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Detailed feasibility study of the pre-cast reinforced concrete project and its importance in the construction of Iraq
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Purpose:  Providing practical knowledge of the requirements of a detailed feasibility study for selecting the investment project.

Findings:  Directing the private sector towards investing in productive projects - the pre-cast reinforced concrete project - as it achieves a financial return as well as providing Providing foreign currencies by reducing imports and exploiting available natural resources

Practical implications: The importance of a detailed feasibility study to determining whether the project can be implemented or not.

The precast concrete method is one of the best modern construction methods (high quality, low cost and fast to implement).

Social implications: Rapid treatment of destroyed infrastructure, consequently restoring stability to liberated areas, and community reconstruction.

     Providing additional job opportunities that are sustainable, which contributes to reducing unemployment. And Reducing environmental pollutants.

Originality/value: The research has the value of originality, as it deals with the details of an industrial project in several aspects (technical, legal, environmental and economic impacts).








       The feasibility study for the investor of the project is considered as the guide that illuminates a path towards safe investment, as it cares about the investment opportunity and reaching the final decision to accept the opportunity and convert it from just an idea to a project or reject it.

       As a result of the increasing need in Iraq to complete the construction work of the service sector (health, education and housing) in addition to reconstructing the provinces that were exposed to military operations, it was necessary to find alternatives that are characterized by low costs and fast delivery, also to finding solutions to the problem of government's inability to finance investment projects. Therefore, it was suggested that the private sector invests in a Pre-cast project to solve this problem.

       The project site chosen in Anbar Governorate / Fallujah district because the site has several advantages, the most important one is the availability of raw materials, Also the roads connecting the province to the nearby governorates. The total area of ​​the project is (23,200)m2 and consists of a line for production roofs with a capacity of 650 m 3/ day and a line for production walls with a capacity of 1000 m 3/ day. The expected duration of completing the project is one year and the productive life of the project is ten years. On the basis of the expected demand, the expenses and revenues were estimated and analyzed to reach an evaluation of the project's economic feasibility, where the expected internal rate of return for the project (IRR) (38%) and the recovery period is two years and 4 months.

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 20 2022
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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Studies in Iraq that concerned identification of free-living Protozoa (sarcodina) are scarce; so the current study deals with these protozoan communities inhabiting the Tigris River in Baghdad City. Sampling collection stations have been selected at each of AL-Gheraiˈat and AL-Adhamiyah area adjacent to the river. Monthly intervals sampling with three samples were collected from each station from June to September 2020. Total of 23 sarcodina taxa were listed, out of them 5 taxa were new record to the Tigris River in Baghdad: Difflugia urceolata Carter, 1864 (Arcellinida, Difflugiidae), Heleopera perapetricola Leidy, 1879 (Arcellinida, Heleoperidae), Rhaphidiophrys pallida F.E. Schulze, 1874 (Centrohelida, Raphidiophridae), Saccamoeba sp

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Scopus (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Jul 01 2008
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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This study includes a detailed morphological description of Cosmina baghdadensis sp. nov.
from Iraq.
Many characters are used in identification especially chaetotaxy and male genetalia.
Locality, host plant, and data of collection were given.

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 22 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Wind Power Estimation for Al-Hay District (Eastern South of Iraq)
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In this paper the wind data that is measured for 12 months (January to December 2011) at Al-Hay district of Wasit province, southern IRAQ country has been analyzed statistically. The wind speed at heights of 10 m above ground level was measured for every 10 minutes interval. The statistical analysis of wind data was performed using WAsP software which is based on Weibull distributions. The Weibull shape and scale parameters is obtained and used in this paper statistics. The achieved results demonstrated that the study area has Annual Mean Energy Production (AMEP) about 219.002 MWh. The computations have been performed on 70m hub‟s height of the turbine and on Earth surface roughness length (0.0, 0.03, 0.1, 0.4, 1.5) m respectively.

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 02 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A New Species of Sarcophaga Meigen 1826 ( Diptera: Sarcophagidae) From Iraq
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This research includes a detailed  morphological description of

the   Sarcophaga dialensis sp . nov . in Iraq . Many morphological characters are used in identification especially chaetotaxy and male genitalia .Locality records , data of collection and host plant were mentioned.

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 13 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Parasites of Fishes Collected from Tigris River, Salah AlDeen Province, Iraq
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A total of 109 fish specimens belonging to six species (Barbus grypus, B. luteus, B. xanthopterus, Cyprinion macrostomum, Cyprinus carpio and Liza abu) were collected from Tigris river passing through Salah Al-Deen province during the period from September 2008 till January 2009. These fishes were infected with nine parasite species which included two sporozoans (Myxobolus mülleri and Dermocystidium percae), three ciliates (Trichodina cottidarum, T. elegini and T. murmanica) and four monogenetic trematodes (Dactylogyrus rhodeianus, D. vastator, Paradiplozoon cyprini and Microcotyle donavini). Among these parasites, two trichodinids (T. elegini and T. murmanica) were reported for the first time from fishes of Iraq. Also, B. grypus is c

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 11 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
HARLIN model for prediction of solar radiation for Baghdad city, Iraq
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In this study a combination of two basics known methods used to daily prediction of solar insolation in Baghdad city, Iraq, for the first time, the harmonic and the classical linear regression analyses, thus it is called HARLIN model. The resulted prediction data compared with basics data for Baghdad city for two years (2010-2011), where the model showed a great success application in the accurate results, compared with the linear famous and well known model which is used the classical linear Angstrom equations with various formulations in many previous studies.

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Publication Date
Sun May 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Calcareous Nannofossils Biostratigraphy of Tanjero Formation at Azmer anticline Northern Iraq
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Seventy three species of calcareous nannofossils are recorded from the studied section of Tanjero Formation at Azmer anticline, Sulimaniya, Northern Iraq. The studied section reveals four  biozones arranged in an ascending order  from oldest to youngest as follows; Tranolithus phacelosus Interval Biozone (CC23) Part, Rienhardtites lives Interval  Biozone (CC24), Arkhangelskilla cymbiformis Interval Biozone (CC25), and Nephrolithus frequens Rang Biozone (CC26) Part. These biozones are correlated with other calcareous nannofossil biozones of both local and regional sections, leading to conclude a possible age of  Late Campanian- Maastrichtian.

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Scopus (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2011
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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This research includes a detaile description of new species Rhyncomya irakensis sp. nov.
from Iraq.
Localities distribution, host plants and data of collection were recorded.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 06 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A new species of Solanum L.(Solanaceae) from Baghdad city Iraq
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Solanum americanum is a new annual shrubby plant seen recently in fields and gardens of Baghdad city. A new species is described and illustrated, inhabit wet or semi dry places and have consequently a mesophytic habit. A detailed morphological study of the stems, leaves, Inflorescence, flower, male and female reproductive organs and fruits has been done, revealed several interesting taxonomic characteristics, which have not previously been studied in Iraq. Also, anatomical studies reveals constant taxonomical characteristics such as the presence of anthocayanine in outer row of epidermis, distinct chlorenchyma in whole cortex, the wide pith of stems, and presence of distinct mesophyll that differentiated into palisade layer and spongy laye

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2010
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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Twelve species of Tubuliferous thrips, of the family Phlaeothripidae had been reported from Iraq. Two of these were reported previously, Haplothrips cerealis Priesner, by El-Haidari and Daoud 1971 and Haplothrips tritici kurdjumov by Al-Ali 1977 and the rest were recorded for the first time: these are Haplothrips hukkineni Priesner; Haplothrips subtilissimus (Haliday); Haplothrips reuteri Karny; Haplothrips jasonis Priesner; Haplothrips sallloumensis Priesner; Haplothrips pharao Priesner; Phlaeothrips sycomri Priesner; Karnyothrips flavipus (Jones); Karnyothrips melaleucus (Bagnall); Dolicholepta micrurus (Bagnall). Number of insec

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