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Compare Linear Progamming With Other Methods to Finding Optimal Solution for Transportation Problem
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The researcher studied transportation problem because it's great importance in the country's economy. This paper which ware studied several ways to find a solution closely to the optimization, has applied these methods to the practical reality by taking one oil derivatives which is benzene product, where the first purpose of this study is, how we can reduce the total costs of transportation for product of petrol from warehouses in the province of Baghdad, to some stations in the Karsh district and Rusafa in the same province. Secondly, how can we address the Domandes of each station by required quantity which is depending on absorptive capacity of the warehouses (quantities supply), And through results reached by the researcher find the best method came after linear programming was the exponential method because it gave a solution closely to the optimization as were the result linear programming (4,357,575), either the of result exponential method was (4,365,061) followed by method Ones Method amounting the total cost (4,371,841 ) and after the result approach (A.S.M) was the total cost (4,372,585) and there were other methods reported in the research gave a high cost compared with the methods mentioned above .

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
أثـر الأدوات الداخلية لحوكمة الشركة على رأس المال الـعـامـل وانعكاسهما علـى القيـمـة الاقتصـادية المضـافـة: دراســة تطبيقيـة علـى عينــة مـــن الشـركــات الصنــاعــيــة المـدرجــة في بورصــة عـمّــان لــلأوراق المـالـيـة
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Objective of this research focused on testing the impact of internal corporate governance instruments in the management of working capital and the reflection of each of them on the Firm performance. For this purpose, four main hypotheses was formulated, the first, pointed out its results to a significant effect for each of corporate major shareholders ownership and Board of Directors size on the net working capital and their association with a positive relation.  The second, explained a significant effect of net working capital on the economic value added, and their link inverse relationship, while the third, explored a significant effect for each of the corporate major shareholders ownershi

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 12 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Soft (1,2)*-Omega Separation Axioms and Weak Soft (1,2)*-Omega Separation Axioms in Soft Bitopological Spaces
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In the present paper we introduce and study new classes of soft separation axioms in soft bitopological spaces, namely, soft (1,2)*-omega separation axioms and weak soft (1,2)*-omega separation axioms by using the concept of soft (1,2)*-omega open sets. The equivalent definitions and basic properties of these types of soft separation axioms also have been studied.

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
biofuels industry and impact on the development of the agricultural sector in developing countries
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       Although the subject of biofuels industry is linked directly to the energy sector, but has links and numerous indirect effects, in particular effects on the environment and agriculture, this study (opportunities and challenges of biofuels industry and impact on the development of the agricultural sector in developing countries) a modest step to identify the industry in detail and identify the types of products and raw materials entering, then define or limit the positive and negative impacts of this industry in General and for specific products In particular, detailed, and then flip all those effects on the agricultural sector in developing countries can benef

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
امكانية تكييف نظام الجودة في شركة الاسمنت العراقية وفقا لمتطلبات نموذج تاكيد الجودة iso9001 الخاص بنظام العمل والعاملين دراسة استطلاعية لاراء عينة من المديرين في الشركة
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امكانية تكييف نظام الجودة في شركة الاسمنت العراقية وفقا لمتطلبات نموذج تاكيد الجودة iso9001 الخاص بنظام العمل والعاملين دراسة استطلاعية لاراء عينة من المديرين في الشركة

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Studying the effect of institutional pressures on the attitudes of the managers of small enterprises in Thi-Qar province toward intention continuance environmental disposal of e-waste
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       Currently, there is no established of e-waste treatment in Thi- Qar province, while their creating is increasing every year. It has been well- known that e-waste is a source of environmental degrading and their placement in landfills increases the irreversible climate change. A research model has been developed to link three components: coercive pressure, normative influence, and mimicry, then study their effect on e-waste adopt and continuance intentions. The model was validated using data collected from a field survey of 92 managers of small enterprises in Thi-Qar province.  A questionnaire was developed to collect data. It contains five major variables, exemplify by fourteen items. Als

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Media concepts in social studies and national textbooks in public education in light of media education standards and the nature of Saudi society
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The study aimed to reveal the degree of inclusion of media concepts in the books of social and national studies in general education in light of the criteria of media education and the nature of the Saudi society. Additionally, to identify the estimations of the participants in the study of the importance of including media concepts in these books, and to build a matrix of the range and sequence of media concepts in the books of social and national studies in the grades of Saudi general education. The study followed the descriptive approach in both descriptive analysis of the textbooks and descriptive survey of the study participants who were (203) students in the schools of boys and girls in general education in Makkah. The study used t

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Analisis de la metáfora en la poema " Noche oscura del alma" de San Juan de la Cruz Analysis metaphor in the poem "Dark Night of the Soul" John of the Cross
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 Una joven cuenta cómo, en plena noche, aprovechando la tranquilidad de esa hora, sale a escondidas de su casa y va a reunirse con su enamorado. Envuelta en la oscuridad, se deja dirigir por la luz de su propio amor hasta el lugar de la cita, donde la pasión de los amantes culmina. A continuación, relajados por la brisa nocturna, los amantes se adormecen, primero, el amado velado por la amada, por último, ella misma.

Amor entre dos enamorados. Unión mística de alma y Dios , aunque , de hecho , podría servirnos de clara exposición temática el subtitulo con que el poema suele publicarse en la tradición , tanto manuscrita como impresa : Canciones del alma que se goza d

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 07 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Application of the Alternative Evaluation Strategy in Social Studies In General Education in KSA
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The study aims to reveal the degree of application of the alternative evaluation strategy in social studies in public education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It also aims to identify the opinions of experts on how to implement this. The study adopted the mixed methodology, which represented in the descriptive-analytical method, and qualitative methods through the grounded theory. The study used two tools namely: a questionnaire for assessments of social studies teachers and semi-structured interview questions. The results of the study showed a medium degree of appreciation for the application of alternative evaluation strategies by social studies teachers in general education with an average of (2.28). The results also showed that ther

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 02 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The personality of the woman and her role in the products of Agnon: דמותה ותפקידה של האישה ביצירותיו של עגנון
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  Shmuel Yosef Agnon, a well-known Jewish writer, wrote many literary works, including poetry, story, etc. In the field of story, this writer used two areas: the first: a simple exterior, and the second: an inner full of secrets and mysteries. This area is common when Agnon is affected by his symbolic method of purpose. In his productions, we find the political and historical significance embodied in his characters, where there is almost no story without it.

    Agnon and all his productions gave the character a large area, Agnon’s characters often play the center and cornerstone in those productions, where the author dealt deeply and stated the fines details of the external and internal of that ch

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 24 2024
Journal Name
Arab World English Journal
A Critical Discourse Analysis of Women’s Representation in Maysaloon Hadi’s Novel The Black Eyes
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This study applies a discourse analysis framework to explore the portrayal of women in Maysloon Hadi’s novel (The Black Eyes) (2011), using Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) and Norman Fairclough’s tri-dimensional model (1989) as the analytical foundation. It investigates the roles and challenges women face in the novel. While there is growing interest in the portrayal of women in literature, Iraqi literature—especially from the perspective of Iraqi women writers remains underexplored. Hadi’s *The Black Eyes* provides a unique case to examine this intersection. Despite the novel’s rich narrative, which offers insight into Iraqi women’s lives, there is a lack of comprehensive CDA to understand how its language constructs

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