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The Relationship between Fiscal Policy and Human Development Analytical Studay Of Iraq Using The (ARDL)Model
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Fiscal policy is one of the important economic tools that affect economic development in general and human development in particular through its tools (public revenues, public expenditures, and the general budget).

It was hoped that the effects of fiscal policy during the study period (2004-2007) will positively reflect on human development indicators (health, education, income) by raising these indicators on the ground. After 2003, public revenues in Iraq increased due to increased revenues. However, despite this increase in public budgets, the actual impact on human development and its indicators was not equivalent to this increase in financial revenues. QR The value of the general budget allocations has not been matched by a real improvement in human development indicators resulting from this digital increase.

The standard aspect of using ARDL model was that there was a short-term positive relationship between government expenditure and public revenues as explanatory variables on the one hand, and the per capita GDP as an indicator of income on the other hand, and the absence of a long-term relationship between the two explanatory variables (government spending and public revenues) on one hand and between the per capita GDP.

The standard aspect also found a short-term relationship and no long-term relationship between the two explanatory variables (government spending and public revenues) on one hand and life expectancy at birth as an indicator of health on the other hand. The term between the two explanatory variables (government spending and public revenues) on the one hand and the literacy rate as an indicator of education on the other hand, which confirms the hypothesis of the research.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
(Estimation and Analysis of the Cobb-Duglas Production Function for the Rail Transport Sector in Iraq for the Period 1990-2016 using the ARDL Model)
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Since the railway transport sector is very important in many countries of the world, we have tried through this research to study the production function of this sector and to indicate the level of productivity under which it operates.

It was found through the estimation and analysis of the production function Kub - Duglas that the railway transport sector in Iraq suffers from a decline in the level of productivity, which was reflected in the deterioration of the level of services provided for the transport of passengers and goods. This led to the loss of the sector of importance in supporting the national economy and the reluctance of most passengers an

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Multi-dimensional poverty and sustainable human development in Iraq
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The problem of poverty and deprivation constitute a humanitarian tragedy and its continuation may threaten the political achievements reached by the State. Iraq, in particular, and although he is one of the very rich countries due to availability of huge economic wealth, poverty indicators are still high. In addition, the main factor in the decline in the standard of living due to the weakness of the government's performance in the delivery of public services of water, electricity and sanitation. Thus, the guide for human development has been addressed which express the achievements that the state can be achieved both on a physical level or on the human level, so in order to put appropriate strategies and policies aimed at elimin

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analaysis of the lmpacyt fiscal policy in Iraq on stabilization and economic growth for the period (2003-2010)
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        The vision and philosophy of the economic system in Iraq after 2003 were not clear-cut because of overlapping internal factors was the novelty of the political system and the lack of political and economic decision makers to understanding and conviction full need shaping a new administration for the Iraqi economy is able to succeed economic development programs, and external factors was determinedly organizations international application of shock reforming style and contrary to the social reality and the security which reflected negatively on the work and consistency Lisseeash financial balance between stability and growth and raise the level of consumer spending and the importance of r

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of monetary policy variables inflation in Algeria: standard study using self regression time gaps
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                In the past years, the Algerian Economy has witnessed various monetary developments characterized by different monetary and banking reforms aimed by monetary authorities to achieve monetary stability and driving overall growth. It should be noted that there is evidence to initiate fundamental changes on the basis of which new monetary, financing and banking policy mechanisms must be formulated in Algeria by enhancing the pursuit of reforming the monetary system, in order to improve monetary and economic indicators.

                The study a

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The relationship between human investment and economic growth in Iraq(1985-2010) and measuring return of investment of human
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Investment in human capital of renewable energy can be relied upon to get to achieve the goals of development is important for Iraq through the intellectual community cards creative able to innovate and develop what is so is study the effect of human investment on economic growth through the adoption of the index of national income as a function of variables independent ( human capital, physical capital) and this is built on the premise that the relationship direct correlation between economic growth and human investment, and it can measure the return on human investment, which is an incentive to increase human capital through education and the development of the economy in general have shown th

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Wed Dec 11 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Turkish Policy Towards Africa in the Era of the Justice and Development Party
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Turkish policy towards Africa witnessed important developments over time that began before the Ottoman era and then developed during the Ottoman era when the Ottoman state played an important role in maintaining security by confronting Portuguese interventions in North Africa and sending military aid. Thus, the Ottoman state was able to develop its policy towards Africa for important considerations based mainly on the employment of the religious factor and the spread of Islam for the African acceptance of the Ottomans in the African territories and thus, achieve economic, strategic and political motives. Later, these relations declined in the Republican era due to the weak political and economic potential of Turkey on the one hand and th

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analytical Study Compared Between Poisson and Poisson Hierarchical Model and Applied in Healthy Field
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Through this research, We have tried to evaluate the health programs and their effectiveness in improving the health situation through a study of the health institutions reality in Baghdad to identify the main reasons that affect the increase in maternal mortality by using two regression models, "Poisson's Regression Model" and "Hierarchical Poisson's Regression Model". And the study of that indicator (deaths) was through a comparison between the estimation methods of the used models. The "Maximum Likelihood" method was used to estimate the "Poisson's Regression Model"; whereas the "Full Maximum Likelihood" method were used for the "Hierarchical Poisson's Regression Model

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Trends of Fiscal Policy in bearing the financial burden of the government and the Extent Leadership in Iraq during the period 2004- 2014
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There has been a heated controversy over the role the financial policy plays and how sufficient   it   is   in affording   the   financial   burden. This   burden   is   known as the operational   current expenses   which   the   governments   of   various countries mainly afford,   despite the   discrepancy   in   the   government’s   economic   policy.   After   the deterioration and deficit in the state budget in all countries nowadays, it was necessary to find an appropri

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Forecasting the financial failure of Islamic banks using the Altman model, ---- springate model and ---- Sherrod model / an analytical study in Islamic banks listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange
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Profit is a goal sought by all banks because it brings them income and guarantees them survival and continuity, and on the other hand, facing commitments without financial crisis. Hence the idea of research in his quest to build scientific tools and means that can help bank management in particular, investors, lenders and others to predict financial failure and to detect early financial failures. The research has produced a number of conclusions, the most important of which is that all Islamic banks sample a safe case of financial failure under the Altman model, while according to the Springate model all Islamic banks sample a search for a financial failure except the Islamic Bank of Noor Iraq for Investment and Finance )BINI(. A

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
measure the relationship between imported inflation and foreign trade in the Iraqi economy for long 1990-2015 using model nardl
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The study aims to discuss the relation between imported inflation and international trade of Iraqi economy for the period (1990-2015) by using annual data. To achieve the study aim, statistical and Econometrics methods are used through NARDL model to explain non-linear relation because it’s a model assigned to measure non-linear relations and as we know most economic relations are non-linear, beside explaining positive and negative effects of imported inflation, and to reach the research aim deductive approach was adopted through using descriptive method to describe and determine phenomenon. Beside the inductive approach by g statistical and standard tools to get the standard model explains the

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