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Affect of Financial Development on Poverty in Iraq for the Period 1980-2010
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There are many applied Economic studies that have found positive nexus between financial development and poverty reduction in developing countries. Iraq has witnessed an increasing rate of poverty during the period 1980-2010 due to many internal and external factors such as wars, economic sanctions, inflation, a high rate of unemployment, and political and security instability. Therefore, the investigation about the solutions to reduce poverty becomes very necessary, and enhancing the financial development in Iraq is one of these options. This is due to that the financial development could reduce the poverty rates through two channels: the first is direct via the offering of the loans and other financial facilities to the poor, and the second is indirectly through the intermediate mean which is economic growth. Whereas financial development contributes to spurring economic growth through the mobilization of savings and channel them to the most efficient uses with higher economic and social returns. In addition, economic growth reduces the poverty through two channels. The first is direct by increasing the introduction factors held by the poor and improve the situations into the sectors and areas where the poor life. The second is indirect through redistribution of the realized incomes from the economic growth as well as the realized incomes from the government revenues which can be used to transfer the payments and improve the living standard.   However, the study found that neither the financial development nor the economic growth contributed in the poverty reduction in Iraq during the period 1980-2010, and there were other factors could reduce the poverty in Iraq such as the low rate of inflation, low rate of unemployment, and the political and security stability.   


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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The effect of financial reporting quality on the dividend policies of companies listed in the Iraqi Stock Exchange
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Financial Reporting Quality (FRQ) is one of the important topics in the financial management, it has the impact on the users decisions, it also effect on many other variables i.e dividend, therefore. This paper aims to provide a diameter of Financial Reporting Quality (FRQ) level for the companies listed on the Iraqi Stock Exchange. It also tries to show the FRQ effects on the dividend policy. The study sample was 13 listed companies in the Iraqi Stock Exchange for the period from 2007 to 2011. Kothari et al. 2005 model has been used to measure the FRQ, on the other hand the common stock share of the dividend was used to measure the dividend.

   Many conclusions have been driven by the research

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Effect of IFRS 16 on the quality of financial reporting For the Iraqi economic units Applied to the General Company of Iraqi Airways
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The rental activity receives "significant" interest from accounting organizations interested in issuing accounting standards worldwide, such as the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). As leases represents an important source of finance for economic units as an alternative to financing assets through purchase or borrowing. Professional organizations have focused on addressing the situation of extra-budgetary funding through which the lessee hides many leases that are classified as financing without It shows in the budget, which gives an incorrect picture of the reality of the financial situation of economic unity, IASB has issued IFRS 16, which terminates off- Balance s

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Adopting International Financial Reporting Standard No. (9) Financial Instruments - Recognition and Measurement of Accounting for Shares and its Reflection on the Financial Statements of Companies
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Many financial institutions invest their surplus funds in stocks, either to obtain dividends or for trading purposes and to obtain profits from the difference between the cost and the selling price, and investment in shares represents an important part of the financial position of financial institutions applying to the common accounting system of banks and insurance companies, in addition to their impact It is clear on the result of the activity of these institutions.The aim of the research is to define what the shares and their types are, and to indicate the accounting treatments needed to move towards the process of adopting the International Financial Reporting Standard No. (9) and its reflection on its financial statements. I

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Structural Imbalances and their impact on Sectoral Growth and Employment in Iraqi Economy for the period 2003-2015: Analytical study.
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     The objective of this study, is to attempt to explain the reality of the Structural Imbalances in the Iraqi Economy during the period of research, by providing a quantitative analysis of the most important types of Imbalances, Which are represented by the disruption in the Productive Structure, the imbalance of the structure of Public Budget, and the imbalance of the Structure of Trade. The problem of the research, is the fact that the economy structure in Iraq has long suffered from an Imbalances in its economic structure, which are represented in the unequal relations between its constituent elements, according to the proportions levels defined by the economic theory.

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Effectiveness of Monetary Policy in Neutralizing Oil Price Fluctuations on the Gross Domestic Product in Iraq for the Period (1990-2019)
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The research aimed to measure the reality of monetary policy and its role in neutralizing the impact of fluctuations in total domestic oil prices, through the most important monetary policy variable (money supply). An example of this is using a simple technique in the previous example, turning it into a straightforward user interface by (Judd and Kunee). After estimating the impact of the policy with the domestic gross domestic oil prices in Iraq, the effect of fluctuations in the domestic gross domestic oil prices in the simple regression model, while the morale of oil prices was not proven with a negative sign, while the morale of money supply and their impact on the increase of the domestic was proven in the multiple regressio

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
(Estimation and Analysis of the Cobb-Duglas Production Function for the Rail Transport Sector in Iraq for the Period 1990-2016 using the ARDL Model)
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Since the railway transport sector is very important in many countries of the world, we have tried through this research to study the production function of this sector and to indicate the level of productivity under which it operates.

It was found through the estimation and analysis of the production function Kub - Duglas that the railway transport sector in Iraq suffers from a decline in the level of productivity, which was reflected in the deterioration of the level of services provided for the transport of passengers and goods. This led to the loss of the sector of importance in supporting the national economy and the reluctance of most passengers an

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Impact of Empowerment Human Strategy on Enhancing the Financial Performance: Empirical study on Working Banks in Jordan
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This study aimed at recognizing the impact of empowerment of human resources strategy on enhancing the financial performance in working banks in Jordan, the axes of the strategy were: informative sharing, free and independence, working teams, and organizational power. To achieve the objective of the study, a questionnaire is designed and distributed on the sample of the study, which represented 60 employees of Banks. After analyzing the data by using SPSS, the study resulted that there is positive impact of empowerment of human resources strategy on enhancing the financial performance in working banks in Jordan. It suggested that the working banks in Jordan should establish database, and to create working teams.

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measuring and Analyzing The Causal Relationship between Investing Government Expenditure non-oil GDP in Iraq For The Period (1990-2011)
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The investment government expenditure is considered the fundamental of enhancing the economic activity as it has become a mean for achieving capital accumulation in all economic  sectors, The Iraqi economy is characterized of being yield unilateral depending petroleum  revenues as an essential  resource of financing government expenditure , as  the contribution of petroleum  sector in GDP is large in proportions to other economic sectors  contribution.

 The relationship between investing government expenditure, and non-oil GDP  is about to be not existent during the

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Thu Jan 04 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of financial technology in improving the financial performance of banks: A field study on a sample of private banks in Erbil governorate
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               Today, the financial and banking sector is witnessing a qualitative shift thanks to financial technology services, which provide their services to many individuals and companies in quick, easy and less expensive ways compared to traditional means. Financial technology is a new form of financial science that combines financial transactions and technological skills concerned with providing financial services and improving the work environment within Banking institutions, and financial technology provides many advantages such as lower transaction costs, instant payment, and saving more time and effort in conducting banking

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Effect of the Stability of Some Commodity Activities in Iraq on the Estimation of the Statistical Data Models for the Period (1988-2000)
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There is an assumption implicit but fundamental theory behind the decline by the time series used in the estimate, namely that the time series has a sleep feature Stationary or the language of Engle Gernger chains are integrated level zero, which indicated by I (0). It is well known, for example, tables of t-statistic is designed primarily to deal with the results of the regression that uses static strings. This assumption has been previously treated as an axiom the mid-seventies, where researchers are conducting studies of applied without taking into account the properties of time series used prior to the assessment, was to accept the results of these tests Bmanueh and delivery capabilities based on the applicability of the theo

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