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Using jack knife to estimation logistic regression model for Breast cancer disease
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It is considered as one of the statistical methods used to describe and estimate the relationship between randomness (Y) and explanatory variables (X). The second is the homogeneity of the variance, in which the dependent variable is a binary response takes two values  (One when a specific event occurred and zero when that event did not happen) such as (injured and uninjured, married and unmarried) and that a large number of explanatory variables led to the emergence of the problem of linear multiplicity that makes the estimates inaccurate, and the method of greatest possibility and the method of declination of the letter was used in estimating A double-response logistic regression model by adopting the Jacknaev method and comparing the capabilities according to the information standard (AIC)

The Jackknife method and the aforementioned statistical capabilities were applied to study the relationship between the response variable (incidence and absence of breast cancer) for a sample size of (100) samples for the year (2020) and the explanatory variables (the percentage of haemoglobin present in red cells in the blood, red blood cells, white blood cells, Platelets, the percentage of haemoglobin in the blood, the percentage of lymphocytes in the blood, the percentage of monocytes, the percentage of eosinophils, the percentage of basophils) And it was evident through comparison that the character regression method in estimating the two-response logistic regression model is the best in estimating the parameters of the logistic regression model in the case of a problem of linearity

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 27 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Assessment of Some Hematological parameters in Iraqi Women with Different Breast Cancer Stages
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Breast cancer (BC) is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women. The metabolism of iron is closely regulated by hepcidin which exerts its action by interacting with a ferroportin.

 The aim of the present study was to assess the alterations in the levels of some serum biomarkers that have a role in iron homeostasis (hepcidin and ferroportin) in addition to hematological parameters (hemoglobin, leukocyte and platelets count) in different stages of BC.

This study included 66 women with BC. The patients were categorized as follows : group 1 includes :22 patients with stage I disease ,group 2 includes: 22 patients with stage II disease ,and group 3 include: 22 patients with stage III disease .Group 4 includes :22 appare

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 18 2019
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Harmonic Knife New Haemostatic Procedure In Thyroid Surgery
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Background: Thyroid operation needs very meticulous haemostasis to have minimal morbidity and mortality.

Objectives: Assessment of harmonic knife in open thyroid surgery as anew haemostatic procedure .

Type of the study: Cross-sectional study.

Methods: This study had been conducted at Alkindy teaching hospital in Baghdad city from the 1st of May 2013 to the 1st of January 2017  on 229  goiterous patients who needs thyroidectomy(36 males,193 females),divided in 2 groups according to the haemostatic procedure used during their operations, Group A (15 males,85females)using the usual conventional surgery(

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 10 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Pharmaceutical, Chemical And Biological Sciences
BRCA1 is Overexpressed in Breast Cancer Cell Lines and is Negatively Regulated by E2F6 in Normal but not Cancerous Breast Cells
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This study focused on the expression and regulation of BRCA1 in breast cancer cell lines compared to normal breast. BRCA1 transcript levels were assessed by real time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) in the cancer cell lines. Our data show overexpression of BRCA1 mRNA level in all the studied breast cancer cell lines: MCF-7, T47D, MDA-MB-231 and MDA-MB-468 along with Jurkat, leukemia T-lymphocyte, the positive control, relative to normal breast tissue. To investigate whether a positive or negative correlation exists between BRCA1 and the transcription factor E2F6, three different si-RNA specific for E2F6 were used to transfect the normal and cancerous breast cell lines. Interestingly, strong negative relationship was found b

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
(Estimation and Analysis of the Cobb-Duglas Production Function for the Rail Transport Sector in Iraq for the Period 1990-2016 using the ARDL Model)
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Since the railway transport sector is very important in many countries of the world, we have tried through this research to study the production function of this sector and to indicate the level of productivity under which it operates.

It was found through the estimation and analysis of the production function Kub - Duglas that the railway transport sector in Iraq suffers from a decline in the level of productivity, which was reflected in the deterioration of the level of services provided for the transport of passengers and goods. This led to the loss of the sector of importance in supporting the national economy and the reluctance of most passengers an

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Cytotoxic effects of CeO2 NPs and β-Carotene and their ability to induce apoptosis in human breast normal and cancer cell lines
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     Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles (CeO2 NPs) and β-carotene are natural-source products that have recently gained an increased interest as pharmaceutical additives because of their effectiveness in living systems, but the behavior of these substances varies according to factors and conditions. The above mentioned materials were evaluated in breast normal (HBL-100) and cancer cell lines (CAL-51 and MCF-7 ) by  different techniques ; MTT assay for studying cytotoxic effects, morphological changes, sqPCR, including gene expression of caspases 8 and 9, and P53. All experiments were conducted on cell lines by the use of the materials alone as well as their combination.                              

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Notes on estimation of ARMA model (1.1) And ARMA (0,1)
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By driven the moment estimator of ARMA (1, 1) and by using the simulation some important notice are founded, From the more notice conclusions that the relation between the sign   and moment estimator for ARMA (1, 1) model that is: when the sign is positive means the root      gives invertible model and when the sign is negative means the root      gives invertible model. An alternative method has been suggested for ARMA (0, 1) model can be suitable when

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 24 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Best Regression for Eye Recognition
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     Human eye offers a number of opportunities for biometric recognition. The essential parts of the eye like cornea, iris, veins and retina can determine different characteristics. Systems using eyes’ features are widely deployed for identification in government requirement levels and laws; but also beginning to have more space in portable validation world.

The first image was prepared to be used and monitored using CLAHE which means (Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization) to improve the contrast of the image, after that the 3D surfac

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison Semiparametric Bayesian Method with Classical Method for Estimating Systems Reliability using Simulation Procedure
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               In this research, the semiparametric Bayesian method is compared with the classical  method to  estimate reliability function of three  systems :  k-out of-n system, series system, and parallel system. Each system consists of three components, the first one represents the composite parametric in which failure times distributed as exponential, whereas the second and the third components are nonparametric ones in which reliability estimations depend on Kernel method using two methods to estimate bandwidth parameter h method and Kaplan-Meier method. To indicate a better method for system reliability function estimation, it has be

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of governmental consumer spending on the development of the current account balance in Iraq for the period (1990-2014) using ARDL model
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To avoid the negative effects due to inflexibility of the domestic production inresponse to the increase in government consumption expenditure leads to more  imports to meet the increase in domestic demand resulting from the increase in government consumption expenditure. Since the Iraqi economy economy yield unilateral depends on oil revenues to finance spending, and the fact government consumer spending is a progressive high flexibility the increase in overall revenues, while being a regressive flexibility is very low in the event of reduced public revenues, and therefore lead to a deficit in the current account position. And that caused the deficit for imbalance are the disruption of the

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Future of Mathematical Modelling: A Review of COVID-19 Infected Cases Using S-I-R Model
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The spread of novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has resulted in chaos around the globe. The infected cases are still increasing, with many countries still showing a trend of growing daily cases. To forecast the trend of active cases, a mathematical model, namely the SIR model was used, to visualize the spread of COVID-19. For this article, the forecast of the spread of the virus in Malaysia has been made, assuming that all Malaysian will eventually be susceptible. With no vaccine and antiviral drug currently developed, the visualization of how the peak of infection (namely flattening the curve) can be reduced to minimize the effect of COVID-19 disease. For Malaysians, let’s ensure to follow the rules and obey the SOP to lower the

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