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The impact of public debt on financial stability in Iraq
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Countries have faced the challenges of high levels of public debt and seek to define the optimum limits to reduce risks to which the financial system can be exposed and its impact on the economy as a whole. Hence the importance of research in studying the impact of internal and external public debt components on indicators of stability of the financial system for the period 2005-2017 for the purpose of knowing the extent of the financial stability indicators response to the high level of the public debt from its optimum ratio, as the aim of the research is to estimate and analyze the dynamic relationship of short and long term between the components of public debt and indicators of financial stability using the (ARDL) model that requires the time-series of the dependent variable to remain At the first difference, as the estimate results showed that the foreign reserve as a macroeconomic indicator was affected by the rise in internal debt, especially for the years (2014-2017), after the government went to the sources of internal debt to finance the budget deficit, as the contribution of the domestic debt to the GDP reached 49% in 2017 in addition to The contribution of non-bank financial institutions to the internal lending process after it was controlled by banks until the year 2010. The research found that the total banking capital (index of the banking sector) was adversely affected by the internal and external debt in the short term and their influence on it in the long term has weakened due to the high capital adequacy attributable to the modest employment of banks resources, and the results of the estimate reached the impact of the volume of stock trading (the financial market index) Inversely to the increase in domestic debt in the short and long term due to the decrease in the number of registered shares and the failure of disclosure reports.

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 22 2017
Journal Name
Environmental Toxicology And Chemistry
Factors affecting the dissipation of pharmaceuticals in freshwater sediments
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Abstract<sec><label></label><p>Degradation is one of the key processes governing the impact of pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment. Most studies on the degradation of pharmaceuticals have focused on soil and sludge, with fewer exploring persistence in aquatic sediments. We investigated the dissipation of 6 pharmaceuticals from different therapeutic classes in a range of sediment types. Dissipation of each pharmaceutical was found to follow first‐order exponential decay. Half‐lives in the sediments ranged from 9.5 (atenolol) to 78.8 (amitriptyline) d. Under sterile conditions, the persistence of pharmaceuticals was considerably longer. Stepwise multiple linear regression analysis was performed to </p></sec> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2016
Journal Name
Translation & Linguistics
The Concept of Death in Don DeLillo's White Noise
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Death is undoubtedly the theme of Don DeLillo’s White Noise. Murray Siskind, a College-on-the-Hill professor who is obsessed with the exploration and reinterpretation of American popular culture, talks about the Tibetan Book of the Dead, and the German mentor of Jack Gladney has been using the Egyptian Book of the Dead, translated into German. The core episode of the story is the Airborne Toxic Event, the associate of Heinrich (Jack’s teenage son), Orestes Mercator, dreams of becoming one of the great figures in the Guinness Book by challenging and confronting death by enclosing himself in a glass pen jam-packed with poisonous snakes, and Heinrich challenges an imprisoned mass murderer in a chess game. The scholarly expertise of Jack c

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2001
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Predicting the Change in Volume of Mixed Oil Stocks
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 13 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of some plant extracts on germination and seeding of Raphanus sativus and effect on surface growth of Rhizoctonia solani
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The experiment was conducted to study the effect of leaves extract of Salvia sclarea , Rosmarinus officinalis and Thymus vulgaris with 10% and 30% concentration on germination of seeds and growth of seedlings . The effect of these extracts on infection percentage of seeds decay and surface growth of Rhizoctonia solani . The results showed that the three extracts effected significantly to reduced percentage of seeds germination, acceleration of germination , promoter indicator , infection percentage of seeds decay and surface growth of R. solani especially in 30% concentration .

Publication Date
Thu Jun 27 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Background of the siffing Arbitration Agreement
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It is important to set the background of stiffen arbitration agreement, to understand the real reasons of the fighting. When the Syrians began to lose, raised the masahif and made their announcement, most the qurrar, and so no need to continued fighting.

            In their view all that remained was the matter of drawing up formal peace with Ali, Muamiya; Ali would recognize as Amir al-muminin by both Syrian and Iraqis.

            The most of the Iraqisfavored settlement for different persons, for example-A'shath, the most power full of the clan leaders of Rabia, his interest by insuring that neither Ali nor Mu

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 13 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Language Studies
Opening the Box of Suffering, Unleashing the Evils of the World’: Pandora and her Representation in Nineteenth-Century American Poetry
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Publication Date
Fri May 01 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Psychosocial Rehabilitation
The Psychological Pollution And Its Role In The Effectiveness Of The Administrative Performance Of International Stadiums Staff (Baghdad, Arbil, Basrah)
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MT Abed, ALSG Irhayyim, TH Rija, International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 2020 - Cited by 1

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 11 2016
Journal Name
International Journal Of Applied Linguistics And English Literature
The Illusion of Untranslatability: A Theoretical Perspective with Reference to the Translation of Culture-Bound Euphemistic Expressions in the Qur'an
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The present study investigates the notion of untranslatability where the concept of equivalence is reconsidered since the misconceptions, related to the said concept, inevitably lead to the emergence of untranslatability. Identifying equivalence as relative, approximate and necessary identity makes the notion of untranslatability a mere theorization. The objectives of the present study are (1) to investigate the notion of untranslatability in terms of the misconceptions associated with the concept of equivalence (2) to examine the possibility of translatability from Arabic into English focusing on culture-bound euphemistic expressions in the Quran as an area of challenge in translation. Data on the translation of culture-bound euphemistic e

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 24 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Calculation of the Concentrations of Depleted Uranium in The Diyala River Sediment Samples Using The Nuclear Track Detector CR-39
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   In this study,  depleted uranium concentrations were calculated  in  sediments  Diyala River samples , where 14 samples of sediment along the Diyala River were collected , starting from the Rustumiya area and ending with the Tuwaitha area after its confluence with the River Tigris , using the solid - state nuclear track detectors technique (SSNTDs).        We found that the highest concentration of depleted uranium was in the sample (A-13), and was taken from the Tuwaitha area with the specific activity of the amount (78.1 ± 8.5 Bq/kg ) and the lowest concentration of the depleted uranium was in the sample  (A-7), and was taken from the Azwaip area with  the

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Publication Date
Sun May 15 2022
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Comparison between the presence and absence of mixing in the anaerobic biological treatment of liquid waste for the cheese industry
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Many nations are seeing an increase in water pollution from dairy and cheese production due to the high organic and fat content in their waste products and the high temperature of their waste products, which elevates the water temperature and causes loss to ecosystem components. Reusing industrial wastewater that has been treated to guarantee no harm has been done to the environment is being hampered by a lack of water. This study compares the presence and absence of mixing in the anaerobic biological treatment of liquid waste for the cheese industry. To decrease heat exchange with the external environment, cube-shaped anaerobic reactors with dimensions of (30 x 30 x 30) cm and thick glass (10 mm) were utilized in this investigation

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