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Estimate The Survival Function By Using The Genetic Algorithm
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  Survival analysis is the analysis of data that are in the form of times from the origin of time until the occurrence of the end event, and in medical research, the origin of time is the date of registration of the individual or the patient in a study such as clinical trials to compare two types of medicine or more if the endpoint It is the death of the patient or the disappearance of the individual. The data resulting from this process is called survival times. But if the end is not death, the resulting data is called time data until the event. That is, survival analysis is one of the statistical steps and procedures for analyzing data when the adopted variable is time to event and time. It could be days, weeks, months, or years from the start of the term registration until the event.

  This research is concerned with the question of estimating the survival function of observational data using one of the most important artificial intelligence algorithms which is the genetic algorithm and that In order to obtain optimum estimates for Weibull distribution parameters, this, in turn, is reflected in the estimation of survival function, whereby the genetic algorithm is employed in the maximum likelihood method, moment method, the least-squares method and the modified weighted least squares method. And for the capabilities of more efficient than traditional methods, and then will be a comparison between the roads depending on the experimental side is evaluated the best way depending on mean square error criterion of survival function, it will also be applied methods on the fact that data for patients with lung cancer and bronchitis.

The study found that the best way to estimate the Weibull distribution parameters and the survival function produced by the experimental side is the hybrid method of the least squares using the genetic algorithm.

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Fuzzy logic in the estimate of reliability function for k - components systems
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One of the important things provided by fuzzy model is to identify the membership functions. In the fuzzy reliability applications with failure functions of the kind who cares that deals with positive variables .There are many types of membership functions studied by many researchers, including triangular membership function, trapezoidal membership function and bell-shaped membership function. In I research we used beta function. Based on this paper study classical method to obtain estimation fuzzy reliability function for both series and parallel systems.

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 17 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
comparison between the methods estimate nonparametric and semiparametric transfer function model in time series the Using simulation
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 The transfer function model the basic concepts in the time series. This model is used in the case of multivariate time series. As for the design of this model, it depends on the available data in the time series and other information in the series so when the representation of the transfer function model depends on the representation of the data In this research, the transfer function has been estimated using the style nonparametric represented in two method  local linear regression and cubic smoothing spline method The method of semi-parametric represented use semiparametric single index model, With four proposals, , That the goal of this research is comparing the capabilities of the above mentioned m

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Periodicals Of Engineering And Natural Sciences
Employment of the genetic algorithm in some methods of estimating survival function with application
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Intended for getting good estimates with more accurate results, we must choose the appropriate method of estimation. Most of the equations in classical methods are linear equations and finding analytical solutions to such equations is very difficult. Some estimators are inefficient because of problems in solving these equations. In this paper, we will estimate the survival function of censored data by using one of the most important artificial intelligence algorithms that is called the genetic algorithm to get optimal estimates for parameters Weibull distribution with two parameters. This leads to optimal estimates of the survival function. The genetic algorithm is employed in the method of moment, the least squares method and the weighted

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Scopus (2)
Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Application of the Holonic Manufacturing System using the Genetic Algorithm : Case Study in Lab 7 of the General Company for the Leather Industry
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The study aims to achieve several objectives, including follow-up scientific developments and transformations in the modern concepts of the Holistic Manufacturing System for the purpose of identifying the methods of switching to the entrances of artificial intelligence, and clarifying the mechanism of operation of the genetic algorithm under the Holonic Manufacturing System, to benefit from the advantages of systems and to achieve the maximum savings in time and cost of machines Using the Holistic Manufacturing System method and the Genetic algorithm, which allows for optimal maintenance time and minimizing the total cost, which in turn enables the workers of these machines to control the vacations in th

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 17 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison of Two of (Turnbull) and (Generalization Turnbulls)non-parametric methods in estimating conditional survival function (applied study on breast cancer patients)
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   This research includes the application of non-parametric methods in estimating the conditional survival function represented in a method (Turnbull) and (Generalization Turnbull's) using data for Interval censored of breast cancer and two types of treatment, Chemotherapy and radiation therapy and age is continuous variable, The algorithm of estimators was applied through using (MATLAB) and then the use average Mean Square Error (MSE) as amusement  to the estimates and the results showed (generalization of Turnbull's) In estimating the conditional survival function and for both treatments ,The estimated survival of the patients does not show very large differences

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Estimate the Best production function of the General Company for Iraqi Cement for the period (1996-2010)
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     The General Company for Iraqi Cement is regarded as one of the companies that contribute to support the Iraqi economy. It contributes to provide the material of cement which fulfils the consumer and investment need in the markets in competitive prices and not to resort to the importing of the cement from abroad. That would save a great share of the purchase parity of the poor sectors of society. The estimation  of production function will contribute to putting the company.

The application functions of  the standard production of  benefit critical to clarify the actual relationship between production & its components, & allow to clarify the i

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Compared with Genetic Algorithm Fast – MCD – Nested Extension and Neural Network Multilayer Back propagation
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The study using Nonparametric methods for roubust to estimate a location and scatter it is depending  minimum covariance determinant of multivariate regression model , due to the presence of outliear values and increase the sample size and presence of more than after the model regression multivariate therefore be difficult to find a median location .       

It has been the use of genetic algorithm Fast – MCD – Nested Extension and compared with neural Network Back Propagation of multilayer in terms of accuracy of the results and speed in finding median location ,while the best sample to be determined by relying on less distance (Mahalanobis distance)has the stu

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparing Some Methods of Estimating the Parameters and Survival Function of a Log-logistic Distribution with a Practical Application
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The Log-Logistic distribution is one of the important statistical distributions as it can be applied in many fields and biological experiments and other experiments, and its importance comes from the importance of determining the survival function of those experiments. The research will be summarized in making a comparison between the method of maximum likelihood and the method of least squares and the method of weighted least squares to estimate the parameters and survival function of the log-logistic distribution using the comparison criteria MSE, MAPE, IMSE, and this research was applied to real data for breast cancer patients. The results showed that the method of Maximum likelihood best in the case of estimating the paramete

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Estimate the area unit Function of Productivity for the Potato Crop in Anbar province( for the autumn season 2008 / 2009 )
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The aim of this research is to estimate the area unit function of productivity for the potato crop in Anbar province for the autumn season (2008 / 2009) Anbar province has been chosen as an applied model for the study due to its well known in cultivating potato crop , and the data were collected through a random sample about (10%) from the study society with a (150) farmers,  The results indicated that the double logarithmic formula was the best representative of the relationship between crop productivity and independent variables (quantity of potato tubers , quantity of herbicides stuffs, quantity of fertilizer , hours of mechanical labour

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Estimating the reliability function of Kumaraswamy distribution data
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The aim of this study is to estimate the parameters and reliability function for kumaraswamy distribution of this two positive parameter  (a,b > 0), which is a continuous probability that has many characterstics with the beta distribution with extra advantages.

The shape of the function for this distribution and the most important characterstics are explained and estimated the two parameter (a,b) and the reliability function for this distribution by using the maximum likelihood method (MLE) and Bayes methods. simulation experiments are conducts to explain the behaviour of the estimation methods for different sizes depending on the mean squared error criterion the results show that the Bayes is bet

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