentious
issue. Several delay analysis methods are available but no one method can be universally used over another in
all situations. The selection of the proper analysis method depends upon a variety of factors including
information available, time of analysis, capabilities of the methodology, and time, funds and effort allocated to the analysis. This paper presents computerized schedule analysis programmed that use daily windows analysis method as it recognized one of the most credible methods, and it is one of the few techniques much more likely to be accepted by courts than any other method. A simple case study has been implement

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
المستخلص تمثل إدارة التغيير التنظيمي، نهج يُتبع لتحويل او انتقال الفرد، او فريق العمل، او المنظمة من حالة راهنة الى حالة مستقبلية مخطط لها. فهي عملية تنظيمية تهدف إلى مساعدة اصحاب المصلحة للقبول ومن ثم تبني التغييرات في بيئة الاعمال الخاصة بهم. ويمكن
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     The organizational change management, follows the approach to the transfer or transmission of the individual, or team, or the organization of the current case to the case of a future planned. It is an organizational process aimed at helping stakeholders to accept and then the changes in their business environment. And job satisfaction can be defined as the individual's sense of happiness and satisfaction during the performance of his work and achieved compatibility between what the individual expects from his work and how much it actually gets in this work, and job satisfaction is to pay the individual components of the work and production. Through the concepts above chose researcher on the title search g

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Directive and Steerable Radiation Pattern using SASPA Array
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This work examines the ability of a special type of smart antenna array known as Switched Active Switched Parasitic Antenna (SASPA) to produce a directive and electronically steerable radiation pattern. The SASPA array consists of antenna elements that are switchable between active and parasitic states by using P-Intrinsic-N (PIN) diodes. The active element is the element that is supplied by the radio frequency while short-circuiting the terminals of an element in the array results in a parasitic element. Due to the strong mutual coupling between the elements, a directional radiation pattern with high gain and a small beamwidth can be produced with only one active element operating at a time. By changing the parasitic state to the active

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Media campaigns, evolution and concept
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In dealing with media management phenomenon, concept and elements, we have tried, as much as possible, to build an abstract concept that can be analyzed and measured by analyzing the elements and components of the concept mentioned and explain it.

Before further consideration of the management of media campaigns, it is necessary to restore some points of media management so as not to understand the subject of campaign management as if it is independent of the concept of media management and the objectives that we seek to ensure its achievement. As we have noted that the concept of media management frames the administration mentioned as:

- Authority to manage the media institution.

- Operations supervised by the me

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Indoor Positioning and Monitoring System Using Smartphone and WLAN (IPMS)
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Buildings such as malls, offices, airports and hospitals nowadays have become very complicated which increases the need for a solution that helps people to find their locations in these buildings. GPS or cell signals are commonly used for positioning in an outdoor environment and are not accurate in indoor environment. Smartphones are becoming a common presence in our daily life, also the existing infrastructure, the Wi-Fi access points, which is commonly available in most buildings, has motivated this work to build hybrid mechanism that combines the APs fingerprint together with smartphone barometer sensor readings, to accurately determine the user position inside building floor relative to well-known lan

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Use Principal Component Analysis Technique to Dimensionality Reduction to Multi Source
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This paper tackles with principal component analysis method (PCA ) to dimensionality reduction in the case of linear combinations to digital image processing and analysis. The PCA is statistical technique that shrinkages a multivariate data set consisting of inter-correlated variables into a data set consisting of variables that are uncorrelated linear combination, while ensuring the least possible loss of useful information. This method was applied to a group of satellite images of a certain area in the province of Basra, which represents the mouth of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in the Shatt al-Arab in the province of Basra.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 20 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Reinforcement Learning-Based Television White Space Database
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Television white spaces (TVWSs) refer to the unused part of the spectrum under the very high frequency (VHF) and ultra-high frequency (UHF) bands. TVWS are frequencies under licenced primary users (PUs) that are not being used and are available for secondary users (SUs). There are several ways of implementing TVWS in communications, one of which is the use of TVWS database (TVWSDB). The primary purpose of TVWSDB is to protect PUs from interference with SUs. There are several geolocation databases available for this purpose. However, it is unclear if those databases have the prediction feature that gives TVWSDB the capability of decreasing the number of inquiries from SUs. With this in mind, the authors present a reinforcement learning-ba

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Scopus (2)
Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
الادارة بالرؤية المشتركة وانعكاساتها على التسويق الابداعي بحث استطلاعي لعينة من موظفي الشركة العامة للصناعات الكهربائية
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ان السبب الرئيسي لاختيار الموضوع كونه من الاساليب الادارية الحديثة التي تهدف الى انجاح المنظمة او الشركة المبحوثة, اذ تمثلت مشكلة البحث في ما دور الادارة بالرؤية المشتركة في تعزيز التسويق الابداعي بالشركة المبحوثة, يهدف البحث الى تسليط الضوء على مفهوم الادارة بالرؤية المشتركة وانعكاساتها على التسويق الابداعي للمنظمة ، باعتبارها منهج اداري حديث يسهم في تغيير وتجديد وتطوير واقع المنظمة المبحوثة( الشرك

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