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Impact Kaizen Budget to reducing costs and continuous improvement the operations: study in General Company for Light Industries

The budget represents a critical accounting tool used for planning and control. It is considered a measure of the results expected to occur.

This study aims to identify the impact of the Kaizen Budget in reducing costs and continuous improvement on the General Company's operations for Light Industries. The research idea is based on the fact that preparing the budget based on constant improvement supports the higher management of people, processes, materials, and production methods, thus enabling them to manage and reduce their costs.

Research results that the prepared budget suffers from many shortages that limit the materials' usefulness for management

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 11 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Developing Load Balancing for IoT - Cloud Computing Based on Advanced Firefly and Weighted Round Robin Algorithms

The evolution of the Internet of things (IoT) led to connect billions of heterogeneous physical devices together to improve the quality of human life by collecting data from their environment. However, there is a need to store huge data in big storage and high computational capabilities.   Cloud computing can be used to store big data.  The data of IoT devices is transferred using two types of protocols: Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) and Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). This paper aims to make a high performance and more reliable system through efficient use of resources. Thus, load balancing in cloud computing is used to dynamically distribute the workload across nodes to avoid overloading any individual r

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measuring the impact of interest rates on the movement of international financial flows (Japan case study) for the period 1985-2005

يعد الاقتصاد الياباني احد اكبر الاقتصادات الرأسمالية المتقدمة ويحتل المرتبة الثالثة بعد الاقتصاد الأمريكي واقتصاد الاتحاد الاوربي من حيث حجم الناتج المحلي الإجمالي والذي يكاد يقترب من (5) تريليون دولار سنويا.

لقد ادت التطورات المتلاحقة التي شهدها الاقتصاد العالمي وخاصة في حقل التمويل الدولي خلال العشرين سنة الاخيرة الى تصاعد وارتفاع في حجم وحركه رؤوس الاموال الدولية على اوسع نطاق بحيث ا

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of not applying justice career empowerment in Jordanian government institutions on the performance of working women

The study aimed to identify the reality of the application of the organizational equity empowerment at the Jordanian government institutions from the viewpoint of women employees in terms of each of the (delegation equity, training equity, appraisal equity, join in committees equity, participation in decision-making equity), and the impact of non-application of equity empowerment on performance.

Population of the study amounted (986) women employee, while the researcher distributed (340) questionnaire through a randomly sample method.

The study used the questionnaire as a tool to collect the data. And to ensure the reliability of the questionnaire has been calculated Cronbach's co

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 24 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
The role of e-commerce in the insurance industry and its impacts on consumer rights (In the case of the National Insurance Company study): The role of e-commerce in the insurance industry and its impacts on consumer rights (In the case of the National Insurance Company study)

The e-commerce is one of the best achievements of the twentieth century, since the conduct commercial transactions via the Internet may be the consumer easy selection process and purchase convenient manner different from traditional methods, and with the beginnings of the new millennium impose the emergence of e-commerce term significant challenges to the insurance industry as an important economic sectors Generally, and insurance companies in particular as a result of scientific development, which has led to a reduction in costs and innovation in the production, which led to intense competition on both levels local or global. The insurance industry is a vital part of the economy and it has a varied impact to the community and individual

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Evaluating the extent of the response of the tax administration leaders towards the concept of the strategic lens and its relationship to tax pioneer performance: Applied Research in the General Authority for taxes

The aim of the research is to evaluate the response of the researched leaders towards practicing the concept of the lens, which is its dimensions with (stakeholders, resource mobilization, knowledge development, culture management) and the nature of its relationship to tax pioneer performance represented in its dimensions (strategic direction, leadership indicators, growth, renewal and modernization, efficiency, Effectiveness) The questionnaire was approved as a main tool in collecting data and information from the sample members in the General Authority of Taxes, which number (91) Who are on (M. General Manager, Division Director, Deputy Director, Senior Division Director, Deputy Director, Second Division, Division Officer, M. D

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Importance of Effort and its Impact in Building the Society in the Light of the Holy Book and Sunna

The Importance of Effort and its Impact in Building the Society in the Light of
the Holy Book and Sunna.
Thank for God and peace be upon Prophet Muhammad, His hose hold and
This research is to refute a fault : that Islam as a religioncalls for laziness and
dependence and this in first, Second, to show the originality of the Islamic method in
building and construction.
This research Starts with an introduction in which I refer to the nature of the
Islamic method and its way of work in life: that it is a divine method that is achieved
by the effort of the people them selfves and not through a divine extraordinary power:
The research explains the shift in the peoples life who were addressed by this<

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Impact of quantitative (indirect) instruments of monetary policy on some indicators of financial stability in Iraq for the period (2003-2016)

The indirect monetary policy tools led to financial stability for the period being studied through the use of indicators of financial stability (aggregate) to show the effect of the foreign reserves of the Central Bank of Iraq and its indirect instruments in achieving financial and economic stability, especially after the significant decline in oil prices and dependence of the Iraqi economy on Oil (rent) and lower reserves of the Central Bank of Iraq after 2014 and now compared to previous years, the goal of this research is to achieve financial stability according to selected indicators and achieve an optimal monetary policy to achieve the development goals of The economic policy in the country. Standard models were used to test

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The role of relational general policies in achieving the aims of sustainable development

شهدت العالم منذ نهايات القرن الماضي وبدايات القرن الواحد والعشرين تطورات دراماتيكية على صعيد الادبيات التنموية ، اذ تحولت التنمية من المفهوم التقليدي الذي اهتم بالنمو الاقتصادي الى رؤية جديدة هي رؤية التنمية البشرية ومن ثم الى التنمية المستدامة التي اعطت للتنمية البعد الانساني وجعلت من مشكلات واحتياجات البشر منطلق لها لتحويل الفرد والمجتمع الى مرحلة جديدة تضمن له العيش الكريم وتحقق معه

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Evaluating the Observing Internal System in the General State of Taxes and its Role in Increasing the Taxes Revenue

The internal observing system is considered a cornerstone for the high management in all the systems. It aims at defending the things for waste and increasing efficient and application the rules and regulations and constrictions. To easier for the high management activity in the internal observing system which in presented and practiced and to what extent can depend on it. Thus it goes to evaluate the internal observing system periodically to check the weak points in that system so as the find out the mistake, in the construction of the system or mistake, by indication of the workers. The importance of this study is represented in the need of increasing the coactivity in the internal observing system so as to be in touch with the new tre

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 26 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Role of the General Dudget in the Achievement of Sustainable Development: دراسة تحليلية مقارنة للموازنة العامة العراقية

The traditional method adopted in the preparation of the general budget in Iraq is not consistent with developments in the size specification response and spending and the associated weakness in the size of the amounts earmarked for investment projects which could adversely affect future generations and not to enable them to continue the development, which requires talking to estimate the adoption of style public expenditure in the state budget and reduce waste and extravagant where and invest public revenues of the state in investment projects and preservation of the environment and natural resources in order to ensure the benefit of future generations system, according to the system serves to achieve the overwhelming majority of member

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