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Trends of Women's Economic Empowerment in Iraq for the Period 1990-2018
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This research aims to study the economic, social, and political reality of Iraqi women by identifying the obstacles and diagnosing their empowerment trends in various fields, assessing the extent of their participation in economic activity, and re-achieving balance between women and men by reducing the gender gap between them and reducing the percentage of female unemployment to the lowest possible level. Is achieved by enhancing confidence in Iraqi women by enacting laws and making decisions that allow them to access resources freely. The researcher used the descriptive and analytical method to deal with information and data related to the research topic over a specific period (1990-2018), using local, Arab, and international reports issued by the United Nations and the World Bank, and the Iraqi Ministry of Planning surveys - the Central Bureau of Statistics and previous studies. Among the researcher's findings in the research conclusion is the necessity of empowering Iraqi women by facilitating their possession of an academic qualification that would increase their skills and confidence in themselves and facilitate their involvement in the labour market. Moreover, amend laws that hurt women working in the government and private sectors and activate the media. In addition to activating positive media for women and society to accept her as a right partner with men in all fields of life and work firmly and complete transparency to enforce criminal laws against perpetrators of violence against women in all its forms.

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The use of water resources in light of the challenges of water security in Iraq
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Iraq suffers from lack of water resources supply because the headwaters of the rivers located outside its borders and the influence of upstream countries on the quantities of flowing water, in addition to the increase of pressure on available water as a result of population increase and not adopting the principle of rationalization where misuse and wastage and lack of strategic vision to treat and manage water use in accordance with the economic implications fall.  This is reflected fallout on water security and subsequently on national and food security, while the issue of using water resources is development top priority in different countries in the world because of the importance of water effect on the security of indivi

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Bajila role in the Arabic- Islamic history in the early period of Islam: Bajila role in the Arabic- Islamic history in the early period of Islam
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Bajila regarded as descending from Anmar Ibn Nizar. Al-Masudi accepts
Bajila and Khath”am as being of Nizar, and asserts that it was only out of the
enmity that they were said to be from the Yemen.
Al-Ya”qubi tries to harmonize this by assuming that Anmar married a
women of the Yemen and that his sons Bajila and Khath”am are thus
connected to the people of this region only through their mothers line.
Bajila embraced Islam in the period of the prophet. Omar 1 forced this
tribe to go to Iraq instead of Al-_Sham, and gave them the quarter of Al- Saw
ad. Then they prohibited from that quarter by given money as reward that
made them against omar1.
This tribe assisted the forth rightly guided ca

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Modeling The Power Grid Network Of Iraq
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Recently, the theory of Complex Networks gives a modern insight into a variety of applications in our life. Complex Networks are used to form complex phenomena into graph-based models that include nodes and edges connecting them. This representation can be analyzed by using network metrics such as node degree, clustering coefficient, path length, closeness, betweenness, density, and diameter, to mention a few. The topology of the complex interconnections of power grids is considered one of the challenges that can be faced in terms of understanding and analyzing them. Therefore, some countries use Complex Networks concepts to model their power grid networks. In this work, the Iraqi Power Grid network (IPG) has been modeled, visua

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Scopus (2)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Aug 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of public debt on financial stability in Iraq
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Countries have faced the challenges of high levels of public debt and seek to define the optimum limits to reduce risks to which the financial system can be exposed and its impact on the economy as a whole. Hence the importance of research in studying the impact of internal and external public debt components on indicators of stability of the financial system for the period 2005-2017 for the purpose of knowing the extent of the financial stability indicators response to the high level of the public debt from its optimum ratio, as the aim of the research is to estimate and analyze the dynamic relationship of short and long term between the components of public debt and indicators of financial stability using the (ARDL) model that

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The relationship between organizational justice and empowerment and their impact on achieving organizational commitment (field study in the Department of Labor and Vocational Training)
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The research has deal with the relationship between organizational justice and empowerment and their impact on the achievement of organizational commitment in the office of Labour and Vocational Training. To study the research problem which is represented a sense that employees with low levels of organizational justice and empowerment and the reflection on the organizational commitment of the employees, so that Has been collecting data and information relating to research by designing a questionnaire, were distributed to a sample of (50) people in the office mentioned, and the results of the study to confirm the research hypotheses. and the key results of the research was the presence of correlation relationships and the effect o

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 26 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Income Tax in Iraq and the Treatment of Married Women in Charge
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   Iraqi legislator taxation  married women in charge of the income tax treatment of the man in charge of tax and the application of the principle of equality of individuals to bear public burdens. The factor legislator women in charge of special treatment in some cases, taking into account the circumstances family allow  tax in the case of whether she was married to a man is unable to completely work and does not have a resource, as well as giving the legislator allow for her children. it observed that the amount of allowing still little is notcommensurate with the high cost of living in addition to limiting the tax allowances granted within the limits of the taxpayer and his immediate family did not take the legisla

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 13 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Evaluation of Women's Knowledge and Personal Preference about The Place of Delivery in Baghdad City
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Objective: The study aim to evaluate of women's knowledge and personal preference about the place
of delivery in Baghdad City
descriptive study conducted in baghdad city on the mothers for the period from the 14th of December,
2015 to the 14th of April 2016. The sample of study included 500 mothers who were attending to
primary health care centers have been chosen sample of 26 primary health care center by a multi-stage
Simple random sampling Data was collected through a constructed questionnaire, validity Data was
analyzed by using of descriptive and inferential data analysis methods .
Results: The results indicated that approximately (29.4%) of the mothers in the age group (20-24) and
the average

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
German economic will
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The economic renaissance of Germany began in the mid-nineteenth century, specifically in the year 1848, with the emergence of industry in the east of the country and the creation of a railroad linking the east of the country with its west, and the state and industrial investors at that time adopting a savings approach at the expense of consumption, and thus the emergence of surplus savings and capital accumulation (the basis of economic growth). This helped the German industry to recover locally to cover the need of the local market without resorting to importing, that is, self-reliance in providing life requirements.

    And the Germans continued this approach, especially for capitali

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 28 2022
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Decentralization in Iraq: Addressing The State – Society Gap
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The implementation of decentralization in Iraq was asymmetrical, leading to different forms and paces of implementation. Comparing four cases of Basra, Kirkuk, Nineveh, and Sulaymaniyah indicate that these cases differ in their political stability and autonomy in a way that led to a different forms of decentralization. This paper argues that the higher the level of political autonomy from the federal government, the more efficient the governance model, and the more efficient the governance model, the more legitimate the system (trust), and the more legitimate a system, the more accountable elected officials. Therefore, it recommends reforming the institutional setup of decentralization by having districts, instead of provinces, as the bu

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The role of religious references in the reformation process in Iraq after 2003
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The Shiite religious authority in Iraq has played an active and vital role over its long history in promoting values of tolerance, rejecting extremism, advocating unity and confronting external challenges. This role has increased significantly after 2003 as a result of the great challenges that have passed in Iraq. Despite its clear policy of non-interference in political matters, except in cases of necessity, but the great role it played in maintaining national unity and advocating the rejection of extremism and sectarianism has made it a necessary need in Iraq to confront any deviations, dispersions or threats that affect society and the state. Therefore, its role in the process of reform was prominent on the political level by calling

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