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Enhancing the human resources quality by adopting an adventure learning method in their development
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The research aims to identify how to enhance the quality of the human resources, focusing on four dimensions (efficiency, effectiveness, flexibility, and reliability), by adopting an adventure learning method that combines theoretical and applied aspects at the same time, when developing human resources and is applied using information technology, and that Through its dimensions, which are (cooperation, interaction, communication, and understanding), as the research problem indicated a clear deficiency in the cognitive perception of the mechanism of employing adventure learning dimensions in enhancing human resources quality, so the importance of research was to present treatments and proposals to reduce this problem. To achieve the goals of the research, the descriptive analytical approach was adopted. The researcher used the questionnaire as the main tool to collect data. As for the research sample, it consisted of (25) individuals from managerial positions in the General Company for Iraqi vegetable oils. Among the most prominent results that the research came out with is the significance of the correlation and influence relationships between the variables discussed, and here the researcher was able to achieve the scientific implications of the research in proposing a set of solutions to address the problems that the researched organization suffers to the extent of correlation with the researched variables, while the added value and scientific originality of the research were represented by a collection Contemporary variables in the field of human resources management in research, to enrich the academic library with contemporary sources and vital concepts. As for the research findings, they were represented by the presence of the variables discussed within the organization in the field of the application without clearly identifying them. Therefore, the researcher recommended the need to review the experiences of successful organizations in developed countries and transfer their effects to the local environment.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
مجلة كلية التربية للبنات / الجامعة العراقية
مسائل مختارة من ترجيحات الإمام البزازي في الحدود والجنايات من كتاب الفتاوى البزازية / دراسة فقهية مقارنة
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تضمن البحث التعريف بالإمام البزازي، وحياته العلمية، ومشايخه، وتلامذته، ومؤلفاته، ووفاته، وأربعة مسائل مختارة من ترجيحاته في الحدود والجنايات، والإمام محمد بن محمد بن شهاب بن يوسف (ت827هـ)، يُكنَّى بالكَردَرِيِّ الحنفي الخوارزمي الشهير بالبزَّازي، ويُنسب إلى كَرْدَر، وقد عرض في كتابه كثيرًا من كتب الحنفية، وذكر الكثير من آراء علمائهم مع تعرضه لبعض آراء المذاهب الأخرى. ولم يعتمد على التعريفات اللغوية والاصط

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 25 2018
Journal Name
مجلة كلية الادارة والاقتصاد -الجامعة العراقية
أهميةتحسين ألاداءفي تخفيض تكاليف البحث والتطوير وزيادة رضا الزبون: بحثتطبيقي في وزارةالنقل– مرآبالكرخ الجنوبي للنقل الخاص
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Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analyzing current and future direction of non-oil primary balance: Case Study of Iraq Using Exponential Smoothing model
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In recent years, non-oil primary balance indicator has been given considerable financial important in rentier state. It highly depends on this indicator to afford a clear and proper picture of public finance situation in term of appropriate and sustainability in these countries, due to it excludes the effect of oil- rental from compound of financial accounts which provide sufficient information to economic policy makers of how economy is able to create potential added value and then changes by eliminating one sided shades of economy. In Iraq, since, 2004, the deficit in value of this indicator has increased, due to almost complete dependence on the revenues of the oil to finance the budget and the obvious decline of the non-oil s

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Water Temperature Effect on Hardness and Flexural Strength of (PMMA/TiO2 NPs) for Dental Applications
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PMMA (Poly methyl methacrylate) is considered one of the most commonly used materials in denture base fabrication due to its ideal properties. Although, a major problem with this resin is the frequent fractures due to heavy chewing forces which lead to early crack and fracture in clinical use. The addition of nanoparticles as filler performed in this study to enhance its selected mechanical properties. The Nano-additive effect investigated in normal circumstances and under a different temperature during water exposure. First, tests applied on the prepared samples at room temperature and then after exposure to water bath at (20, 40, 60) C° respectively. SEM, PSD, EDX were utilized for samples evaluation in this study. Flexural

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Publication Date
Sat May 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
تأثير استخدام تمرينات خاصة وفقا لنموذج كولب(النط التكيفي) في تعلم مهارة الطبطبة بكرة اليد للطالبات
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تعتبر لعبة كرة اليد من الالعاب الفرقية، وان هذه اللعبة تستند الى قاعدة اساسية وهي الاداء الصحيح للمهارات، وللتقدم في هذه اللعبة يجب تعلم وأتقان اداء المهارات للوصول الى مستوى افضل للتعلم، من خلال الدور الذي يؤديه اسلوب نموذج كولب لأنماط التعلم (التكيفي) الذي يعمل على تحديد اسلوب التفكير والمفضل لكل فرد وتاثيره في تعلم مهارة الطبطبة للطالبات، اذ يعمل على ايصال المعلومات والافكار الخاصة باداء المهارة وحس

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 29 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
A Speech Acts Analysis of English COVID-19 News Headlines: مثنى نجيب المرسومي, جمعة قادر حسين
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News headlines are key elements in spreading news. They are unique texts written in a special language which enables readers understand the overall nature and importance of the topic. However, this special language causes difficulty for readers in understanding the headline. To illuminate this difficulty, it is argued that a pragmatic analysis from a speech act theory perspective is a plausible tool for a headline analysis. The main objective of the study is to pragmatically analyze the most frequently employed types of speech acts in the news headlines covering COVID-19 in Aljazeera English website. To this end, Bach and Harnish's (1979) Taxonomy of Speech Acts has been adopted to analyze the data. Thirty headlines have been collected f

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
أثر التوجه السوقي والتعلم المنظمي في أداء الأعمال دراسة استطلاعية لآراء عينة من مدراء المصارف العراقية
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The study tackles the market orientation and the organizational learning as independent variables each included three sub-dimensions, and the variable of business performance as affiliated variable. These three variables have interacted to form the framework around which the study revolves. Since the banking sector has become an important part of which service sector is made, as well as it represents the basic pivot for the process of building and the development of the economies of countries, the Iraqi banking sector have been taken to be the sample of this study. A nonrandom sample of nine Iraqi banks was chosen, including four state banks (Al-Rafdain, Al-RaSheed, Industrial Bank, and Agricultural), and five private banks (Bagh

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Green Synthesis of Iron/Copper Nanoparticles as a Catalytic of Fenton-like Reactions for Removal of Orange G Dye
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This research paper studies the use of an environmentally and not expensive method to degrade Orange G dye (OG) from the aqueous solution, where the extract of ficus leaves has been used to fabricate the green bimetallic iron/copper nanoparticles (G-Fe/Cu-NPs). The fabricated G‑Fe/Cu-NPs were characterized utilizing scanning electron microscopy, BET, atomic force microscopy, energy dispersive spectroscopy, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy and zeta potential. The rounded and shaped as like spherical nanoparticles were found for G-Fe/Cu‑NPs with the size ranged 32-59 nm and the surface area was 4.452 m2/g. Then the resultant nanoparticles were utilized as a Fenton-like oxidation catalyst. The degradation efficiency of

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Scopus (17)
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Publication Date
Fri Dec 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Hong-Ou-Mandel Dip Measurements of Two Independent Weak Coherent Pulses for Free Space Quantum Key Distribution Systems
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Preparation of identical independent photons is the core of many quantum applications such as entanglement swapping and entangling process. In this work, Hong-Ou-Mandel experiment was performed to evaluate the degree of indistinguishability between independent photons generated from two independent weak coherent sources working at 640 nm. The visibility was 46%, close to the theoretical limit of 50%. The implemented setup can be adopted in quantum key distribution experiments carried out with free space as the channel link, as all the devices and components used are operative in the visible range of the electromagnetic spectrum.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 02 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
عبدالحميد الثاني والإستيطان الصهيوني في الولايات العربية من مشرق الوطن العربي مناطق الأختيار للإستيطان فلسطين والعراق
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ترك السلطان عبدالحميد الثاني بصماتهُ على أخاديد الزمان وعلى خارطة المشرق العربي الخاضع للسيطرة العثمانية أنذاك ، لكونهُ أهم شخصية أسلامية غير عربية واجهت الخطر الصهيوني ومحاولاتهم الإستيطانية في مشرق الوطن العربي ، على الرغم من صعوبة الظروف التي كانت تمر بها الدولة العثمانية داخليا ً وخارجيا ً، بما فيها من أطماع اقتسامها بين الاوربين ولذا سموها بالرجل المريض .

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