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The effect of creating knowledge according to the model (Nonaka & Takeuchi, 1995) on organizational ambidexterity: A study on a sample of Iraqi private banks
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Purpose - This study relies on the descriptive and analytical approach through collecting and analyzing the necessary data, as this approach focuses on polling the opinions of the research sample and its directions, and aims to develop a model that studies the relationship between knowledge creation and organizational ambidexterity in Iraqi private banks and verifying its validity experimentally.

Design / Methodology / Introduction - A survey was conducted through a questionnaire form to collect data from a sample of (113) managers in private commercial banks. In addition, this study used the AMOS program and the ready-to-use statistical program package (SPSS V.25) to test the proposed hypotheses of the theoretical model experimentally.

Results - The results show that knowledge creation has a significant and positive indirect effect on stimulating organizational ambidexterity in private commercial banks through its effect on exploiting opportunities in the workplace and exploring opportunities in the external environment of banks.

Practical effects - to improve knowledge creation, bank management must pay more attention to it as a strategic resource to create wealth and added value to enable organizations to grow and survive through training courses, holders of higher degrees and attract knowledge expertise in addition to the need to maximize cultural awareness towards improving the organizational ambidexterity of banks, especially in Exploiting the bank's internal opportunities, both material and human, according to the current circumstances, through rewards moral and material incentives.


Originality / Value - This study complements and advances previous research on knowledge creation in several ways. First, the current study proposes a conceptual model that illustrates the interrelationships between the main variables in Iraqi private banks. Second, this study explores the role of organizational ambidexterity that benefits from exploiting and exploring opportunities in the context of knowledge acquisition, accumulation and exchange. Thus, overcoming the challenges associated with creating knowledge.

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 04 2012
Journal Name
المؤتمر العلمي الدولي الاول
اهمية بعض القياسات الجسمية والبدنية بمستوى الانجاز الرقمي في فعاليه التجديف (الكاياك) 200م
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Publication Date
Wed Aug 07 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Body satisfaction and Depression Symptoms among Children with Precocious Puberty in Baghdad City
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Objective: to evaluate body image and depression symptoms of children with precocious puberty, and find out association between children`s sociodemographic characteristics and their body image and depression signs. Methodology: A cross sectional study, sample of (80) child from both gender, > 7 years were included due to their ability to express their own feeling, diagnosed with precocious puberty, attending out-patient endocrine clinics at pediatric hospitals in Baghdad city. Data collected, during the period from May to November 2018. Consent form has taken from children and their guardians to participate in study. Child body image scale (CBIS) was used to evaluate children body satisfaction (1) and Mood and feeling questionnaire (M

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 27 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الموارد الموارد المالية في الدولة الموحدية بين ما هو مشرع وما هو مستحدث
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  تعد الدولة الموحدية من اغلب دول العالم الاسلامي تميزا من حيث المذهب والايدلوجيا والنظام السياسي 

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
مجلة جامعة الانبار لللعلوم القانونية والسياسية
تقويم قواعد إدارة الشركات في ضوء قانون الشركات العراقي رقم 21 لسنة 1997،
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تقويم قواعد إدارة الشركات في ضوء قانون الشركات العراقي رقم 21 لسنة 1997،

Publication Date
Sun Apr 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
" أثر استراتيجية الجيجسو في تحصيل مادة الجغرافيا وعمليات العلم لدى طالبات المرحلة الاعدادية"
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The goal of current researcher to know the impact of strategic Jigsaw in the collection of hypertext and geographic operations of science students at the preparatory stage And that by checking the following 1.There is no difference statistically significant at the significance level 0.05 between the experimental group students who were studying strategy Jigsaw and between the control group students who studied in the usual way traditional degrees in the average achievement in the subject of geographical 2.There is no difference statistically significant at the significance level 0.05 between the experimental group students who were studying strategy Jigsaw and between the control group students who studied in the usual way traditional av

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 15 2020
Journal Name
Cloud platform functionality in visual media: علي صباح سلمان-ثائر علي جبر الله
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The rapid changes in the field of transferring and exchanging information via cloud platforms have revolutionized the field of modern visual media, as cloud computing technology has greatly influenced the media institutions, providing effort, money and high-quality materials. The research included five chapters, the first came under the methodological framework for the research and the second Theoretical framework, the first two included the concept of cloud computing and the second platforms for cloud computing in the visual media and the third chapter Research procedures and the fourth chapter The sample analysis and the fifth chapter The research results were the most prominent
1. The cloud service made the benefit beyond the typic

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Solve travelling sales man problem by using fuzzy multi-objective linear programming
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   The main focus of this research is to examine the Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) and the methods used to solve this problem where this problem is considered as one of the combinatorial optimization problems which met wide publicity and attention from the researches for to it's simple formulation and important applications and engagement to the rest of combinatorial problems , which is based on finding the optimal path through known number of cities where the salesman visits each city only once before returning to the city of departure n this research , the benefits  of( FMOLP)   algorithm is employed as one of the best methods to solve the (TSP) problem and the application of the algorithm in conjun

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 14 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
المجتمع المجتمع الاسكندري: عاداته وتقاليده الاجتماعية في العصر المملوكي (648-923هـ/1250-1517م)
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ان دراسة الاحوال الاجتماعية في الاسكندرية خلال العصر المملوكي امر مهم لاسيما ان الحياة الاجتماعية في مصر عامة والاسكندرية خاصة اتصفت بكونها بطيئة التغيير خلاف جوانب الحياة الاخرى التي اتصفت بسرعة تغير مجراها كما وان تاريخ الاسكندرية الاجتماعي كان زاخرا بالكثير من نواحي النشاط الانساني من ميادين العمل والتسلية والترفيه والاعياد والافراح فضلا عن تنوع عناصره السكانية وهذا ما سنتناوله ضمن محاور هذا البحث.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
Journal Name
Style between alienation and westernization in contemporary painting: سلامة محمود عبد - صاحب جاسم حسن
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The problematic of the current research marked (style between alienation and westernization in contemporary painting) is demonstrated by the fact that the stylistic forms in art are full of the influx of subjective and emotional impressions, as well as administrative and borrowing techniques, as well as their contextual meaning, whether cultural, social and political, which gives them an alien dimension at one time or another. The aim of the research is: Define the style between alienation and alienwesternization in contemporary painting. The research included six axes dealing with the first axis: an introduction to the concept of alienation, and the second axis dealing with the style in romanticism. The third dealt with: the method in i

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 30 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
منظومة القيم في الحوار مع المخالف عبر التاريخ: حوارات الصحابة ٪ مع الخوارج أنموذجاً
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The research goes to clarifying the system of values ​​in dialogue with the violator through an inspection of our cultural heritage, and our inherent religious values. Al-Rashidah, and this position is represented in their various and varied dialogues with the Kharijites, whether that was at the beginning of their appearance - as is the case in the dialogue of Ali and Ibn Abbas, may God be pleased with them - or after the formation of their teams and the strength of their thorns, as in the dialogue of Ibn al-Zubayr and Jabir bin Abdullah, may God be pleased with them.

In these dialogues, I found important values ​​in the dialogue, which it is good to draw upon and work on, especially with the extremist currents in our tim

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