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Impact the Organizational downsizing in organizational health: Analytical research in the Directorate of Education in Nineveh
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This research aims to determine the extent of the contribution of organizational downsizing strategies to enhance the health of the researched organization represented by the Directorate of Education in Nineveh, and to achieve this goal, the study provided a simplified intellectual framework for the most important topics covered by writers and researchers for search variables, reinforced by an applied analytical framework for the opinions of (79) individuals responsible for the researched organization. The research adopted organizational downsizing as an independent variable that includes three dimensions represented by (reduction of human resources, job redesign, systemic strategy), while the organizational health represented the variable adopted in the research. The study used the questionnaire as the main tool for collecting data from the practical side of the research, and some statistical treatments were carried out for the data through the use of statistical methods represented by measures of central tendency, correlation coefficients and regression line equation in order to test the hypotheses adopted by the research which expressed the presence of a significant effect between organizational leanness and organizational health. What explains to us is that what shows us that relying on reducing the organizational size through one of its strategies contributes to improving the level of organizational health in the field studied.


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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The effect of readings on the multiplicity of explanatory significance of a single Qur’anic word, a study through the interpretation of Ibn Attia al-Andalusi
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The study aimed to clarify the meanings learned and inferred from reading books، letters and messages in Surat Al-Qur’an. The inductive method، the analytical method، and the deductive method، One of the most prominent results of the research: that the multiplicity of Qur’anic readings produces a variety and expansion in the meaning that has a clear impact on the interpretation by clarifying the meaning of the verse.

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2007
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
An investigation into the performance of counter rotating floating ring journal under different working conditions
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The steady state performance of the counter rotating floating ring Journal bearing is analyzed with isothermal finite bearing theory. The effect of different parameters affecting the performance of the bearing (namely speed ratio, clearance ratio and radii ratio), have been investigated. The load carrying capacity of the bearing increasing with decreasing the radii ratio (R2/R1) of the ring and clearance ratio (c1/c2), in the other hand, the coefficient of friction increases with increasing the clearance and radii ratios, while decreases with incre4asing the bearing to journal speed ratio (γ). It is shown during this work that different operating conditions are greatly enhanced the performance

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 11 2021
Journal Name
Earth And Environmental Science
Impact Resistance of Limestone Cement Self Compacting Concrete Reinforced by Locally Available Grids
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Impact strength of self-compacted concrete is a field of interest, mostly when the concrete is produced from sustainable materials. This research's main objective is to clarify the ability to use two types of Portland limestone cement (Karasta and Tasluja) in self compacted concrete under impact loading, further to the economic and environmental benefits of the limestone cement. The impact loading was applied by a low-speed test, using the drop ball on concrete. Moreover, the study reveals the resistance of the grids reinforced concrete to impact loading by using polymer grid, and steel grid reinforced concrete slabs. Mixes reinforced by steel mesh had the highest results, indicating that the steel mesh was more robust because it had

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Impact of Preparing HMA with Modified Asphalt Cement on Moisture and Temperature Susceptibility
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Many researchers tried to prevent or reduce moisture damage and its sensitivity to temperature to improving the performance of hot mix asphalt because it is decreasing the functional and structural life of fixable pavement due to the moisture damage had exposed to it.

The main objective of this study is to inspect the effect of (fly ash “3%, 6%, 12%”, hydrated lime”5%, 10%, 20%” and silica fumes”1%, 2%, 4%) referring to previous research by the net weight asphalt cement as a modified material on the moisture and temperature sensitivity of hot mix asphalt. This was done using asphalt from AL-Nasiria refinery with penetration grade 40-50, nominal maximum size (12.5) mm (surface course) of aggregate and on

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Strain Analysis of Surface Cracked Thin Flat Plate under Cycling Impact Loading Effect
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In this work, strains and dynamic crack growth were studied and analyzed in thin flat plate with a surface crack at the center, subjected to cycling low velocity impact loading for two types of aluminum plates (2024, 6061). Experimental and numerical methods were implemented to achieve this research. Numerical analysis using program (ANSYS11-APDL) based on finite element method used to analysis the strains with respect to time at crack tip and then find the velocity of the crack growth under cycling impact loading. In the experimental work, a rig was designed and manufactured to applying the cycling impact loading on the cracked specimens. The grid points was screened in front of the crack tip to measure the elastic-plas

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
بررسيترجمه‌آيات مشابه در قرآن کريم (با توجه به ترجمه غلامعلي حداد عادل) Translation of the same verses of the Holy Quran
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در قرآن کريم آياتي وجود دارد که يک يا چند بار به صورت کاملا مشابه در يک سوره و يا چند سوره، تکرار شده است. يکي از مسائل مهم در ترجمه قرآن کريم، ترجمه اين‌گونه آيات است، از آنجا که مشابه بودن اين آيات از روي حکمت الهي است، مترجمان نيز بايد در ترجمه خود اين مسأله را رعايت کرده و براي آيات مشابه ترجمه‌اييکسان ارائه کنند. از طرفي ممکن است تفاوت در ترجمه، مفهوم آيه را نيز تحت تأثير قرار دهد و براييک آيه مشابه دو مفهوم

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Effectiveness of an educational program on nurses' knowledge regarding management of extravasation vesicant intravenous chemotherapy at oncology centers in Baghdad city
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Objectives: to determine the effectiveness of an Education Program on Nurses' Knowledge regarding management of extravasation vesicant intravenous chemotherapy

Methodology: quiz-experimental study (single-group pretest-posttest1 and posttest2) was directed in Amal oncology center and national oncology center in Baghdad city from 13th, December 2018 to the 7 of February 2019. The program and tool have been created by the researcher for the purpose of the study. A non- probability purposive sample of (40) nurses who employed in Baghdad oncology centers. Validity and reliability of the instrument were determined through a pilot study. Data were analyzed through the use of Statistical Pack

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 15 2020
Journal Name
Historical Origins of Internal Space Designs of Educational Schools in Iraq: حسنين صباح داوّد سلمان
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Studying the past for its importance and connection with the present is reflected in a relative scale in the light of data and thought of the predecessors of a great nation like the Mesopotamia, where its civilization flourished and rose since the ancient times, which inspires the present with inherited meanings that might be an entity or recognized symbols in the establishment of a vision, system or architectural building. The researcher has crystallized the description of the past to enhance the vision of the present within what is required by the interior design specialty about the historical origins of education and the design of schools in the Mesopotamia, in addition to its ethnic and environmental specificity and the moral content

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 30 2014
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Management of Hypertension in Elderly
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Background:The document on hypertension in the elderly promoted by the American college of cardiology and the American heart association (ACCF/AHA) was written with the intent to be a complete reference at the time of publication on the topic of managing hypertension in the elderly. More recently, the European society of hypertension (ESH) and the European society of cardiology (ESC) issued the 2013 ESH/ESC Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension, followed by The 2014 Canadian Hypertension Education Program (CHPE), and the Eighth Report of the Joint National Committee (JNC8), all of which has endorsed specific recommendations for the management of elderly hypertensive patients.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 05 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Propagation of Chickpea in vitro
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Apical meristems, lateral buds, anthers of immature flowers and immature embryos of chickpea ( Cicer arietinum L.) were cultured on MS media with different growth regulators and incubated for 6 weeks at 25-27?C with 16 hrs photoperiod for callus initiation. Results indicated that 1 and 0.1 mg/l of 2,4-D and BA were suitable for callus initiation when apical meristems and lateral buds were used. While 2 and 0.5 mg/l of both growth regulators were essential for immature embryos. It was noticed that using chickpea anthers of the MS medium must contain 1mg/l 2ip and 0.5 mg/l IAA. However, MS medium supplemented with 1-3 mg/l of BA and 2,4-D respectively was good for callus initiation from lateral buds, anther and immature embryos.

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