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A proposed model for disclosing the role of the collective intelligence system in improving joint auditing
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This research aims to present a proposed model for disclosure and documentation when performing the audit according to the joint audit method by using the questions and principles of the collective intelligence system, which leads to improving and enhancing the efficiency of the joint audit, and thus enhancing the confidence of the parties concerned in the outputs of the audit process. As the research problem can be formulated through the following question: “Does the proposed model for disclosure of the role of the collective intelligence system contribute to improving joint auditing?”   

The proposed model is designed for the disclosure of joint auditing and the role of collective intelligence in improving it to achieve integration between the auditor’s report on the one hand and the joint audit information on the other hand, by disclosing the joint audit information in the explanations complementing the audit report that should be available in the current audit file of the economic unit in question. Auditing, by merging the questions of the collective intelligence system (who, what, how, why) with the indicators of the quality of the audit, and the research reached a set of conclusions, the most important of which is unified documentation of the joint audit work in the audit office as it is permissible to use the collective intelligence system—documenting the work carried out by members of his team independently of the other office. As for the most important recommendations, they were represented in need to adopt the proposed model for using collective intelligence to improve the quality of joint auditing performance, which aims to provide a mechanism for disclosure and documentation of joint auditing

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 28 2024
Journal Name
The Iraqi Journal Of Veterinary Medicine
جرثومة الزائفة الزنجارية كاشف فعال للتحري عن المستخلصات النباتية المثبطة لاستشعار النصاب
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استشعار النصاب (Quorum sensing, QS) هو آلية معروفة تستخدمها جراثيم عديدة للسيطرة على عوامل الضراوة الهامة من خلال الإنتاج والاستجابة اللاحقة ل .)N-acylhomoserine (AHLs جرى تسجيل تثبيط استشعار النصاب (QSI) ، الذي يستهدف الإشارات المعتمدة على AHL، كاستراتيجية للسيطرة على الأمراضية الجرثومية. وبالتالي، تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى البحث عن قدرة جرثومة الزائفة الزنجارية كمؤشر للفحص السريع عن QSI المحتمل المتسبب عن المستخلصات النباتية على أسا

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Evaluation the Effect of Velocity and Temperature on the Corrosion Rate of Crude Oil Pipeline in the Presence of CO2/H2S Dissolved Gases
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In this paper investigate the influences of dissolved CO2/H2S gases, crude oil velocity and temperature on the rate of corrosion of crude oil transmission pipelines of Maysan oil fields southern Iraq. The Potentiostatic corrosion test technique was conducted into two types of carbon steel pipeline (materials API 5L X60 and API 5L X80). The computer software ECE electronic corrosion engineer was used to predict the influences of CO2 partial pressure, the composition of crude oil, flow velocity of crude oil and percentage of material elements of carbon steel on the rate of corrosion. As a result, the carbon steel API 5L X80 indicates good and appropriate resistance to corrosion compared to carbon steel API

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 29 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effect of Using the Computer in Teaching Physics to the Fifth Secondary Grade on the Achievement of Students and Their Retention of Information
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The aims of research is to know the effect of using the computer in

teaching physics to the fifth secondary grade on the achievement of the students and their retention of  information .

The sample consists of ( 50 ) students in the fillh secondary grade (scicnti fie  branch  )   in  Nassiriyah   secondary  school   in  Thi-qar governorate in ( 200 I - 2002 ) that chooses as random Iy and divided

to t>vo equivalent groups:control and experimental .

The researcher built the teaching plans of each group . The five lessons choice from curriculum , and desi b'Tl  five computer teaching programs , and final achievement test from multip

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Integration between hydrochemical and physical data with geographic information systems (GIS) for selecting the best locations groundwater wells in Baghdad city
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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Integrated Core and Log Data to Determine the Reservoir Flow Unit and Rock Facies for Mishrif Formation in South Eastern Iraq
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This work represents study the rock facies and flow unit classification for the Mishrif carbonate reservoir in Buzurgan oil Field, which located n the south eastern Iraq, using wire line logs, core samples and petrophysical data (log porosity and core permeability). Hydraulic flow units were identified using flow zone indicator approach and assessed within each rock type to reach better understanding of the controlling role of pore types and geometry in reservoir quality variations. Additionally, distribution of sedimentary facies and Rock Fabric Number along with porosity and permeability was analyzed in three wells (BU-1, BU-2, and BU-3). The interactive Petrophysics - IP software is used to assess the rock fabric number, flow zon

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 08 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
A Comparative Study According to Angiotensin Genetic Diversity As Indicator for 30m Freestyle Swimming in Youth aged (15 – 16) Year Old
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Publication Date
Mon Feb 15 2021
Journal Name
Drug Delivery And Translational Research
Breast intraductal nanoformulations for treating ductal carcinoma in situ II: Dose de-escalation using a slow releasing/slow bioconverting prodrug strategy
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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Increasing confidence in full field modelling and water flood planning for a giant reservoir under primary depletion through Material Balance modelling
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Abstract<p>One of the principle inputs to project economics and all business decisions is a realistic production forecast and a practical and achievable development plan (i.e. waterflood). Particularly this becomes challenging in supergiant oil fields with medium to low lateral connectivity. The main objectives of the Production Forecast and feasibility study for water injection are:</p><p>1- Provide an overview of the total expected production profile, expected wells potential/spare capacity, water breakthrough timing and water cut development over time</p><p>2- Highlight the requirements to maintain performance, suggest the optimum developmen</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Mon Jan 15 2018
Journal Name
Scientific Reports
Tuning charge carrier transport and optical birefringence in liquid-crystalline thin films: A new design space for organic light-emitting diodes
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Abstract<p>Liquid-crystalline organic semiconductors exhibit unique properties that make them highly interesting for organic optoelectronic applications. Their optical and electrical anisotropies and the possibility to control the alignment of the liquid-crystalline semiconductor allow not only to optimize charge carrier transport, but to tune the optical property of organic thin-film devices as well. In this study, the molecular orientation in a liquid-crystalline semiconductor film is tuned by a novel blading process as well as by different annealing protocols. The altered alignment is verified by cross-polarized optical microscopy and spectroscopic ellipsometry. It is shown that a change in alignment of the </p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Fri Aug 16 2019
Journal Name
Canadian Journal Of Physics
Influence of the variation in the Hubbard parameter (U) on activation energies of CeO2-catalysed reactions
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Accurate description of thermodynamic, structural, and electronic properties for bulk and surfaces of ceria (CeO2) necessitates the inclusion of the Hubbard parameter (U) in the density functional theory (DFT) calculations to precisely account for the strongly correlated 4f electrons. Such treatment is a daunting task when attempting to draw a potential energy surface for CeO2-catalyzed reaction. This is due to the inconsistent change in thermo-kinetics parameters of the reaction in reference to the variation in the U values. As an illustrative example, we investigate herein the discrepancy in activation and reaction energies for steps underlying the partial and full hydrogenation of acetylene over the CeO2(111) surface. Overall, we find th

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