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Accounting reading in foreign operations and translation of financial statements
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Recent decades have witnessed tremendous economic development that has led to the spread of international companies (multinational companies) and its activity has expanded to cover many countries of the world, with intense competition among countries to attract more international investments, which has led to the emergence of some controversial accounting issues in many Relevant areas, including accounting for transactions in foreign currencies, translation of financial statements for companies and foreign branches, as this issue is an important and sensitive topic because many of its aspects are controversial and not yet resolved, especially with regard to the variation in standards and Relevant accounting practices from one country to another, which attracts researchers to fool about the reasons for this and try to reach common points and reduce the gap between the options and theoretical and practical solutions available and in line with the environmental changes surrounding the companies concerned, and this research problem starts from a defect in the intellectual and conceptual reading of a topic Accounting for operations in foreign currencies and translating the financial statements of foreign branches and companies at the local level, which has led to the adoption of accounting standards, rules, and practices that are not sufficient or appropriate to address the issue, objective treatment consistent with the Emerging environmental changes that Iraqi companies operate under. The research dealt with the presentation and discussion of the topic in two axes, the first dealt with a conceptual approach to the operations that are done in foreign currencies and the translation of the financial statements of foreign branches and companies, while the second dealt with an analysis of the mentioned operations and translation of the financial statements of the branches and companies. Appropriate in this area.

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 25 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Measuring the extent to which listed companies comply with sustainability accounting standards by improving performance and financial reporting to enhance confidence in financial statements: بحث تطبيقي مقارن في عينة من الشركات العراقية والعربية
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The objective of this research is to know the extent to which Iraqi and Arab companies apply the criteria of accounting for sustainability and disclosure, as well as to analyze the content of the annual financial reports of the companies listed in the financial market to determine their compliance with the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board )SASB(. Annual Report The commitment of telecommunications companies to implement sustainability issues related to the standard of telecommunications services reached a general average of (54%) for the sample of the research sample. This means that there is a degree of admissibility in applying the standard. As well as the highest level of reporting to the criterion of the (Jordan Telec

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
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Embedded advertisement constitutes a special kind of communication. As it performs many important roles such as giving information, highlighting the value of the product, and urging the target consumer to buy it by influencing his/ her behavior using an attractive manner of mind and conscience. Both cinema and television are the most prominent and powerful advertising media that enjoy the interest of all audiences and capture most of the advertising spending. As advertisers have paid attention to the importance of indirectly incorporating their products into content that the audience loves and is keen to follow, since the actual impact lies in the inclusion of the product within content that the audience appeals to. Hence, this leads to

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Identifying the Phenomenon of monopoly according to the vision of Accounting
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The research seeks to identify the factors affecting the monopoly and the possibility of measuring the phenomenon of economic ( monopolistic profit) accounted for and that the importance of research topic arising from the transformation of the majority of developing countries to the market economy, which represents the image of the capitalist economy, which is a monopoly, a stages that economy in its various forms, whether Market Worldwide sales monopoly or monopoly, which generates absolute monopolistic profits, which more or less affect on the overall economy of those countries than they should study the phenomenon of monopoly and its impact on the economies of those countries that still love to find her site reinforces its pos

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analysis of the Causal Relationship between the Financial Infrastructure and Foreign Investments in Malaysia and Indonesia 1990-2013
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The developed financial infrastructure is one of the most important elements for achieving stable financial system in a country. The importance of developed financial infrastructure comes from its role in create economic and financial context attractive for foreign investments. Thus, this paper aims first to measure an index of financial infrastructure, and secondly, to gauge the nexus between the developed financial infrastructure and foreign investments inflow in Malaysia and Indonesia. We estimate the index of financial infrastructure by using different indicators such as (the institutional environment, access to finance, legal environment, and others).

By using the G

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role of Computerized Knowledge Operations in Improving Business Performance
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This research aimed at studying the role of calculated knowledge an its efficiency in improving the performance especially most of the organizations are living within knowledge era which concentrate on new technology investment in different fields of modern live . Under the scientific trends towards the economy of calculated knowledge which depend basically on new computer program in order to utilize the knowledge to raise the level of work performance exploiting different resources in the best way that helps the organizations to achieve their objectives because the information technology and computer programs became a means of survival and indispensible instrument within the developed world which depend on prosperity . progress

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 05 2024
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Reading in the Scenery of the performance and its developments
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The importance of this research in studying the actor life existence on the stage through the performance art;where as all the literary theatrical dimensions didn't ignore the importance of the actor's performance.
So, it is shed a light on the nature of the scenery in the actor's performance and what its representations in the temporary directions ……..
The research set off from the imitation as a human instinct to the performance of the actor in post-modernity theater; so the researcher found that there is a question must be answered which is :Is the actor live a regression state in his theatrical performance ,or that the performance of the actor connect with collective conscience of human being which is repeated in certain

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 18 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Role of the financial Statements in Achieving of the Banking Supervision: An Applied Study in A sample of Iraqi Banks
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Banks are considered the main basis of financial sector ,so they must be submitted to sound and strict regulatory system and so as to ensure their operations and according to instructions and regulations , in order to maintain the integrity of the banking sector and financial sector in general .One of the importance regulatory tools that are adopted by the Iraqi Central Bank to control over the banks an financial and periodic statements that are provided by the banks in accordance with planned schedules .The financial statements of the banks must reflect clearly and accurately financial situation and the result of their activities during the period in which they represent to achiveing its purposes.So it has the goal of Search is statemen

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The importance of drafting Arab accounting standards Comparative study in light of international accounting compliance and different environmental factors
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Importance of accounting standards belong to be the instructor and the advisor for accountant in performing his work . For each invironment a group of political, social, economical  and cultural factors which distinguish it about other environments . In  order to perform its aim in produsing accouting information helps in making decisions on different levels, accounting standards should established in a form that harmonized with the environment that apply in it . Establishing international accounting standards comes with the same direction and then it has put influential with standards some states that have influence on international accounting standards committee. So because of the big changes that happened in the inte

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Measurement and disclosure of losses resulting from terrorist operations
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The aim of the research is to identify the losses resulting from the terrorist operations and then find a proposed accounting treatment for the losses resulting from the terrorist operations and to indicate their impact on disclosure in the financial statements by reviewing the international standards and local rules and the unified accounting system and not dealing with these losses, Of the financial statements and therefore adversely affect the accounting disclosure as well as the weak commitment of economic units to apply the requirements of accounting measurement and disclosure of losses of terrorist operations in a manner consistent with local and international standards to achieve the Reliability in the financial statement.

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Contemporary accounting thought problems and its Roles in creation Global financial crises: An analytical study
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  With occurrence of any financial crises, regardless at global or regional levels such as the great economic crises during 1929 – 1933 and the Asian financial crises at the end of twentieth century as well as the current global financial crises that started during second half 2008, we acknowledge that there are some critics loudly articulated accusing accountants and auditors for disparences, and they are numerical partner of financial manipulation as well as corrupted administrators with the company's administrators that they are difficulty. At this point, many suggestions and recommendation for upgrading the accounting system has been made.              &nbsp

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