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Environmental pollution of solid waste and methods of managing it Study in Ramadi Municipality Case
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The current research aims at finding out how to properly and correctly manage waste and solid waste and reduce the difficulties faced by all countries. However, it is becoming increasingly acute in developed cities because their economies are growing rapidly. It is necessary to identify the modern methods used in developed countries in managing wastes. The use of modern waste management techniques is a coordinated effort by international agencies within the borders responsible for them. The problem of the study can be identified in the lack of clarity of environmental management procedures in place. The importance of the research contributes to providing greater capacity to the administrative and technical leadership in the municipality of Ramadi to identify suitable means for solid waste management and correct treatment which is a reason to preserve the environment from pollution. In order to complete the requirements, it is necessary to delve into the actual reality of the Municipality of Ramadi. The questionnaire was designed and prepared for this purpose. Four main factors included methods and methods of waste treatment to include sources of reduction from the source, and the means of screening and recycling will review energy and the implications of the questionnaire health effects and economic and social impacts. A number of Arab and foreign studies and research related to the research variables were used. In order to analyze the statistical data on the study variables and test their hypotheses, the Microsoft Office Excel 2013 was used to clarify the profiles of the respondents. The study reached a number of conclusions, including the weak environmental awareness of the citizens of this city in using modern environmentally sound means to deal with solid waste generated. Lack of specific and pre-determined criteria by the municipality in how to distribute bags and containers of waste to residential areas. The random path of garbage collection mechanisms has not been chosen as the ideal and economic route. There are no symposia or programs to raise the awareness of the population, so as to recognize the seriousness of pollution generated from solid waste. Recommendations for the successful use of modern methods in solid waste management need to provide the allocation of the necessary financial resources and the human potential for self-management of solid waste. Developing the environmental awareness of the individual and society, and paying attention to studies and research in the areas of recycling and reuse of some household waste that can be used again.     

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 08 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Design bases for waste recycling rules in cities/ Baghdad, a case study"
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Waste is one of the most important problems affecting the city’s environment and its urban landscape, which results from the activities and activities of man and the natural environment. Its sources have varied between residential, commercial, industrial, medical and hazardous, and its spread in cities, on roads and on abandoned open lands, has led to significant negative effects and risks to human health and the environment.

  Therefore, there were serious attempts to deal with waste and follow sequential steps that formed a waste management system such as (collection, sorting, transport, then treatment and disposal). Preventing and reducing waste, then recycling and recovering by composting or burning, and ending with bu

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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The waste sorting and recycling plant in the district of al- Mahmudiya (Yusufiya) is the only laboratory in Baghdad governorate. It is the only one in Iraq that collects and recycles waste. After sorting, we have packages of raw materials (aluminum cans, glass bottles, plastic bottles, Nylon bags) as well as natural fertilizers (food residues and others) and a sanitary landfill with specifications that meet international standards; However, the absence of a structure for the management of the plant (manager, assistant manager, accountant, etc.) in addition to the non-supply of waste on a daily and continuous basis and the lack of cooperation of the Municipality of Baghdad with the management of the plant led to delay in the work

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Developing System of Solid Waste Management (Applied Research in Hilla City)
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The research aims to stand on the practice of operations management of solid waste in the city of Hilla, carried out by the mayor of Hilla Directorate - solid and the environment Waste Division, through field visits and personal interview to officials of the municipal departments and units of its data collection and information related to solid waste, and assess the current status of the processes of collection and transport waste through the questionnaire that had been prepared for citizens and employees, the search reach a set of conclusions was the most important, operations carried out by the municipality of Hilla Directorate only limited to two (collection, transportation and disposal of wa

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 21 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Spatial analysis of primary and secondary education se rvices in the city of Ramadi
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The researchers aim of this research to analyze the reality of educational services in the city of Ramadi in order to reveal the efficiency of the spatial distribution of schools at the level of residential neighborhoods and the requirements of the population, based on the standards and indicators for this service.

The research problem related to the educational function of the city of Ramadi was formulated by asking about the efficiency of the spatial distribution of educational services and whether there is a balance in the distribution of schools to residential neighborhoods in a way that meets the requirements of the population, and in order to answer the research problem, the research hypothesis was formulated that there is

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The effect of the environmental management system on the clean production strategy / case study in Middle Refineries Company
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The aim of this research is to measure and analyze the gap between the actual reality and the requirements of the environmental management system in the middle refineries company/refinery cycle according to ISO14001: 2015, as well as to measure the availability of a clean production strategy and test the relationship and impact between the availability of the requirements of the standard and a clean production strategy for the actual reality in the company.

The research problem was determined by the extent to which the requirements of the environmental management system are applied according to ISO14001: 2015 in the middle refineries company? To what extent are the required clean production strategies ava

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Extent of Implementing the Strategy of Solid Waste Management in Baquba City - Poll search
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The research aims to identify the reality of the management strategy followed in the treatment of solid waste in the city of Baquba, and what strategies are used to treat solid waste, and the extent of the application of these strategies, through personal interviews with leading cadres in the Directorate of Baquba Municipality, their assistants and heads of departments, they numbered (55) Individuals. The descriptive method was adopted through a questionnaire prepared to measure the extent of the implementation of the strategy of solid waste management in the city of Baquba and using statistical tools including (arithmetic mean, standard deviation, relative importance, the gap). The research reac

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Commercial Job in Abu Tayara Street in the Municipality of Al- Dora
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The commercial job is one of the most important businesses in the cities as there is no city can exist without commercial markets to offer service to its inhabitants. This study aims to distribute the commercial function in Abu Tayara Street located in the municipality of Al-Dora by highlighting the size of such businesses in this street. It focuses on analyzing the change that has occurred due to the usages of the commercial land not only in the residential areas, but also in various aspects associated with the growth of the population in the city. Both expansion and development of the economic and social aspects in the area have increased the demand for commercial services. So, the research focuses on the aspects of functional speciali

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
A study of Land Zoning in the base of Traffic Noise Pollution Levels using ArcGIS: Kirkuk City as a Case Study
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This study is an approach to assign the land area of  Kirkuk city [ a city located in the northern of Iraq, 236 kilometers north of  Baghdad  and 83 kilometers  south of  Erbil [ Climatic atlas of  Iraq, 1941-1970  ]  into different  multi zones by using Satellite image and Arc Map10.3,  zones of different traffic noise pollutions. Land zonings process like what achieved in this paper will help and of it’s of a high interest point for the future of Kirkuk city especially urban

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Crossref (4)
Publication Date
Mon Jan 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Managerial Skills and It`s Role in Strengthening the Competitive Edge of Companies: A Case Study in the General Company for Construction Industries
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This research tries to reveal how to manage and control the competitive edge for business by building managerial skills in various organizational levels. Our research aims at finding out the nature of various technical, human and in tellectual skills of a new president whose superiority is his competitive ness in the application field at general company for construe tioual  industriesand testing the surveyed minor and major changes through a questionnaire to collect information from officials. The sample was composed of (45) director. The data was analyzed  using some methods and statistical programs. The most prominent of these is (SPSS) that was used to extract the arithmetic mean, standard deviation, correlation coefficient

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Environmental awareness in the curriculum and its role in sustainable environmental planning
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                The goal of current research to the definition of environmental awareness in the curriculum and its role in sustainable environmental planning, was the research community official regular educational schools (kindergarten, primary, secondary) for the province of Baghdad - Iraq, the sample consisted search of (100) teacher and a teacher, and what research was descriptive analytical, researchers have selected the right tool for the research procedures (closed) questionnaire, distributed to the research sample, has been used by researchers appropriate statistical methods for procedures including: the weighted average extraction unit paragraph,

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