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The effect of creating knowledge according to the model (Nonaka & Takeuchi, 1995) on organizational ambidexterity: A study on a sample of Iraqi private banks
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Purpose - This study relies on the descriptive and analytical approach through collecting and analyzing the necessary data, as this approach focuses on polling the opinions of the research sample and its directions, and aims to develop a model that studies the relationship between knowledge creation and organizational ambidexterity in Iraqi private banks and verifying its validity experimentally.

Design / Methodology / Introduction - A survey was conducted through a questionnaire form to collect data from a sample of (113) managers in private commercial banks. In addition, this study used the AMOS program and the ready-to-use statistical program package (SPSS V.25) to test the proposed hypotheses of the theoretical model experimentally.

Results - The results show that knowledge creation has a significant and positive indirect effect on stimulating organizational ambidexterity in private commercial banks through its effect on exploiting opportunities in the workplace and exploring opportunities in the external environment of banks.

Practical effects - to improve knowledge creation, bank management must pay more attention to it as a strategic resource to create wealth and added value to enable organizations to grow and survive through training courses, holders of higher degrees and attract knowledge expertise in addition to the need to maximize cultural awareness towards improving the organizational ambidexterity of banks, especially in Exploiting the bank's internal opportunities, both material and human, according to the current circumstances, through rewards moral and material incentives.


Originality / Value - This study complements and advances previous research on knowledge creation in several ways. First, the current study proposes a conceptual model that illustrates the interrelationships between the main variables in Iraqi private banks. Second, this study explores the role of organizational ambidexterity that benefits from exploiting and exploring opportunities in the context of knowledge acquisition, accumulation and exchange. Thus, overcoming the challenges associated with creating knowledge.

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2016
Journal Name
Abstraction and its relationship visual attraction designs in women's modern fabrics: حيدر هاشم محمود الحسيني
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The research problem identified to impose question followingDoes the abstract style role in the backs of visual attraction in modern textile designs?The research aims to reveal the role of the external design in modern women's textile designs printed, design and develop foundations for practical purposes to achieve visual attraction through abstract style used in the design of modern women's fabricsIn regard to the second quarter, which contained the theoretical framework and previous studies, it was included in the board three sections, the first section included the concept of abstraction, while the second section included in place of attraction and infrastructure design, In regard to the third topic was concerned with the concept of m

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Song and motivation in language class: Chanson et motivation en classe de langue
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Songs are considered as an educational and a substantial dependable references used in teaching and learning, particularly the so - called foreign language learning that allows learners to adapt to the target language culture and to develop their language learning skills including: listening comprehension, reading comprehension, speaking and writing. Consequently, it can be said that the Francophone songs with the musical richness and resonance specifically facilities French language learning skills  for all levels of education and achieve short and long terms predetermined educational language learning goals.  

     In fact, language learning through songs method does not only include the

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 12 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
المادة المادة السابعة في معاهدة باريس لعام 1856 وموقف الدول الأوربية الكبرى منها
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            The issue of the survival of the Ottoman Empire during the nineteenth century, a controversial topic in European diplomacy, was what was called the "Eastern Question" containing the fate of this country and its regions sprawling one of the hottest topics in the diplomatic major European powers of that century

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
« L'agressivité de la parole et de l'acte » dans Haute Surveillance et Les Bonnes de Jean Genet
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                      La question de la violence et de l'agressivité  porte une importance remarquable dans l’esprit de Jean Genet qui estime le crime   en le considérant comme beau. Il lui donne une valeur suprême. Il le glorifie avec ses personnages criminels.   Le langage théâtral genétien est violent qui conduit à la fin à l’acte agressif, le crime et la mort. Ce théâtre qui aborde la condition humaine retrace sur la scène le chemin tragique de l’homme moderne.               

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 02 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
التكيف للحياة الجامعية وعلاقته بالصف الدراسي لدى طالبات الاقسام الداخلية في الجامعة المستنصرية
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يواجه الكثير من الافراد مشكلات في التكيف، خاصة الطلبة الذين ينتقلون من المرحلة الدراسية الثانوية الى المرحلة الجامعية، حيث يرافق هذه البيئة الثقافية الاجتماعية العديد من الضغوط والمواقف التي تحتم على الطالب الوصول الى تكيف مثالي.

ان التعليم الجامعي يوفر مجالات عديدة للتخصص تعمل على تحقيق طموحات الشباب التي تناسب قدراتهم وميولهم واهتماماتهم، وهو بذلك يمثل نوعية من التعليم تختلف عن النم

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Production Function Analyze For Almansoor General Company For Engineering Industries In Iraq
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The production function forms one of the techniques used in evaluation the  production the process for any establishment or company, and to explain the importance of contribution of element from the independent variable and it's affect on the dependent variable. Then knowing the elements which are significant or non-significant on the dependent variable.

    So the importance of this study come from estimating the Cobb-Douglas production function for Al- Mansoor General Company for Engineering industries in Iraq during the period (1989-2001)

     To explain the importance which effects the independent variable such as

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 06 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
مراكز التعليم ودورها التربوي في حركة التدريسينفي العصر العباسي الأخير (447-656 ﻫ)
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لم يكن من السهولة على الباحث في مجال التربية والتعليم تحديد مراحل التعليم في العصر العباسي الأخير او وضع فواصل محددة بين تلك المراحل المختلفة من ذلك العصر، لان التعليم آنذاك كان يتميز بالمرونة التي تتيح للتعليم الحرية المطلقة في اختيار نوع الدراسة والمادة الدراسية التي يريد دراستها.

فكانت المساجد والكتاتيب والمجالس العامة والخاصة هي المؤسسات العلمية الاولى للتعليم عند المسلمين في عهد ال

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 14 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
السل االدكتور محمد حسن سلمان الحمامي ودورهُ في مكافحة مرض التدرن الرئوي (السل
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Mohammed Hassan Salman is one of the Iraqi national figures who put a clear mark to promote the health institution and to improve the Iraqi people, even it was written about him as "The man who struggled to fight the tuberculosis", He began to struggle against this social courage that has been killing hundreds of Iraqis since his joining of Association for combating tuberculosis in 1999 and his big role in the application of (B-C-G) for the first in Iraq.

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
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مؤتمرات الآداب والعلوم الانسانية والطبيعية
تحليل واقع السياسات التعليمة العربية المتبعة في التعليم العالي وامكانيات تطويرها والنهوض بها
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هذه الورقة البحثية تهدف الى مناقشة سبل تطوير التعليم العالي في العالم العربي والارتقاء به لخلق راسمال بشري وثقافي قادر على مواجهة تحديات العصر، فالتنمية الاقتصادية في العصر الحالي ما عادت تعتمد على المواد الاولية بل على القيمة الابداعية للانسان التي اصبحت اساسية في المنافسة الحالية بين الشعوب الانسانية و اصبح الفكر المبدع هو المنافس الحقيقي المهم حيث تصنع احدث الاجهزة الحديثة باحجام صغيرة ومواد اولية اقل

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 26 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
دلالات الأعمال العسكرية للملوك في الصيغ التاريخية للعصر البابلي القديم (2004-1595 ق.م)
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Received several formats historical kings of old Babylonian era carries connotations military as it chronicled the kings of this era Sunni rule work, was in the forefront of those formulas taken from weapons-grade events have the history of years of their rule, and the keenness of the Kings on the industry that weapon and because it is dedicated to the goddess is the weapon of God, and which pulls the Goddess encouragement and an support them in their wars, they think the Iraqis ancient gods be carrying weapons at the forefront of their armies to fight the enemy with them as well as the receipt of a lot of alliances

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