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The Extent of Implementing the Strategy of Solid Waste Management in Baquba City - Poll search
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The research aims to identify the reality of the management strategy followed in the treatment of solid waste in the city of Baquba, and what strategies are used to treat solid waste, and the extent of the application of these strategies, through personal interviews with leading cadres in the Directorate of Baquba Municipality, their assistants and heads of departments, they numbered (55) Individuals. The descriptive method was adopted through a questionnaire prepared to measure the extent of the implementation of the strategy of solid waste management in the city of Baquba and using statistical tools including (arithmetic mean, standard deviation, relative importance, the gap). The research reached a number of conclusions, the most important of which is the failure of the Baquba Municipality to implement any strategy of solid waste treatment strategies. Based on the findings of the research, a set of recommendations that can be relied upon and benefited in improving the environmental situation in the city of Baquba, the most important of which is to seek to increase the experience and efficiency of employees working in the field of solid waste, and the need to implement a recycling strategy for materials in Solid waste, as it is a clean and easy process and provides a good financial return to the municipality with the need to educate citizens of the importance of cooperation with the municipality in the implementation of the strategy of solid waste treatment and preservation of the environment and make the city of Baquba clean and beautiful and healthy environment.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 10 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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Concentrations 25, 50 and 100 mg of nano-capsules linolenic acid and non-capsulated fatty acid for 1kg of Milk was used for yogurt manufacture. The results showed no significant differences in the ratio of titration acidity and pH values between all processed treatments at the beginning and during of period storage. The treatments was added to it coated omega-3 by nano method were the least exposed to the oxidation process from the non-capsules omega-3, And for shield of The poly lactic acid had a significant role in the protection of alpha-linolenic acid against lipolysis by the formation of a protective layer to protect the acid from the activity of lipases enzymes, and the addition of fatty acid linolenic to milk was determined the gr

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 16 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
الشفـــــــــــافيــــــــة واثــــــرها على جودة الـــرســـالــــــة الاعـــــــلانـــيــــــة لشــــركــــات التامين: بحث تطبيقي فـي شركة التامين الوطنية
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Transparency is considered as one of the modern administrational terms which started to be largely used in the last period, because of its political, economical, social and cultural dimensions. As well as, its administrational dimension that helps to create a work environment marked by order and flawless from wrong practices and Transparency provides credibility to the sides that pursue it in their practices, till it became a mean of distinction. The choice of the subject of the research ((Transparency and its effect on quality of message announcement of Insurance company)), which aims to measure the effect of Transparency on the announcement message quality of Insurance services. Came in the time when many countries tend to depend on se

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Project Planning & Scheduling: بحث تطبيقي لمشاريع / مديرية الابنية المدرسية /دائرة المشاريع /مشروعالوزارةرقم (1)
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Construction project life-cycle processes must be managed in a more effective and predictable way to meet project stakeholder needs , However, there is increasing concern about whether know-how effectively improves  understanding of underlying theories of project management processes for construction organizations and their project managers  Project planning and scheduling are considered as key and challenging tools in controlling and monitoring project performance , but many worldwide construction projects appear to give insufficient attention to effective management and definition of  project  planning, including pre planning stages . Indeed, some planning issues indeed, some planning issues have been completely ove

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 01 2000
Journal Name
Al-rafidain Collage Conference
The Modification of Median Filter to use as noise reduction procedure
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Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Basic Education
The antimicrobial activity of salvia pratensis extracts against some microbial agent
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The effectiveness inhibitory to extract alcohol for the leaf and flower to plant sage Salvia pratensis each of Staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus epidermidis, Salmonella typhi, Pseudomonas aeroginosa, Escherichia coli, Aspergillus niger and Candida albicans whom had any inhibition to aqueous extracts of the parts itself species bacterial and fungal. The study also demonstrated that the extract of plant containing compounds chemical such as tannins, Alkaloids, Flavonoieds, and saponins, which owns effectiveness of medical. The MIC, MBC and inhibition zones for crud extract were determinated for microbial agents.

Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Technologies And Materials For Renewable Energy, Environment And Sustainability: Tmrees21gr
The effect of plasma jet-generated gold nanoparticles on liver functions
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In this study, gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) were synthesized using a plasma jet system at different exposure times. Using ultraviolet, visible spectra, X-ray diffraction, the nanoparticles were characterized (XRD). A Plasmon surface resonance concentrated at 530, 540, and 533 nm for the prepared AuNPs. The pattern of XRD showed that the extreme peaks of the film reflect crystalline existence. The face-centered cubic structure of the gold nanoparticles was prepared for all samples, with an average crystallite size of 25-40 nm. The effect of AuNPs in vivo on liver function levels was measured. For all doses, we notice an increase in the ranks of liver function in the blood during the period of dosing, and it begins to decrease when the dosi

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Jan 02 2019
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The description of quantum dielectric function for insulators over Bethe surface
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Publication Date
Fri Feb 12 2016
Journal Name
International Journal Of Applied Mathematical Research
The dynamics of nutrient, toxic phytoplankton, nontoxic phytoplankton and zooplankton model
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<p>The objective of this paper is to study the dynamical behavior of an aquatic food web system. A mathematical model that includes nutrients, phytoplankton and zooplankton is proposed and analyzed. It is assumed that, the phytoplankton divided into two compartments namely toxic phytoplankton which produces a toxic substance as a defensive strategy against predation by zooplankton, and a nontoxic phytoplankton. All the feeding processes in this food web are formulating according to the Lotka-Volterra functional response. This model is represented mathematically by the set of nonlinear differential equations. The existence, uniqueness and boundedness of the solution of this model are investigated. The local and global stability

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 14 2020
Journal Name
British Journal Of Neurosurgery
Head injuries caused by the ritual of ‘Tatbir’: a neurosurgical perspective
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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Acta Facultatis Medicae Naissensis
Asthma as a risk factor for The progression of COVID-19
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Background: Asthma is one of the most common chronic respiratory diseases in the world, standing for the most frequent cause for hospitalization and emergency cases. Respiratory viruses are the most triggering cause. Aim: To assess the role of viral infections, especially COVID-19, in the pathogenesis of asthma initiation and exacerbations. Method: Electronic search was done for the manuscripts focusing on asthma as a risk factor for complications after COVID-19 infection. The outcomes were titles, materials, methods and classified studies related or not related to the review study. Three hundred publications were identified and only ten studies were selected for analysis. Seven studies were review, one retrospective, one longitudin

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