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Training has an effect on employees’ performances. Accordingly, the person who is responsible for employees’ development must figure out the most effective way to train and develop employees. Central Michigan University (CMU) has recognized the importance of providing appropriate training for employees who have a duty in advising students. The reason is that these employees have a significant impact on students’ educational performances. Thus, special attention to this category of employees is needed to improve advising quality. This research attempted to explore the impact of training on academic advising at CMU. Face-to-face interviews and online surveys were used as data collection tools for this study. The study scope consisted of professional and administrative employees who provide academic advising for students and two employees who provide academic advising for students in the MSA department. The primary question asked, what are the impacts of training on academic advisors at CMU? From the data collection, we found out that training had a major role in increasing the performance of professional and administrative employees when they served in an academic advising capacity. However, there were obstacles that the employees believed should be addressed, including unequal chances to receive training, inconsistent training, a focus on certain skills while others were ignored, a lack of trainers, problems in scheduling enough training time, lack of resources for maintaining policy awareness. Thus, this study provided recommendations to eliminate the negative outcomes of those obstacles. we suggested applying practices such as performing needs assessment for employees, evaluating training outcomes, presenting equal opportunities for receiving training, and providing available resources for employees to stay updated on the policy.  

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 22 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Agricultural & Statistical Sciences
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Publication Date
Thu Jan 17 2019
Journal Name
Energy Procedia
Irradiation of the thin films of MnS with fast neutrons and the possibility of using the new characteristics in optical detector
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The optical detectors which had been used in medical applications, and especially in radioactive treatments, need to be modified studied for the effects of radiations on them. This study included preparation of the MnS thin films in a way that vacuum thermal evaporation process at room temperature 27°C with thickness (400+-10nm) nm and a sedimentation rate of 0.39nm/sec on glass floors. The thin films prepared as a detector and had to be treated with neutron irradiation to examine the results gained from this process. The results decay X-ray (XRD) showed that all the prepared thin films have a multi-crystalline structure with the dominance of the direction (111), the two samples were irradiated with a neutron irradiation source (241Am-9Be)

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
2020 5th Ieee International Conference On Recent Advances And Innovations In Engineering (icraie)
The New Way of Estimating the PCB's Lifetime of Fatigue using the Principle of Linear Accumulated Damage in Various Boundary Condition
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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2011
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
The Role of the Use of Low Molecular Weight Heparin in the Prevention of Deep Venous Thrombosis after Total Knee Arthroplasty
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Background A prospective clinical study was
performed to compare the efficacy of the use of lowmolecular-
weight heparin group (enoxparin group)
with control group in the prevention of deep-vein
thrombosis after total knee arthroplasty.
Aim of the study: to assess the prevalence of DVT
after total knee arthroplasty and evaluate the
importance of the use of low molecular weight
heparin in the prevention of this DVT.
Methods Thirty-three patients undergoing total
knee arthroplasty were randomly divided into two
groups. One group consisted of 12 patients who
received no prophylaxis with an anticoagulant (the
control group), other group consisted of 21 patients
who received the low-molecular-weight h

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 18 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
The Effect Of Psychological Counselling On The Development Of Psychological Skills and the Level Of First Class Soccer Referees (Baghdad governorate)
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Publication Date
Fri Dec 15 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The Effect of Insertion Rate on The Adaptability of Gutta-Percha and The Apical Extrusion of Thermoplasticized Gutta Percha Obturation Techniques.
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Background: In the Thermafil as a root canal obturation, system little is known about the effect that varying rates of insertion have on the adaptability of thermoplasticized GP and the amount of apical extrusion. Materials and methods: thirty simulated root canals were obturated with thermafil obturators and Apexit Plus sealer at three different insertion rates. The obturated canals were sectioned at three different levels, the sealer average film thickness for each section was calculated and the amount of apical extrusion for each canal was conducted. Results: the higher adaptability was seen with the faster insertion rate while the slower insertion rate showed fewer tendencies to cause apical extrusion. Conclusions: the intermediate i

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 18 2025
Journal Name
Modern Sport
The reality of technological leadership in youth and sports directorates in the southern region from the point of view of employees
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Publication Date
Wed Feb 14 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research (ijsr)
Effect of the Active Thinking Model in the Achievement of Students of the Fifth Grade Applied Science of Physics and Their Pivotal Thinking
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The aim of the current research is to identify the effect of the active thinking model in the achievement of students of the fifth grade applied science of physics, and their pivotal thinking by verifying the two zero hypotheses, where there is no significant difference at the level of significance (0.05) between the average scores of the experimental group who studied physics using the active thinking model and the average scores of the control group students who studied the same material in the usual way in the achievement test, as well as in the pivotal thinking test. The research sample consisted of (77) students of the applied fifth grade students in two divisions (a) and (b), randomly selected (a) to be the experimental group, and (b)

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 17 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The Use of the Definite article in the Ottoman Turkish Language in the Fourteenth and Seventeenth Centuries: Qaboos Namah and Mazaki Collection as a Model: '' Kabusnâme ve Mezâkî Divanı Örneğinde ''14. ve 17. Yüzyılarda Osmanlı Türkçesinde Harf-i Ta'rifin Kullanması Üzerine Bir İnceleme
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The Turks used the Ottoman Turkish language from the thirteenth century to the twentieth century.  During this period and under the influence of Islamic civilization, a large number of words and structures were used from the Arabic and Persian languages, Therefore, many Arabic grammatical structures were used in the Ottoman Turkish language, such as the definite article simply because it was widely used.

The paper is concerned with the use of the Arabic definite article in the Ottoman Turkish language, and the aim of this contrastive study is to find out the similarities and differences between the two languages ​​in terms of meaning and structure. Since linguistic studies depend on the practical side or applied approach, two

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measuring the Use of Social Media Networks (SMNs) in Knowledge Sharing, by Using Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) A Study Conducted in Some of Iraqi Universities
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   SMNs like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, WhatsApp,..etc. are among the most popular sites on the Internet. These sites can provide a powerful means of sharing, organizing, finding information and knowledge. The popularity of these sites provides an opportunity to measure the use them in knowledge sharing, which needs a special scale, but unfortunately, there is no special scale for that. Thus, this study supposes to use SCT as a scale to measure the use of SMNs in electronic knowledge sharing due to it has been used to measure knowledge sharing with its traditional form. This study can help the decision-makers to use these SMNs to share the academics’ knowledge in educational institutes to the communi

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