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The effect of applying total quality management on the competitiveness from the point of view of the front-rows employees for customer service (An analytical study of Palestinian local banks)
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The study aimed to identify the effect of Total Quality Management on enhancing competitiveness through the opinions of employees of the front- rows of customer service in local Palestinian banks, the researcher adopted an analytical descriptive method through developing a special questionnaire to accomplish the study’s objectives and answer its questions. The study involved all the Palestinian local banks, with their scattered branches in West Bank. The study sample consisted of 3470 executive employees for banking services out of 4753 employees, in the rate of 73%, and the study sample reached (485) employees who were randomly selected working in the front -rows to provide services in the local Palestinian banks during the year 2019, And the added value in this study was to examine the opinion of that sample of respondents, The results showed statistically significant differences for the importance of applying TQM and competitiveness. Based on the results of the study, the researcher recommended Palestinian local banks to deepen the employment of Total Quality Management in all its dimensions in their banking services to enhance their competitive capabilities. And to focus on developing and refining the skills of employees, developing and diversifying banking services based on modern technology, and measuring the quality of service provided to customers on a regular basis and in various forms and methods.

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 04 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
المدراس الثانوية في الاعظمية ( ثانوية كلية بغداد- ثانوية الأعظمية للبنين – ثانوية الأعظمية للبنات - ثانوية الحريري للبنات) أنموذجاً
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Education received the attention of the monarchy in Iraq, especially after the developments that the country witnessed after Iraq gained independence and joined the League of Nations in 1932 AD in all political, economic and cultural aspects.  In this regard, due to its distinguished geographical location, where the atmosphere, the natural environment and the religious and political standing were available, which made it a center of attraction for most Iraqi families and political figures.  Learning and pioneering the path of knowledge, so it witnessed a great prosperity in secondary education, so several important schools appeared that contributed to advancing the wheel of learning forward, including Baghdad College High Schoo

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
أثر استخدام استراتيجيتي جانيه وميرل تينسون في اكتساب المفاهيم الجغرافية والاحتفاظ بها لدى طالبات الصف الرابع العام
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مشكلة البحث :-

     ظلت رغبة الانسان في المعرفة وفهم الكون الذي يعيش فيه ، ملازمة له منذ المراحل الاولى لتطور البشرية ، فالانسان بما يتمتع به من امكانات وقدرات وطاقات كامنة استطاع عن طريق تفاعله واحتكاكه الدائم والمستمر والخلاق مع البيئة المحيطة به ان يلاحظ ، ويتخيل ويتذكر ويفكر ويخطط ويبتكر ، مستفيداً من اخطائه في التعرف عليها ، وفي زيادة قدرته على التحكم فيها وتحسينها وتطويره

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Estimation & Analysis Relationship between Growth rate GDP and Unemployment Rate In Iraqi Economic in Period (1990-2014)
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It reflects the gross domestic product in any country total output of goods and services by the size of the country's citizens and foreign residents during the period of the year and reflect the contribution of the commodity sectors of the economy and the distribution and service in the composition of output. And gross domestic product in Iraq as an indicator dominated in the composition of oil output, along with the contribution of the service sector, as the gross domestic product is the output of a yield lien   and subjected GDP in Iraq to a series of declines succession due to vibrations of the oil market during the economic blockade on the one hand and stop imported production inputs, lack of arriving in commodity s

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 15 2020
Journal Name
Feminist Lament and its Representations in Contemporary Arab Theatrical Text " Al-Khansaa' Play- A Model": نزار شبيب كريم-زينب نوري هاشم
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  The research addresses the feminist lament and its representations in the contemporary Arab theatrical text as one of the purposes of the Arabic poetry and its images, samples, and reasons developed and its incentives multiplied through different time periods in which a dramatic image and representations have been manifested that harmonized with the art of theatre. In order to shed light on these representations, this study has come to look for the representations of lament phenomenon in the Arab theatre texts.
The study consists of an introduction in which the two researchers put forward the research problem, significance and objectives, and a theoretical framework which tackles a theoretical foundation for the research consi

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
تطبيقات لاستخدام نظام البريد الإلكتروني في الإدارة الإلكترونية
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This age and the third millennium is the dominance of information technology on most of the administrative work in the developed world and the need for the so-called electronic marketing- and need our developing society to the development of our work to transform the traditional management and routine of it to the electronic management in order to save effort, time and cost They are the backbone speed to complete the work, The principle applications of electronic management to achieve the maximum possible benefit from the implementation of the administrative work of the society and institutions and the private sector the government in the state. The use of electronic management makes us safe from

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 13 2025
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal For Administrative Sciences
قياس الكفاءة التقنية لوحدات اتخاذ القرار باسلوب التحليل التطويقي للبيانات ( DEA) بحث ميداني في الشركة العامة للنقل البري
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this research aims it measure the technical efficiency of the branches of the General Company for Land Transport, That scattered geographically at country level, by Data Envelopment analysis (DEA) technique, as this technique relies on measuring the efficiency of a set of asymmetric Decision making units, which is one of the nonparametric mathematical methods for and application related to Linear Programming, and this is what helps the General Company for Land Transport to diagnose its branches performance by benchmarking with each other and determine the performance gap. The research found that there is variation in the level of efficiency in the company's branches

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Audit bank credit risk in accordance with international auditing standards: Applied research at Rafidain Bank, Public Administration - Baghdad
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This research dealt with the subject of auditing bank credit risks in accordance with international auditing standards and aims to develop procedures and design a credit risk audit program in accordance with international auditing standards and demonstrate their impact on the truth, truthfulness and fairness of financial statements and on their overall performance and continuity in the banking sector Its importance lies in relying on international auditing standards to assess and measure bank credit risk and its impact on the financial situation as well as the ability to predict financial failure. A set of conclusions have been reached, the most important of which is that the bank faces difficulties in measuring credit risk in accordance

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 19 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
دور دور( أبي القاسم قائم مقام )في القضاء على المتنافسين على العرش وتنصيب محمد ميرزا شاهاً على إيران
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  Abu Al- Qasim Qa ,im Maqam is famous figure in political life of lranian; The life of Abu Al- Qasim Qa ,im Maqam is full of incidents and conflicts in the period of the expansion of foreign influence in lran Abu Al- Qasim Qa ,im Maqam has an important role in the history of Iran Modern political considered him one of the most prominent leaders to the unified Arabian nationalistic liberating Abu Al- Qasim Qa ,im Maqam   raised in the history of the Qajar .



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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
اثر طريقة الملاحظات الصفية باستخدام الحاسوب( كمنشطات عقلية) في التحصيل الدراسي لمادة الفيزياء لدى طالبات الصف الأول المتوسط
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The research aim to know the effect of note–taking by computer method as amentalactivators in achievement of physics subject for the first intermediate class students.

To investigate from aim of the research the research sample was chosen from the first intermediate class students in Al–mutamyzat secondary school for girls. Which belongs to the general administration for the second karkh education which randomly chosen from (9) schools for distinct female students in Baghdad. Then randomly chosen two sections form three about (80) female students at (66.667%) from total sample it’s about (120) female student in the three sections. The randomly chosen too, section (a) to represent experimental group it’s about (41) female

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 03 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
سياسة اعداد معلم المرحلة الابتدائية في العراق ماقبل احداث 9/4/2003 نظرة نقدية , ووضع انموذجا مقترح معاصرلها
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شغلت  قضية اعداد المعلم  اهتمامات العديد من المسؤولين في قطاع التربيه والتعليم وكذلك اولياء امور الطلبه واساتذه الجامعه , ولازالت الهم الاكبر , وذلك لاختلاف سياسه اعداد المعلم من دولة واخرى وحسب الفلسفه التربويه  والمتغيرات والتطورات السريعه التي يشهدها العالم

            وفي ضوء ماتقدم , ان المعلم هو احد عناصر العمليه التربويه في اي بلد . بعد الطالب والمنه

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