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work alienation and its impact on Job Satisfaction Applied Research
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The research aims to determine the role of functional alienation and its impact on Job Satisfaction in General Motors Company, that were selected to apply the field side being an important company in Iraq, the problem was research with difficulty in employees adapt and their sense of alienation in their work which is reflected negatively on the level of satisfaction with work in company searched. A questionnaire was adopted as the main tool for data collection research which included (31) items distributed on (50) employees in the company selected, on a randomly chosen and based on the statistical program ready by (SPSS). Sample of this study was the most important findings of the research are the weak management of the company in reducing the alienation that staff is feeling at work, because that the possibilities and capacities of staff are not being properly exploited in General Motors Company, which increases their feeling Isolation and alienation at work. Important recommendations were of interest to the company's management in terms of employees They feel bored in their performance, by reducing the routine. and encourage them to work collectively, and assign them to work that makes them feel important in the company, this role can limit the phenomenon of social isolation for employees in the work.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Shaikh Al-Fadhali's Thesis in Parsing the phrase 'No god but Allah' written by Al-Shaikh Saif-el-Deen Atta Abu-el Futouh Al-Wafa'y Al- Fadhali (1020 A.D.)
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Praise be to Allah, The Lord of the worlds, and peace be upon
Muhammad the master of former and latter people, and peace be upon His
relatives, companions and those who followed Him to Judgment day.
After recognizing the prescription which is called (Al- Fadhaly's Thesis in
parsing of "There is no god but God") as it is related with the word of the
investigation of this issue attracted me, as being related with the idea of the
only one God that is mentioned in the prophetic speech, which is said by
Anas- God satisfies him- Who said, Said the Messenger Muhammad peace
be upon him " Goes out of the Hell who said: there is no god but God, and in
his heart a hair weight of charity, and goes out of the He

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 23 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الخلفية التاريخية النسبية والمذهبية لبني يفرن واماكن وجودهم في المغرب والاندلس من الفتح الاسلامي الى القرن الخامس الهجري/الحادي عشر الميلادي دراسة تاريخية
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The Berber tribes in the Islamic Maghreb and Andalusia had a distinct role in the future of states and entities .The Islamic Maghreb in terms of its stability,downfall,political relations and conflicts among them.Among these tribes was the Banu Yafran tribe, which is the subject of the study.

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 13 2005
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Stimulation of Phagocytic Activity of Human Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes in Vitro Using 10 mW He-Ne Laser.
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Stimulative effect of 10 mW He-Ne laser on the phagocytic activity of human polymorphonuclear leukocytes( PMNs) has been studied in vitro. Normal polymorphonuclear leucocytes were isolated from the human peripheral blood. A mixture of 0.25 ml of Hanks solution, 0.25 ml of serum, 0.25 ml of Candida albicans suspension and 0.25 ml of PMNs suspension was prepared. The samples of mixture of PMNs and Candida were subdivided in 1 ml ependrof tubes and irradiated to He-Ne laser for 1, 3, 5, 10 and 20 min. The diameter of the irradiated area was 0.8 cm. For calculation of Phagocytic index before and after irradiation, the samples were incubated (37°C) at 5, 15, 30, 60 min. The slides of samples were prepared and stained using Giemsa stain. The

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 25 2020
Journal Name
المؤتمر العلمي الدولي الثالث لكلية التربية البدنية
دراسة مشكلات الاتصال بين طلبة الدراسات العليا وأعضاء هيئة التدريس في بعض كليات التربية البدنية وعلوم الرياضة العراقية من وجهة نظر الطلبة أنفسهم
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Publication Date
Mon Dec 26 2022
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الخلفية التاريخية النسبية والمذهبية لبني يفرن واماكن وجودهم في المغرب والاندلس من الفتح الاسلامي الى القرن الخامس الهجري/الحادي عشر الميلادي دراسة تاريخية
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    The Berber tribes in the Islamic Maghreb and Andalusia had a distinct role in the future of states and entities .The Islamic Maghreb in terms of its stability,downfall,political relations and conflicts among them.Among these tribes was the Banu Yafran tribe, which is the subject of the study.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 23 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Active Role of Admin strative Skills in Reinforcing Strategic Entrepreneur Ship Through Organizational Flexibility: دراسة استطلاعية لأراء عينة من الإدارات العليا والوسطى في المصارف العراقية الخاصة / بغداد
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The study has tackled three important variables on the strategic and organizational level, that are : (Administrative skill, strategic Entrepreneurship  and organizational flexibility). Through the statistical analysis is, the research hers have sought to identify the relation among them. The study has been applied on a sample of (44) private banks in Iraq. A questionnaire, which has been designed according to a number of international standards, has been used. It's made of (29) items that cover the three variables to test their hypotheses. A number of statistical tools have been used A number of conclusion have been reached and recommendations have also been suggested.

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 25 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
قال تعالى: (سنريهم ءايتنا في الافاق وفي انفسهم حتى يتبين لهم انه الحق اولم يكف بربك انه على كل شئ شهيد) -دراسة وتحليل-
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فقد تناولت في موضوعي هذه الآية الكريمة فقد جاء في هذه الآية تعليم من الله عز وجل لرسوله (ص) فلكل داع الى الله من أمته, اسلوباٌ يدعوا به الناس ومحاجة الكافرين بالقرآن, وفيها بيان من الله عز وجل بأنه سيري الناس في المستقبل بعض آياته في كونه, وهي آيات دالات على أن القران حق منزل من عند الله جل جلاله, وليس من وضع البشر, فالناس عاجز عن معرفة الآيات الباهرات التي سيريها الله عز وجل للناس في كونه , وقد أخبرهم عنها في القرآ

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 15 2019
Journal Name
Role of the Internet in Spreading Rumors Social networking sites "Facebook" model For the duration of 1-7-2017 until 30-11-2017: يوسف محمد حسين
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This study is about the role of the Internet in spreading rumors, especially through social networking sites "Facebook" model as the effectiveness of social networks lies in the speed of transmission of events; these two characteristics are important to the public, making the Internet a strong contender for television and its relationship with the public. That's why we find that the Internet today has become a fertile environment for the growth and spread of rumors. The more limited the platforms and places of publication, the greater the responsibility in the search for the original source in   spreading this or that rumor, as the Internet is considered an easy means in the production, spreading  and re-spreading  of

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 27 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Using the Image in Teaching Arabic Language Vocabulary to Non-Native Speakers: The Experience of the Arabic Language Institute - King Abdul-Aziz University - as a Model: آمال موسى عباس الإمام
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The study aims to demonstrate the importance of instructional methods in teaching Arabic language as a second language or teaching the Arabic language to non-native speakers. The study is in line with the tremendous development in the field of knowledge, especially in the field of technology and communication, and the emergence of many electronic media in education in general and language teaching in particular. It employs an image in teaching vocabulary and presenting the experience of the Arabic Language Institute for Non-Speakers-King Abdul-Aziz University. The study follows the descriptive approach to solve the problem represented by the lack of interest in the educational methods when teaching Arabic as a second language. Accordingl

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2011
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Performance Improvement of Neural Network Based RLS Channel Estimators in MIMO-OFDM Systems
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The objective of this study was tointroduce a recursive least squares (RLS) parameter estimatorenhanced by using a neural network (NN) to facilitate the computing of a bit error rate (BER) (error reduction) during channels estimation of a multiple input-multiple output orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (MIMO-OFDM) system over a Rayleigh multipath fading channel.Recursive least square is an efficient approach to neural network training:first, the neural network estimator learns to adapt to the channel variations then it estimates the channel frequency response. Simulation results show that the proposed method has better performance compared to the conventional methods least square (LS) and the original RLS and it is more robust a

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