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The Impact of Plagiarism on the Quality of Scientific Researches “Empirical Study”
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The purpose of this research is to study the quality of scientific research at the University of Baghdad in light of scientific piracy and plagiarism of research and results and attribute it to others intentionally or unintentionally. Proactive writing such as stealing ideas or synthesizing the results of one another over others and its negative impact on the quality of scientific outputs and the reputation of educational organizations through an exploratory study in the faculties of the University of Baghdad, scientific and humanitarian. As for the aims of the study, it was determined by determining the negative impact of piracy on scientific research. A Likert five-point scale was used in this research. The research community consists of professors of scientific and human faculties affiliated to the University of Baghdad, as 230 questionnaires were distributed to survey their views on the risk of information theft and unlawful quotation on the quality of research. The scientific and measurement were done according to a number of measures related to the subject of research, and the preparation of appropriate hypotheses, the study reached important results that cause scientific piracy to weaken and decline levels of intellectual capital for the educational organization.

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
African Journal Of Hospitality, Tourism And Leisure
Integrating the value chain and balanced scorecard to evaluate the overall performance of a tourism organization
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This study presented an endeavour to integrate the value chain activities with the Balanced Scorecard for a comprehensive evaluation of an organization’s strategic performance. It also demonstrated the connection and the integration of the activities of the value chain with the Balanced Scorecard. The financial measurement was linked with non-financial measurement by integrating these techniques to achieve an appropriate performance that supports all aspects of the organizational performance. Consequently, the research problem in this study emerged, which is due to the concentration of many organizations on the measurement of financial performance. Notably, the latter caused the decline of some organizations from the competitive market. T

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Scopus (9)
Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Spectral fluctuations in <sup>24</sup>Mg nucleus using the framework of the nuclear shell model
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Abstract<p>Random matrix theory is used to study the chaotic properties in nuclear energy spectrum of the <sup>24</sup>Mg nucleus. The excitation energies (which are the main object of this study) are obtained via performing shell model calculations using the OXBASH computer code together with an effective interaction of Wildenthal (W) in the isospin formalism. The <sup>24</sup>Mg nucleus is assumed to have an inert <sup>16</sup>O core with 8 nucleons (4protons and 4neutrons) move in the 1d<sub>5/2</sub>, 2s<sub>1/2</sub> and 1d<sub>3/2</sub> orbitals. The spectral fluctuations are studied by two statistical measures: the nearest neighb</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Depositional Environment of the Ibrahim Formation and Determining the Oligocene-Early Miocene Boundary in Eastern Iraq
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The aim of this study is to investigate the sedimentation environments and diagenetic processes of the Ibrahim Formation (Oligocene-early Miocene) in Zurbatiya, eastern Iraq. The Ibrahim Formation is comprised mostly of clayey micrite and skeletal grains composed of planktonic foraminifera, calcispheres, radiolaria, and benthic foraminifera. Glauconite and pyrite were documented in some restricted zones of this formation; they reflect quiet and reducing conditions. Radiolaria were identified in Late-Oligocene which was not known previously at this age regionally in carbonate formations of the Arabian Plate (AP). Mudstone, wackestone, and planktonic foraminiferal wackepackstone are the main microfacies that are affected by dissolutio

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 08 2024
Journal Name
Engineering, Technology &amp; Applied Science Research
Applying the Analytical Hierarchy Process to Identify the Challenges and Priorities of Reconstruction Projects in Iraq
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Reconstruction project management in the cities of Mosul, Anbar, and Tikrit, in Iraq still faces major obstacles that impede the comprehensive performance of these projects. It is thus necessary to improve the arising challenge estimation in the implementation of reconstruction projects and evaluate their components: time, cost, quality, and scope. This study used the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) to prioritize major and minor criteria in the influential causes of challenges and formulate a mathematical model to help decision-makers estimate them. Using the Super Decisions software, the final results indicated that changes in scope reached 40.8%, which is the greatest difficulty, followed by changes in cost at 27.6%, changes in

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Effective administrative leadership in the implementation of public policies: Analytical look at the Baghdad Provincial Council
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      The current research aims to find out the role of administrative leadership in the implementation of public policies and their effectiveness and their ability to do so, As well as analysis and testing of influence and correlations between research variables, The researcher has the descriptive and analytical approach, And several tools used to gather information consisted of personal interviews and field visits, While distributed questionnaire tool that consists of (35) items on a sample consisting of (147) individuals formed of staff of the Baghdad Provincial Council.

The research was based on a set of assum

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The dispersion in spherical statistical optical potential (SOM) from the interaction of fast neutrons with197Au nucle
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A statistical optical potential has been used to analyze and
evaluate the neutron interaction with heavy nuclei 197Au at the
neutron energy range (1-20 MeV). Empirical formulae of the optical
potentials parameters are predicted by using ABAREX Code with
minimize accuracy compared with experimental bench work data.
The total elastic, absorption, shape elastic and total compound crosssections are calculated for different target nuclei and different
incident neutron energies to predict the appropriate optical
parameters that suit the present interaction. Also the dispersion
relation linking between real and imaginary potential is analyzed
with more accuracy. The results indicate the behavior of the
dispersion c

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The construction of Investment Portfolios in the Iraq Stock Exchange: Market Timing Vs. an Efficient Selection
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         Uncertainty, the deeply-rooted fact that surrounding the investment environment, especially the stock market which just prices have taken a specific trend until they moved to another one for its up or down. This means that the volatility characteristic of financial market requires the rational investor an argument led towards the adoption of planned acts to gain greater benefit in the goal of wealth maximizing. There is no possibility to achieve this goal without the burden of uncertainty and the risk of systematic fluctuations of investment returns in the financial market after the facts of  efficient diversification have pro

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Publication Date
Thu May 12 2016
Journal Name
Probing the Role of Active Site Water in the Sesquiterpene Cyclization Reaction Catalyzed by Aristolochene Synthase
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Publication Date
Tue Apr 13 2021
Journal Name
Latin American Journal Of Pharmacy
The Experience with Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients in Al-Basra, Iraq: Predictors of the disease severity
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SUMMARY. The objectives of the present study were to assess the possible predictors of COVID-19 severity and duration of hospitalization and to identify the possible correlation between patient parameters, disease severity and duration of hospitalization. The study included retrospective medical record extraction of previous coron avirus COVID-19 patients in Basra hospitals, Iraq from March 1st and May 31st, 2020. The information of the participants was investigated anonymously. All the patients’ characteristics, treatments, vital signs and laboratory tests (hematological, renal and liver function tests) were collected. The analysis was conducted using the SPSS (version 22, USA). Spearman correlation was used to measure the relations

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Approximation of Weighted Hölder Functions by Fourier-Jacobi Polynomials to the Singular Sturm-Liouville Operator
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      In this work, a weighted H lder function that approximates a Jacobi polynomial which solves the second order singular Sturm-Liouville equation is discussed. This is generally equivalent to the Jacobean translations and the moduli of smoothness. This paper aims to focus on improving methods of approximation and finding the upper and lower estimates for the degree of approximation in weighted H lder spaces by modifying the modulus of continuity and smoothness. Moreover, some properties for the moduli of smoothness with direct and inverse results are considered.

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