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Measure and analyze the relationship between oil prices and the Iraqi dinar exchange rate
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In this research, we discussed and analyzed the relationship between oil prices and the U.S. dollar exchange rate in Iraq. The study adopted the descriptive analysis and econometrics analysis. The descriptive analysis refers to the rise (fall) in crude oil price lead to appreciate (depreciate) in the Iraqi dinar exchange rate, though the channel of the international reserves. The econometrics analysis is based on monthly data covered the period (December/2002 – December/2011), the unit root test, co-integration test, vector error correction model, and Granger causality test have been adopted in this research to check the existence and direction of this relationship. The results refer to the long-run relationship between oil price and Iraqi dinar, Granger causality test refer to one direction causality run from oil price to Iraq dinar exchange rate. On other hand, VECM refers to two causalities long-run relationships (i.e. both oil price and exchange rate cause each other). But the direction of the relationship from the Iraqi dinar exchange rate to the crude oil price is not accepted by the economic logic, because it is not possible the IQD affect the crude oil prices

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
المجلة العراقية للعلوم الاقتصادية
قياس وتحليل تأثير صدمات أسعار النفط الخام على راس المال البشري في العراق للمدة (1970 – 2021)
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قياس وتحليل تأثير صدمات أسعار النفط الخام على راس المال البشري في العراق للمدة (1970 – 2021)

Publication Date
Wed Mar 16 2022
Journal Name
International Academic Journal Of Accounting And Financial Management
Analyzing and Measuring the Relationship between Public Spending and the Parallel Exchange Rate in the Iraqi Economy for the Period 2004-2022
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Public spending represents the government’s financial leverage and has a significant impact on real and monetary economic variables, and one of these effects is the effect of public spending on the exchange rate as an important monetary variable for monetary policy, As we know that public spending in Iraq is financed from oil revenues sold in US dollars, and the Ministry of Finance converts the US dollar into Iraqi dinars to finance the government's need to spend within the requirements and obligations of the state's general budget, And converting the US dollar into Iraqi dinars has an impact on the parallel exchange market, even if there is a contractual exchange rate between the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank of Iraq to

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The relationship between the central government and local administrations in the federal system: Experience the Iraqi model
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   Increasingly, public organizations in the federal state are required to work together, as well as to work with others to achieve their objectives. In Iraq there are two levels of organizations, including federal and local, and these organizations have been forced to work for many years in an environment in which the responsibility for service delivery is shared between policy makers and service providers, and between local governments and the federal government. It is sometimes difficult to manage the relationship between these organizations (federal and local) and do not always provide the best possible outcome of this relationship. This paper reviews how to manage the relationship between local administrations and

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 29 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Humanities And Social Sciences Researches
Measuring and Analysis the Relationship between the Internal Public Debt and the Exchange Rate in the Iraqi Economy for The Period 2004 – 2022
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The scholastic view of public religion differed, and this difference was on two extremes. All economic schools agreed that public debt is a monetary liquidity that was unjustly deducted from the income and output cycle as a result of the imbalance in the economic balance and the departure from the conditions of balance between aggregate demand and aggregate supply. Debt is a waste of financial resources allocated to productive accumulation. Except for the Keynesian school, which considers public debt to be an addition to aggregate demand after the decline in the role of the private sector in investment as a result of pessimistic expectations that warn of signs of economic contraction. Public debt is linked to the ex

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The causal relationship between inflation and the volume of private sector deposits and the Amman Stock Exchange Index. (The case of Jordan for the period 1999-2017)
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        The study aims to show the correlation between inflation rates and the volume of private sector deposits in Jordan on one hand, and Amman Stock Exchange index for the period of 1999-2017. The study used the “Vector Auto Regression” model. Different types of tests are used such as: The “Johansen Co integration” test of joint integration, “Granger causality” test, the “Analysis of Variance Decomposition”, and “Impulse response Function” test.

The results showed there is a positive-one-way causal effect from Amman Stock Exchange index to inflation. Also, a one-way causal effect that comes from Amman Stock Exchange index to the size of private sec

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The relationship between foreign direct investment and economic growth in Iraq after 2003(reality and ambition)
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Foreign direct investment is considered one of important bases to blind economy for many. Countries as if the main stage for developing national economy ,so for this ,many of countries give great prominence to the role of drivel foreign investment due to its importance as one of economic growth pillars in the developing countries. They offer a support for modern technology, organizational and managerial skills.        

  Dneto the importance of direct foreign investment on the economic growth, today, we discover that Iraq in need to rebnlid the in frastructuve and renew what has been destroyed during was in many production and export institutions . as wel

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 12 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measuring the speed of response of the exported quantity of crude oil to the increase in its prices using the model Impulse Response Functions (IRF) (Iraq case study) for the period (1978-2017)
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     Oil is considered a commodity and is still an important and prominent role in drawing and shaping the Iraqi economic scene. The revenues generated from the export of oil are considered the main source of the general budget in cash flows.  

     Since the revenues consist of quantity and price and the latter is an external factor which is difficult to predict, The effect of any commodity on its price, which is proven in the theory of micro-economic, but it is observed through the research that the response is slow, which means not to take advantage of the rise in prices, by increasing the quantity exported, the result of several facto

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 03 2018
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Integrative Relationship between the Picture and the Written Text in the Commercial Advertisement
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There is no doubt that the   advertisement picture  and the written text play  a key role in the formation of the language of the communicative discourse as the main pillars of the design of commercial advertising and the main entrance for the  advertising message awareness... Hence the researcher chose the title of her research (Integrative Relationship between the Picture and the Written Text in the Printed Commercial Advertisement) starting from following questions: What is the relationship between the picture and the written text in the printed commercial declaration? Is there functional, aesthetic and interactive integration between them?


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Publication Date
Wed Mar 22 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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The current study aimed to identify key consumer rights and the nature of the work of organizations and traders in the Algerian market through the opinions of the study sample. To prove the hypotheses the researcher depended on the data obtained by the questionnaire prepared for this purpose. She distributed 384 questionnaires out of which only 300 were returned.
The data were analyzed using several statistical techniques such as the Statistical Package for Social Studies system, in addition to percentages, frequencies, and standard deviation.
And a number of conclusions and recommendations were presented. The most important results are:
- There is a strong correlation between safety and compensation rights.
- There is a st

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
"Testing Caldor's Hypothesis to Estimate the Relationship between the Industrial Production and Growth in Gross Domestic Product in Iraq"
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The study aimed to test the hypothesis of Caldor to estimate the relationship between industrial production and GDP growth in Iraq using with Integration Framework  and to determine the causal relationship in the short and long term using the error correction vector model for the period 1990-2016. the results showed a long-term equilibrium relationship between GDP and industrial output, while Ganger causality tests showed a causal relationship in the long run of GDP to output Subliminal thus illustrated the extent of the recession suffered by the industrial sector, which is supposed to be the driving force of the economy and the development and expansion of the productive base of the industry, so this study recommends attent

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