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The effect of some short-term debt instruments on the money supply and its effect on the production of wheat crop in Iraq during the period (1990_2018).
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The research aims to show the effect of some short-term debt instruments (central treasury transfers, cash credit granted to the government by commercial banks) on the production of the wheat crop in Iraq, through its effect on money supply during the period (1990-2018), As the study includes two models according to the statistical program (Eviews9), the first model included measuring the effect of short-term debt instruments on money supply, and the second measuring the extent of the money supply's impact on Wheat crop production, as the results of the standard analysis showed that the short-term debt instruments used in the model were Significant effect on wheat crop production indirectly through its effect on money supply, As the value of (R2=0.99) and (R2=0.82) respectively in the two models indicates that (99% and 82%) of the changes occurring in the dependent variables are due to the changes in the independent variables included in the two models respectively, and the remaining ratio is due to non-variables Included in the two models is the random variable, Also the value of (F =231.2072) and (F =13.80497) for the two models, respectively at the level of significance of 5% and the probability value (Prob = 0.000) indicates that there is a common complementarity between the variables included in the two models, which means that there is a long balanced relationship The term, as the value of (DW = 1.853668) and (DW = 1.468781) Which (3 > DW > -3) for the two models, respectively showed that there is no problem of self-correlation of the random variable values, and this means that monetary policy affects the increase in the production of the wheat crop through its use of one of its specific tools to support the agricultural sector By converting the increase in the money supply towards encouraging increased Wheat crop production as a necessary commodity for consumption in Iraq.


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Publication Date
Mon Aug 16 2021
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Evaluation of Implant Stability Following Sinus Augmentation Utilizing Bovine Bone Mixed with Platelet-Rich Fibrin
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Background: Lateral sinus augmentation and simultaneous insertion of dental implants is a highlypredictable procedure and associated with high rate of implants success.Aims: To evaluate implant stability changes following maxillary sinus augmentation utilizing deproteinizedbovine bone alone or mixed with platelet-rich fibrin.Materials and Methods: A total of 34 lateral sinus augmentation procedures were performed and 50 dentalimplants simultaneously installed. The lateral sinus augmentation cases were allocated randomly into 3groups: Group A comprised 13 procedures and 21 dental implants utilizing solely deproteinized bovine bone.Group B involved 10 cases and 16 dental implants using deproteinized bovine bone mixed with leukocyteand

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Procedimientos de traducción de los nombres propios del árabe al español: Fundamentos y Aplicaciones Procedures for translating proper noun from Arabic into Spanish: Fundamentals and Applications
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Los nombres propios nombran a un ser o a un objeto, distinguiéndolo de los demás seres de su misma clase, se escriben siempre con letra mayúscula a principio de palabra. Los lingüistas hacen mayor hincapié en las divergencias de referencia, entre nombres propios y nombres comunes. Así, suele decirse que el sustantivo propio no tiene como referente ningún concepto. El asunto de la traducción  de los nombres propios parecería una cuestión de gusto personal del traductor pero vemos también que en algunas épocas es más frecuente traducirlos, y en otras, por el contrario, se prefiere dejar esos nombres en su forma original, tal vez con algunas adaptaciones ortográficas. Parecería enton­ces cuestión de modas. Pero, eviden

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Analysis of performance measures with single channel fuzzy queues under two class by using ranking method
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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2016
Journal Name
International Journal Of Applied Chemistry
Spectrophotometric Determination of Co(II) by Using Ethyl Cyano(2-Methyl Carboxylate Phenyl Azo Acetate) (ECA)
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A new simple and sensitive spectrophotometric method for the determination of trace amount of Co(II) in the ethanol absolute solution have been developed. The method is based on the reaction of Co(II) with ethyl cyano(2-methyl carboxylate phenyl azo acetate) (ECA) in acid medium of hydrochloric acid (0.1 M) givining maximum absorbance at ((λmax = 656 nm). Beer's law is obeyed over the concentration range (5-60) (μg / ml) with molar absorptivity of (1.5263 × 103 L mol-1 cm-1) and correlation coefficient (0.9995). The precision (RSD% ˂ 1%). The stoichiometry of complex was confirmed by Job's method which indicated the ratio of metal to reagent is (2:1). The studied effect of interference elements Zn(II), Cu(II), Na(I), K(I), Ca(II) and Mg

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Indonesian Journal Of Electrical Engineering And Computer Science (ijeecs)
A new smart approach of an efficient energy consumption management by using a machine-learning technique
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Many consumers of electric power have excesses in their electric power consumptions that exceed the permissible limit by the electrical power distribution stations, and then we proposed a validation approach that works intelligently by applying machine learning (ML) technology to teach electrical consumers how to properly consume without wasting energy expended. The validation approach is one of a large combination of intelligent processes related to energy consumption which is called the efficient energy consumption management (EECM) approaches, and it connected with the internet of things (IoT) technology to be linked to Google Firebase Cloud where a utility center used to check whether the consumption of the efficient energy is s

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 09 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Comparative Efficiency Study of Two Adsorbent Materials to Remove Eosin Y Dye from Aqueous Solutions
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This study was done to find a cheap, available and ecofriendly materials that can remove eosin y dye from aqueous solutions by adsorption in this study, two adsorbent materials were used, the shells of fresh water clam (Cabicula fluminea) and walnut shells. To make a comparison between the two adsorbents, five experiments were conducted. First, the effects of the contact time, here the nut shell removed the dye quickly, while the C. flumina need more contact time to remove the dye. Second, the effects of adsorbent weight were examined. The nut shell was very promising and for all used adsorbent weight, the R% ranged from 94.87 to 99.29. However C. fluminea was less effective in removing the dye with R% ranged from 47.59 to 55.39. The thi

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research In Social Sciences & Humanities
Sarah Orne Jewett As a Precursor of Ecoconscious Children Fiction: “A White heron” As an Example
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Nearly a century and a half has passed since Sarah Orne Jewett published her much anthologized short story “A White Heron” (1886), but commentators on the tale missed one of the most important points in the text. It is the story’s similarity to the traditional Euro-centric fairy tale of “Little Red Riding Hood”. As an author, writing at the end of the ninetieth century, a time that witnessed the demise of the Romantic movement in America and the beginning of the age of Realism, Jewett did not romanticize her characters, despite the idyllic landscape in which “A White Heron” is set. Her story can be analyzed as a text that aims at disseminating ecological awareness among her young readers. This study focuses on Jewett

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Efficient Energy Management for a Proposed Integrated Internet of Things-Electric Smart Meter (2IOT-ESM) System
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In this work, an efficient energy management (EEM) approach is proposed to merge IoT technology to enhance electric smart meters by working together to satisfy the best result of the electricity customer's consumption. This proposed system is called an integrated Internet of things for electrical smart meter (2IOT-ESM) architecture. The electric smart meter (ESM) is the first and most important technique used to measure the active power, current, and energy consumption for the house’s loads. At the same time, the effectiveness of this work includes equipping ESM with an additional storage capacity that ensures that the measurements are not lost in the event of a failure or sudden outage in WiFi network. Then then these measurement

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Robotics And Control (jrc)
Artificial Intelligence Based Deep Bayesian Neural Network (DBNN) Toward Personalized Treatment of Leukemia with Stem Cells
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The dynamic development of computer and software technology in recent years was accompanied by the expansion and widespread implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) based methods in many aspects of human life. A prominent field where rapid progress was observed are high‐throughput methods in biology that generate big amounts of data that need to be processed and analyzed. Therefore, AI methods are more and more applied in the biomedical field, among others for RNA‐protein binding sites prediction, DNA sequence function prediction, protein‐protein interaction prediction, or biomedical image classification. Stem cells are widely used in biomedical research, e.g., leukemia or other disease studies. Our proposed approach of

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Publication Date
Fri May 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Use of non-Conventional Material to Remove Cu+2 ions from Aqueous Solutions using Chemical Coagulation
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Coagulation - flocculation are basic chemical engineering method in the treatment of metal-bearing industrial wastewater because it removes colloidal particles, some soluble compounds and very fine solid suspensions initially present in the wastewater by destabilization and formation of flocs. This research was conducted to study the feasibility of using natural coagulant such as okra and mallow and chemical coagulant such as alum for removing Cu and increase the removal efficiency and reduce the turbidity of treated water. Fourier transform Infrared (FTIR) was carried out for okra and mallow before and after coagulant to determine their type of functional groups. Carbonyl and hydroxyl functional groups on the surface of

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