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The effect of intellectual capital on the Total quality management of higher education and scientific research institutions in Baghdad

         The purpose and goal of the research revolve around the diagnosis of intellectual capital as the logical indicator to study an effective human resource management practice and its influential role in determining the overall quality management of higher education institutions and scientific research in Baghdad.

       To achieve the purpose of the research, an upgraded standard questionnaire was used to collect data and distribute it to the selected sample in a statistical manner from the study population of (5) institutions affiliated with the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Baghdad. A sample of (83) faculty and employees in the community of the researched institutions were targeted. They are known for their competence, experience and expertise within the elite measurements in managing human resources qualified for serious and efficient work. The extraction of results was based on the statistical package (SPSS), using the statistics of the arithmetic mean, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, Spearman correlation coefficient and multiple regression, and statistical tests represented by (t, F).

      According to the results extracted and analyzed, a set of conclusions related to the extent to which the intellectual capital has a distinct role in the development of total quality management in the areas of top management, continuous improvement and strategic planning for quality related to the implementation of the comprehensive strategy of the institutions of the Ministry of Higher Education in Baghdad. Certainly, the results reached to show the moderation of the availability of the necessary infrastructure to enhance the intellectual capital in higher education institutions in Baghdad, which requires an effective review of their organizational structures, as well as attracting and creating client and human capital, as they constitute an added value for developing mental and knowledge maturity For the elite teachers and distinguished employees who possess the ability to think, analyze, create, innovate, and employ knowledge, experience and skill in the field of learning and education.

        Among the most prominent recommendations reached by the research is that it is of the utmost importance for the institution's department of the Ministry of Higher Education in Baghdad to evaluate and evaluate their intellectual assets of teachers and employees, and to develop a strategic plan that includes identifying their current and future needs for human capital from teachers and employees with scientific competence and holders of experience certificates and awards Scientific and patents.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection

The study aimed to estimate the content of lead and determine the quality of the internal coating of metal cans through electrical conductivity as well as to determine the accuracy of the information card for some types of canned food that available in local markets. The information card test showed that all of these samples contained the name of the food, trade mark, country origin, weight, and components, as was indicated by the company producing in all of them except for the C12 sample which was otherwise, and the batch number was mentioned in all samples except for the C3 and C17 which was not clear and not mentioned in the C21, and the validity period was observed (produce and fini

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The development of ethics management system to enhance the social responsibility of government institutions in Iraqi society An analytical study on a sample of top leadership and the presidency of


The objective of this research is to identify the analysis of the ethics of the administration in the development of the social responsibility of one government organizations, and to achieve the objectives of the research was the use of a questionnaire developed for the purpose of data collection and distribution to the research sample, was chosen as a total sample population (50) individuals were relying on statistical package to do a statistical analysis for this research, user, ANSI (SPSS) simple regression analysis, standard deviation, Pearson correlation coefficient.

Research findings show the role of social responsibility in achieving the university's strategy,

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 23 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Effect of Dividend Policy on Earnings Quality in The Companies listed in Iraq Stock Exchange

The dividends is one of difficult and important decisions taken by the administration in the economic units, because this decision has a direct impact on the investor and economic unit, so the main objective of any investor is achieve earnings, as well as information borne by dividends about the earnings quality of the economic unit and the level and efficiency of management to achieving earnings.

The research aims at explaining the effect of the dividends policy on the earnings quality in the companies listed in the Iraq Stock Exchange. The Miller model was used to measu

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 10 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
أثر خصائص لجنة التدقيق في الإفصاح عن رأس المال الفكري: أدلة من فسطين: The Impact of Audit committee characteristics on Intellectual capital disclosure : Empirical evidence from Palestine

The study aimed to examine the impact of audit committee characteristics on the practices of intellectual capital disclosure in the annual reports of Bank and Insurance companies listed on Palestine Exchange, through performing content analysis of the annual reports for the study sample which totaled thirteen companies, including six banks and seven insurance companies. To achieve the study objectives, the study employed a content analysis approach in order to analyze the content of the intellectual capital disclosure practice, in addition, the study used cross-sectional with longitudinal data for time series for a period of time between 2014-2019. The empirical results indicated that financial expertise and the number of meeting

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The reality of smart city development management in the comprehensive development plan for the city of Baghdad 2030


Abstract has many advantages as has historically been one of the regions leading cultural centers . for centuries , it has been a center of commertial and financial operations in Iraq. it is also rich in archeological sites and natural resources, but because of its wars and implementation of urban development strategies are effective and sustainable , so contracted the secretariat of Baghdad with the company (khatib and scirntiffic) for the preparation of the comprehensive development plan for the city of Baghdad in 2030 and funded by the world bank and the fact that the plan was approved ( three stages of it ) and only one phase remains the fourth stage, which is under discussion the aim of the

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Mar 16 2025
Journal Name
Basic Education College Magazine For Educational And Humanities Sciences
Measure awareness Petknlogia the information and its impact on the attainment of knowledge to solve the problems of scientific research material for the students of the fourth stage at the Faculty of Physical Education for Girls

يعتقد البعض ان مفهوم العلم يعني الآلات والاجهزة العلمية (تقنيات التعليم) وهي لا تختلف عن مفهوم تكنولوجيا المعلومات , ويعد هذا الاعتقاد خاطئ , لان العلم هو بناء المعرفة العلمية المنظمة والتي يتم التوصل اليها عن طريق البحث العلمي , اما تكنولوجيا المعلومات فهي "التطبيقات العملية للمعرفة العلمية في مختلف المجالات ذات الفائدة المباشرة بحياة الانسان, او هي النواحي التطبيقية للعلم وما يرتبط بها من آلات واجهزة".

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 19 2024
Journal Name
Job pressures affecting the quality of teachers’ performance at the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences/University of Baghdad

The research aimed to prepare a measure of job stressors affecting the quality of teaching performance in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Baghdad, to identify their levels, if any, and the most influential dimensions on the quality of teaching performance within the college’s work environment, as well as the deanship’s ability to help prevent and Alleviating its severity through logical administrative methods, on a scale that includes four dimensions that include (the administrative and financial environment, the organizational environment, the social and humanitarian environment, and the scientific and research environment). The descriptive approach was adopted using the case study met

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Article Sources mutual complaint among the Directorates of Education staff and directors of Secondary schools in the province of Baghdad in light of some variables

A field study aimed at identifying the sources of mutual complaints among the Directorates of Education staff of their departments and management and run it in their daily dealings with principals in the province of Baghdad, and adopt approach. It was determined the research consists of (2357) male and female employees and 305 randomly stratified simple by the rate of (7%) from the research community as the number of sample reached (167) male and female employees, and selected sample was randomly stratified simple by the rate of (39.67%) of the research community, as the number of sample was (121) principals. It was constructed two questionnaires, the first included (28) items and the second contained (28) items. And the two researchers

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 10 2017
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Technical Variation in Scientific Model

The present study tackles the scientific model and the mechanisms of operating in the formation of the image of the artistic work to create a scene that cares for the aesthetic decoration through raw and techniques and employing them to express the aesthetic values that care for what is not familiar and deviation from the familiar in the visual exhibition and the care for the employment of the technical abilities, lighting, and sound as well as the employment of multiple materials. The research presents the objectives of his study in the exhibition hall of Natural History Museum (University of Baghdad) to create an aesthetic and expressive state at the same time. Then, in the theoretical framework the researcher traces the experiments of

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The effect of credit risk indicators on the profitability of banks in the Arab gulf countries

The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of credit risk indicators on the Arab Gulf countries' banks Profitability over the period of 2015 to 2017.  The banking credit risk was calculated using non-performing loans ratio affecting banks profitability indicators like net income and by using fixed effect and random effect model analyses, the study found that increasing in non-performing loans ratio will decrease the net income in gulf banks, the study also found that personal loans represent the largest share of loans granted in gulf banks. Also, the study recommends the importance of developing the capabilities of credit departments in commercial banks in dealing with bad loans, and studying the financial statem

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