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The Role of Islamic Banks and Private Commercial Banks in Increasing Financial Depth in Iraq
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The banks mobilize savings and channel them to the economy, whether commercial or Islamic banks and thus both contribute to increasing financial depth, the objective of this paper is to measure the contribution of the Islamic banks in increase financial depth in Iraq, and compared the role played by private commercial banks in contributing to increasing financial depth in Iraq. The paper has been applying the most used indicators of financial depth that used widely in the literatures, especially those applicable with the Iraqi economy.

The paper found via using the Autoregressive Distributed Lag Model (ARDL) that Islamic banks did not contribute to increasing financial depth in Iraq, as well as for the privately-owned commercial banks,

This negative role of both Islamic banks and private banks was a result of the conditions experienced by Iraq's economy, and the most important problems facing the Iraqi economy is the destroyed infrastructure of the country during the period of nineties because of the wars and the economic blockade imposed on Iraq during that period, and then the invasion after 2003 that contributed more to the ruin of infrastructure. In addition, lower role played by the private sector in the economy in association with the uncertain security situations in Iraq, making the performance of banks too weak.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 03 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Comparison among Populations of Mosquitoes Culex quinquefasciatus Say by using Geometric Morphometric Technique from Different Regions of Iraq
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The geometric morphometric technique was used to study the variables in the shape and size wings of different populations of mosquitoes Culex quinquefasciatus from different Iraqi provinces Babylon, Baghdad and Wasit. The results showed that the average of centroid size were 366, 387.5 and 407.4 Micron in Babylon, Baghdad and Kut, respectively. The statistical analysis showed that there were no significant differences in the average of centroid size of all specimens and they belong to the same species.

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Scopus (2)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Optimization of Locations for Bioswales Stormwater Management Using BMP Siting Tool - Case Study of Sulaymaniyah City-KRG-Iraq
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Today, urban Stormwater management is one of the main concerns of municipalities and stakeholders. Drought and water scarcity made rainwater harvesting one of the main steps toward climate change adaptation. Due to the deterioration of the quality of urban runoff and the increase of impermeable urban land use, the treatment of urban runoff is essential. Best Management Practice (BMP) and Low Impact Development (LID) approaches are necessary to combat climate change consequences by improving the quantity and quality of water resources. The application of Bioswales along urban streets and roadways can reduce the stress on water resources, recharge groundwater and prevent groundwater pollution. While Sulaymaniyah City has a

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Mon Dec 31 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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This study includes applying chemical tests on cow, sheep and chicken bones including both hallow and flat. The results of chemical tests on bones mentioned the moisture percentage which was between 4.95-7.32 %, and it was noticed the difference in protein percentage among different kinds of bones, The highest protien percentage was 39.62 % in hallow chicken bones and the lowest was in hallow sheep bones 20.31%, at the same time, the highest Ash percentage was in hallow sheep bones48.11% , whereas the highest percentage of fat was in hallow cow bones 30%. The chemical and physical tests were conducted for extracted fat from hallow and flat bones for cows, sheeps and chicken. It was found that peroxide values (PV), and free fatty acids (F

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Analytical Study of the Royal-Jelly Effect on Sperms Morphological Characteristics and some Liver Function Parameters and their Correlation with some Antioxidants in Male Albino Rats Treated with Pregabalin Drug
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Abstract<p>In recent years, the consideration of natural products as anti-inflammatory and antioxidative treatments has more interested worldwide. Moreover, natural products are easily obtained and are relatively safe the Royal jelly (RJ) is one of them. The current study was carried to evaluate the effects of pregabalin (PGB) on physiological activity of sperms, reproductive hormones assay and some biochemical analysis. Forty (40) male albino rats (10-weeks-old) were divided into four groups (10 rats each): G1 (treated with PGB drug, 150 mg/kg B.wt (Lyrica-Pfizer-Pharmaceutical Industries), G2 (treated with RJ 1g/kg), G3 (treated with PGB drug and RJ together), and G4 control treated with norma</p> ... Show More
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Dec 27 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Stress Analysis of the Hip Bone
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The bony pelvis has a major role in weight transmission to the lower limbs. The complexities of its geometric form, material properties, and loading conditions render it an open subject to biomechanical analysis.

 The present study deals with area measurement, and three-dimensional finite element analysis of the hip bone to investigate magnitudes, load direction, and stress distribution under physiological loading conditions.

 The surface areas of the auricular surface, lunate surface, and symphysis pubis were measured in (35) adult hip bones. A solid model was translated into ANSYS parametric design language to be analyzed by finite element analysis method under different loading conditions.

The surface

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
3-D Packing in Container using Teaching Learning Based Optimization Algorithm
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The paper aims to propose Teaching Learning based Optimization (TLBO) algorithm to solve 3-D packing problem in containers. The objective which can be presented in a mathematical model is optimizing the space usage in a container. Besides the interaction effect between students and teacher, this algorithm also observes the learning process between students in the classroom which does not need any control parameters. Thus, TLBO provides the teachers phase and students phase as its main updating process to find the best solution. More precisely, to validate the algorithm effectiveness, it was implemented in three sample cases. There was small data which had 5 size-types of items with 12 units, medium data which had 10 size-types of items w

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Dec 28 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Aircraft Lateral-Directional Stability in Critical Cases via Lyapunov Exponent Criterion
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Based on Lyapunov exponent criterion, the aircraft lateral-directional stability during critical flight cases is presented. A periodic motion or limit cycle oscillation isdisplayed. A candidate mechanism for the wing rock limit cycle is the inertia coupling between an unstable lateral-directional (Dutch roll) mode with stable longitudinal (short period) mode. The coupling mechanism is provided by the nonlinear interaction of motion related terms in the complete set equations of motion. To analyze the state variables of the system, the complete set of nonlinear equations of motion at different high angles of attack are solved. A novel analysis including the variation of roll angle as a function of angle of attack is proposed. Furthermore

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 17 2016
Journal Name
Phenotypic variations in decorative designs Alangat: أمين عبد الزهرة ياسين النوري
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The problem with the research essential questionably is: (What are the variations phenotypic designs decorative Alangat) The research aims detection of phenotypic variables and Acgalah in Wares structure decorative employee in the decorative designs in the external and internal interfaces to the tombs of the Iraqi holy shrines and the walls of b (upper threshold _ Najaf) Alattabatin Husseinia and Abbasid in the holy city of Karbala) current position (1435 AH / 2014 AD). And ensure that the theoretical framework topics following: diversity in the structure motifs and vegetable processors color as well as landmarks decking decorative decorative gift items and adopted a researcher at the procedures purely on the descriptive analytical appro

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2010
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Bionics-Based Approach for Object Tracking to Implement in Robot Applications
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In this paper, an approach for object tracking that is inspired from human oculomotor system is proposed and verified experimentally. The developed approach divided into two phases, fast tracking or saccadic phase and smooth pursuit phase. In the first phase, the field of the view is segmented into four regions that are analogue to retinal periphery in the oculomotor system. When the object of interest is entering these regions, the developed vision system responds by changing the values of the pan and tilt angles to allow the object lies in the fovea area and then the second phase will activate. A fuzzy logic method is implemented in the saccadic phase as an intelligent decision maker to select the values of the pan and tilt angle based

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 15 2021
Journal Name
Dramatic wonder in children's theater performances: ميادة مجيد امين اسماعيل الباجلان
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Dramatic wonders at children's theatre shows Search summary The importance of the current study is to present an important concept, from the point of view of those interested in the field of literature and the theater of the child, namely (miraculous) because it represents an innate tendency immersed in the child's mind, and therefore it is easy to impress him when attracting him with a text and a presentation addressed to him, to achieve the aesthetic and intellectual vision, so the problem of research was in the following question: (dramatic wonders in children's theater performances) and the importance of research lies in the importance of the importance of the role of wonder for dramatic discourse in children's theatre performances,

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