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Strategic Information Systems and their effects on the Developing of Intellectual Capital in the Electricity Distribution Company in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
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This research aims to study the impact of strategic information systems on the development of intellectual capital in the Public Shareholding Electricity Distribution Company in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. To achieve the objectives of the study, a questionnaire was developed for the purpose of data collection, as the number of valid questionnaires for analysis was about (135), and SPSS and AMOS 0.26 software was used to analyze the collected data. The study found out that the respondents' perceptions of the level of importance of strategic information systems and the level of importance of intellectual capital were high, and that the relational capital has ranked as first, followed by structural capital, and human capital came in third place, in addition to the presence of an impact of applying strategic information systems in developing intellectual capital in its various dimensions (human capital, structural capital, relational capital). The study came out with several recommendations, the most important of which was that in despite the importance of the technological infrastructure dimension in the company, it did not invest this dimension properly and in line with the current technological development, and this issue appears in the company’s report for the year 2018, as many of the services the company provides has not been computerized or fully automated, such as the billing system, meter reading system, fault reporting system, and others

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Secret Reasons for the Western Scholars Studies The Biography of the prophet
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Western Scholars have criticized al the material on the point of reliability . Some have taken the unduly Sceptical view that nothing is to be trusted except Quran . The present study is based on opposing view that at least the material in the early biographers is to be accepted as true , except where there are particular reasons for thinking that an anecdote has been distorted ( or invented ) through legal or political motives. It is also assumed that most of the background material culled from a large number of vaired works , is sound . This standpoint .I would claim , leads to a coherent view of Muhammad's life and achievement.

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 04 2023
Journal Name
2023 International Conference On Advanced Mechatronic Systems (icamechs)
Performance Analysis of Finite-Time Generalized Proportional Integral Observer for Uncertain Brunovsky Systems
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This paper proposes a novel finite-time generalized proportional integral observer (FTGPIO) based a sliding mode control (SMC) scheme for the tracking control problem of high order uncertain systems subject to fast time-varying disturbances. For this purpose, the construction of the controller consists of two consecutive steps. First, the novel FTGPIO is designed to observe unmeasurable plant dynamics states and disturbance with its higher time derivatives in finite time rather than infinite time as in the standard GPIO. In the FTGPO estimator, the finite time convergence rate of estimations is well achieved, whereas the convergence rate of estimations by classical GPIO is asymptotic and slow. Secondly, on the basis of the finite and fast e

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 02 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Calculations of Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) for Free Space Optical Communication Systems
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In this paper, we calculate and measure the SNR theoretically and experimental for digital full duplex optical communication systems for different ranges in free space, the system consists of transmitter and receiver in each side. The semiconductor laser (pointer) was used as a carrier wave in free space with the specification is 5mW power and 650nm wavelength. The type of optical detector was used a PIN with area 1mm2 and responsively 0.4A/W for this wavelength. The results show a high quality optical communication system for different range from (300-1300)m with different bit rat (60-140)kbit/sec is achieved with best values of the signal to noise ratio (SNR).

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 28 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Syrian Crisis and its Impact on Russia Economically and Politically: علي طه عبدالله الجميلي
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Th paper scientifically deals with the Syrian crisis events erupted in 2011 using the historical descriptive and analytical approaches. The importance of the paper comes from the serious crisis that occurred in a region rich of historical crises, and natural resources attracting the attention of the major countries. The paper aims to show the Syrian crisis, its importance to Russia, the United States, and the regional countries, its impact on Russia economically and politically after the intervention, and Russia’s achievements on a global level holding the influential power on international decisions and other global events. The new Russian strategy has proven its worth in preserving its strategic interests as it could help the Syrian

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 31 2016
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research In Humanities, Arts, And Literature
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DBN Rashid, IMPAT: International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts, and Literature, 2016 - Cited by 5

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 02 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of College Of Education For Women
Politeness Theories in Synge's Riders to the Sea
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This research tackles the play of Synge "Rider to the Sea" to find out whether the theories of Leech (1983) and Brown and Levinson (1987) can be applied or not to this study. The model of Leech (1983) consists of seven principles and for Brown and Levinson (1987),it consists of two principles of politeness where one of them is positive and the other is negative politeness. It is hypothesed that: 1. There is a relation between the two theories. 2. Synge deals with these theories in such a way to depict his characters. 3. It is also hypothesed that every character deals with these principles in such a way to show the events of the play. The study concludes that there is a relation between the two theories in depicting the characters then it s

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
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Psychological reasons for suicide in the Holy Quran
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Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the prophet as a mercy to the worlds and on his family and companions. The phenomenon of suicide is one of the most expanding social phenomena in the world, where many groups of society of different ages try to put an end to their lives, especially young men and girls. The numbers always remain on the rise, and there is no doubt that the one who does this matter, that he has reasons that made him resort to suicide, and despite that, whatever those reasons. However, this is not a justification for the assault on the soul that God has forbidden to infringe on or lead them to perdition, or to what harms them. Modern psychology has tried to explain this phenomenon and try to

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 29 2023
Journal Name
Cumhuriyet Dental Journal
Root Resorption in the Permanent Teeth. A Review
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The loss of dental hard tissue as a result of odontoclastic activity is known as root resorption. It is unwanted and pathological in permanent teeth. Root resorption may happen within the root canal called internal root resorption or on the outer surface of the root called external root resorption. Regardless of where it occurs, root resorption is irreparable, can cause pain for the patient, necessitates treatment, and in some circumstances, resulting in the early loss of the affected tooth. It might be challenging to precisely diagnose and treat root resorption. There is limited information within literatures on root resorption therefore this review aims to understand the radiological and clinical characteristics of r

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2015
Journal Name
Almustansyria Journal Of Arts
Presupposition in Poe’s Short story “The Black Cat
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The notion of presupposition has been tackled by many linguists. They have found that the term ―presupposition” is being used in two different senses in the literature: semantic and pragmatic. As for semantic sense, Geurts (1999) has isolated some constrictions as sources of presupposition by making lists of presupposition triggers. Concerning the pragmatic sense Kennan (1971:89) uses the term pragmatic presupposition to refer to a class of pragmatic inferences which are, in fact, the relation between a speaker and the appropriateness of a sentence in the context. In spite of the fact that there are many researches that have been done in the field of presupposition but few of them in the field of short stories up to the researcher's kno

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The sustainable urban development in Al_Kharkh historic center
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The problems of urban historic centers are considered some of the subjects which are widely dealt with in urban studies since the middle of the 20th century. literature of urban development have raised it , beside the fact that large number of urban development projects of the historical centers in many cities of the world ,and emerged from the application of these new problems projects added their original urban problems , because these projects have dealt with the physical structures with the neglect of the social and economic sides, which are the base in sustainable development nResearch problem was elaborated as : The unclearly of knowledge of the potentials of the sustainable development in solving the urban problems of historic cen

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