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The role of intellectual capital in promoting financial performance an applied study on a sample of the companies listed in Iraq stock exchange
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The interest in the intellectual capital and its development is a civilized necessity imposed by the requirements of the times and cannot imagine an advanced society in its potential productivity in poor efficiency of human capital, and features the work environment change permanently, putting the management of financial companies against a constant challenge toward coping with new developments in this changing environment and this is not taken unless owned by these companies qualified human resources and the provision of Culture organizers have, which manifested itself with the research problem by the following two questions:

  1. Did the intellectual capital value specific financial and quantifiable data on the use of the financial situation of the companies and their financial markets environment?
  2. Did the value of intellectual capital in the event of corporate profitability measured explain variation as one in which the dimensions of the financial performance are materialized?

The aim of the research into the possibility of measuring intellectual capital quantitative research into the possibility of measuring intellectual capital using quantitative measurements of financial sense to try the financial evaluation of the intangible assets of the knowledge of the companies studied sample. Experimental Investigation of the relationship between the value of the intellectual capital and the profitability of a number of Iraqi companies listed and traded in the Iraqi market for securities and to investigate the nature of that relationship, the direction, and the significance.

The research sample has consisted of (30) of the total company Iraqi companies listed and traded in the Iraqi, which are (73) companies in 2012. The most prominent results are the validity of the model test in the interpretation of the relationship between the value of intellectual capital and financial performance of the companies studied focusing on profitability, and forecast the trends expected future after he demonstrated regression results of statistically significant between the variables studied in the light of repeat testing process because of the multiplicity of measurements of profitability through the use of standard return on assets and return on the right of ownership, and then the direction as supplemented strongly exponential relationship between the two variables studied. With regard to the recommendations of the research, it has emerged; including the need to investigate the question of whether it was possible to conduct prospective studies focused on the study of each component of intellectual capital, individually and collectively, with its effect on the financial performance and then find out the most influential component in it.

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 04 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Al-qadisiya In Arts And Educational Sciences
The use of the digital book and the future of the paper book
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The current research aims to know the complementary use of the paper book and the digital book by defining the paper book and the digital book and knowing the methods and methods of obtaining each of them and indicating the extent of their use and for what purpose and knowing the difficulties that researchers face in using each of them and which is better using the paper book or the digital book in preparing research Studies and for no reason. The research relied on the descriptive approach and the questionnaire as a tool for data collection, and it was distributed to professors and students of Iraqi universities. The research sample reached (219) individuals and reached a set of results, the most important of which are: Preference for the

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Detection a New Antiseptic Resistant Variant of qac Gene in Some Multi Drug Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Isolated from Different Clinical Sources
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The increasing use of antiseptic compounds creates selective pressure cause emergence of antiseptic resistance among Staphylococcus aureus .Resistance mechanism of antiseptic is driven mainly by multi drug resistant (MDR) efflux protein.Sixty five isolates of S.aureuswere collected from different clinical sources and subjected to 11 antibiotics most of them are recognized by efflux systems as extruded substrates. Range of efflux activity was estimated using cartwheel method. Simultaneous discrimination of antiseptic coding genes (qacA/B, smr and norA)as well as nuc and mecA genes among multidrug resistantS.aureus(MRSA) isolates was preformed using multiplex PCR assay

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 01 2021
Journal Name
University Of Northampton Pue
Validating a Proposed Data Mining Approach (SLDM) for Motion Wearable Sensors to Detect the Early Signs of Lameness in Sheep
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Publication Date
Sat Apr 30 2022
Journal Name
Biomedical Research And Therapy
Association between anti-collagen type II autoantibodies and the acute rheumatoid arthritis phenotype in a cohort of rheumatoid arthritis patients
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Publication Date
Tue Oct 04 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Dentistry
Comparison between Rolled and Nonrolled U-Shaped Flap in the Second Stage of Dental Implant Surgery: A Randomized Clinical Trial
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Background. The presence of black triangles around the dental implant-supported prosthesis and the failure to construct adequate papillae around them bothers dental implantologists. Peri-implant surgical soft tissue management will improve esthetics, function, and implant survival. Aim. To compare the effects of rolled and nonrolled U-shaped flaps combined with a temporary crown in enhancing the soft tissue around dental implants. Materials and Methods. Forty patients were included in this study; all patients were operated on by the same maxillofacial surgeon at Al-Iraq specialized dental clinics from January 2019 to January 2020. Patients were divided randomly into two groups: group A: at the second stage of implant surgery, a U-sh

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 09 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
(Behavioral and ethical reasons for happiness in the holy Qur’an, elected models)
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Research Summary:

Seeking happiness and searching for it have been among the priorities of mankind from the beginning of his creation and will remain so until the end of this world, and even in the next life, he seeks happiness, but the difference is that a person can work in this world to obtain it, but in the next life he is expected to get what he done in this world. And among these reasons are practical actions that a person undertakes while he intends to draw close to God Almighty, so they lead him to attain his desired perfection, and to attain his goals and objectives, which is the minimum happiness in this life, and ultimate happiness after the soul separates the body, and on the day of the judgment, Amon

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Investment of Propaganda in Al-Rafidain and Al- Sharqiya News Channels: Content Analysis of News Bulletins from 1/12/2016 to 29/2/2016
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The technological developments in the field of communication have witnessed considerable impact in the variables which exist in following up and conveying the events which link it’s meaning to political implications. This makes a number of satellite channels depend on the techniques of propaganda and use them in the news bulletins to achieve political aims and ends related to its formational directives where those channels allotted a considerable time in its programming transmission map to concentrate on the security and political status to complete the image of the informational scene according to the logic of its propaganda and styles in processing news for daily events.The technological developments in the field of communication hav

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Educational Purports concluded from Verse No. 22 of Azzaryiat Surra/“And in the heaven is your provision, and that which you are promised”
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This research investigates the meanings and significance of the verse and the concluded educational purports. The expression “And in the heaven is your provision” signifies the deism of Allah. This research introduces the what have been said by Quran Explainers about meaning of Heaven & Provision. It introduces also the meaning of the sentence “which you are promised” and its concluded educational purports. This research discuses the role of educational institutions as well as the family and mosques in connecting Muslims and their children with the promise given by Allah.

Provision is guaranteed for all people if moral and material causes have been considered.

Key Words:

Purports – Educational – Co

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
On The Normality Set of Linear Operators
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            In this paper, the Normality set  will be investigated. Then, the study highlights some concepts properties and important results. In addition, it will prove that every operator with normality set has non trivial invariant subspace of  .


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Publication Date
Thu Dec 20 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The impact of decentralization on regional development
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As regional development, as a matter of course, poses a number of systemic, scientific and political problems. While the issue of development is primarily at the national level to the limits of World War II in the industrialized world and to the 1960s borders in most Third World countries, the increasing awareness of regional disparities has led to the regional issue Were taken into consideration in the early 1960s and 1970s in most industrialized and developing countries alike. The local issue was only introduced in the early 1980s. The awareness of regional disparities and the fact that the regions do not have the same potential and that some regions have the resources to enable them to develop, grow and develop, unlike other r

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