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A proposed model for disclosing the role of the collective intelligence system in improving joint auditing
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This research aims to present a proposed model for disclosure and documentation when performing the audit according to the joint audit method by using the questions and principles of the collective intelligence system, which leads to improving and enhancing the efficiency of the joint audit, and thus enhancing the confidence of the parties concerned in the outputs of the audit process. As the research problem can be formulated through the following question: “Does the proposed model for disclosure of the role of the collective intelligence system contribute to improving joint auditing?”   

The proposed model is designed for the disclosure of joint auditing and the role of collective intelligence in improving it to achieve integration between the auditor’s report on the one hand and the joint audit information on the other hand, by disclosing the joint audit information in the explanations complementing the audit report that should be available in the current audit file of the economic unit in question. Auditing, by merging the questions of the collective intelligence system (who, what, how, why) with the indicators of the quality of the audit, and the research reached a set of conclusions, the most important of which is unified documentation of the joint audit work in the audit office as it is permissible to use the collective intelligence system—documenting the work carried out by members of his team independently of the other office. As for the most important recommendations, they were represented in need to adopt the proposed model for using collective intelligence to improve the quality of joint auditing performance, which aims to provide a mechanism for disclosure and documentation of joint auditing

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2023
Journal Name
Revue Académique De La Recherche Juridique
المسؤولية الجزائية لمزودي خدمة الإنترنت عن جريمة التنمر الإلكتروني.
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يُعد التنمر ظاهرة إجتماعية قديمة موجودة في جميع المجتمعات سواء أكان المجتمع صناعيًا أم ناميًا، كما يُعد من المفاهيم الحديثة نسبيًا، وربما يرجع لحداثة الإعتراف به نوعًا من أنواع العنف فضلاعن ندرة الدراسات التي تناولته وعدم وجود معيار محدد لتحديد السلوك الذي يعد تنمرًا أم عابرًا، لقد بدأ الأهتمام بدراسة التنمر في سبعينات القرن الماضي وأصبح موضعًا يحضى بأهتمام العديد في مختلف البلدان، وفي عصرنا الحالي تطورت

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