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Effect of Job Burnout on Employee Performance: Field Research in the General Company for Vegetable Oil Industry
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      This research aims to know the effect of job burnout in the worker’s performance. The researcher presented a theoretical basis for job burnout and the worker's performance. In order to achieve the objectives of the research, a hypothesis was drawn up that determines the nature of the relationship between the independent variable of job burnout and its dimensions (reduced personal accomplishment, depersonalization, Emotional Exhaustion) and variable dependent performance of workers dimensions (productivity, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, creativity), And to represent the volume of this community according to (de Morgan, D. Morgan) global; to represent difficulty at the level of significance (0.05), and up to (0.01), in order to identify the nature of the relationship between the variables adopted, the research sets main and sub-emanating hypotheses from them.

In order to test the hypotheses of the research, the research was carried out by the employees of the General Company for Vegetable Oil Industry for the purpose of obtaining the necessary information through a questionnaire prepared for this purpose distributed to the same number (130) individuals representing the middle and lower administrative levels in different sections and used a total Statistical methods such as relative frequency, arithmetical mean, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation for the measurement and analysis of the same research hypotheses and the simple correlation coefficient Pearson to measure correlation between the variables and (t-test) for his knowledge of the relationship of simple correlation and multiple regression analysis.

The research has reached a number of conclusions, the most important of which is that the presence of functional combustion in the company contributes to low levels of functional performance the existence of a strong correlation between the functional combustion and productivity, and it turned out that the variable sintering the emotions the strongest dimensions of the absence of any correlation between the effect and performance added to that provided The researcher 's group of recommendations was the most important reduction of the phenomenon of combustion functional and work on the development of preventive treatments benefit the company investigated

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 02 2023
Journal Name
Hematological analysis of bromelain conjugated on silver nanoparticles in Balb/c mice
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The wound healing process is incredibly intricate, consisting of a series of cellular activities. Although, this complex process has the potential to degenerate and result in chronic wound problems that are resistant to biological healing mechanisms. Nanoparticles can help to reduce inflammation, promote tissue regeneration, and accelerate wound healing. The proteolytic enzymes are believed to break down proteins and other molecules that can cause inflammation and impede the healing process. Wound was created in vivo using adult mice, and by taking blood samples the hematological parameters were evaluated to detected the effects of bromelain, silver nanoparticles and Br-AgNPs. The results shows an increased in white blood cells WBC, RBC, MC

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 19 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Antibacterial effects of green tea extracts on Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans (In-Vitro study)
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Background: Green Tea is made from the leaf of the plant “Camellia sinensis”. Green tea is reported to contain thousands of bioactive ingredients including catechins which have shown great promise for having antimicrobial effects. Periodontal diseases represent one of the most prevalent diseases around the world and the main etiologic factor behind it, is plaque accumulation, in addition certain kinds of bacteria have been detected frequently in subjects suffering from periodontitis, Several studies suggested that the outcome of periodontal treatment is better if particular pathogens including Aggregatibacteractinomycetemcomitans can no longer be detected after therapy. Materials and Methods: plaque samples were collected from 2

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Factors Affecting Labor Productivity on Construction in Kurdistan of Iraq: Web Survey
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This study was set out to investigate factors affecting labor productivity on construction in the north of Iraq (Kurdistan) and to rank all the factors based on engineers, contractors, and designer’s opinions. 76 factors were analyzed based on previous literature and a pilot study. Next, by using online Google Form, a questionnaire form was created and sent to people who have experience in the construction industry. Afterward, the questionnaire form was sent to targeted people by email and social media apps. Factors were divided into nine groups “Management, Technical and Technology, Human and Workforce, Leadership, Motivation, Safety, Time, Material and Equipment, and External”. However, 202 respondents participated in this study,

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 02 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Antibacterial Effects of Green Tea Extracts on Aggregatibacter Actinomycetemcomitans: In-Vitro Study
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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Dental And Medical Sciences
Antibacterial effects of green tea extracts on Prophyromonas Gingivalis (In-Vitro study)
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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2012
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum
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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2012
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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Muscid flies Musca domestica L., M. biseta Hough, M. crassirostris Stein, M. sorbens Wied., Muscina stabulans (Fallen), Atherigona orientalis Schiner, Atherigona sp. and Limnophora quaterna (Loew) were captured by using yellow sticky traps from different provinces of Iraq during November 2010. The results showed the highest percentage of all collected species were recorded in Babylon (48.33%), while the lowest percentage was observed in Baghdad (4.88%). Musca domestica was the predominant species and was ranked first in overall prevalence in all provinces studies, while M. biseta was the lowest abundant specie

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
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Solar Energy
A review of studies on using nanofluids in flat-plate solar collectors
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Continuous escalation of the cost of generating energy is preceded by the fact of scary depletion of the energy reserve of the fossil fuels and pollution of the environment as developed and developing countries burn these fuels. To meet the challenge of the impending energy crisis, renewable energy has been growing rapidly in the last decade. Among the renewable energy sources, solar energy is the most extensively available energy, has the least effect on the environment, and is very efficient in terms of energy conversion. Thus, solar energy has become one of the preferred sources of renewable energy. Flat-plate solar collectors are one of the extensively-used and well-known types of solar collectors. However, the effectiveness of the coll

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Role of higher Education Institutes in restricting Administrative and Financial Corruption: An Analytic Reading
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Corruption, in all its categories and forms, is regarded as the nowadays virus which has greatly spread in most institutes and society, a matter that cause a great waste of resources.

      According to the reports of international transparency Institute, Iraq is regarded as one of the greatest countries in corruption.

      Regardless of the reasons and forms of corruption, the retreat in work – values and ethics are the main reasons behind that.

      Being the main source of providing qualified staff "educators" for the working market, the high education institutes face great challenges in standing against corruption inside and outside

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 15 2020
Journal Name
The Formal Organization in Internal Spaces of Medical Laboratories: نور عامر علي-فاتن عباس لفته
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تشغل الفضاءات الداخلية الطبية اهتمام واسع , لما توفره من رعاية صحية للمرضى ,فلابد ان يُهتَمْ بها من الجانب الوظيفي(الادائي), لتحقيق الراحة البصرية والنفسية والجسدية لغرض الوصول الى الاداء الجيد للكادر الطبي, ولهذا وجد ضرورة التعرف على تلك الفضاءات الداخلية بشكل اعمق , وهل انها ملاءمة للمرتكزات التصميمية المتعارف عليها؟ , لذلك تم تسليط الضوء على الفضاءات الداخلية للمختبرات الطبية, وقد تناول البحث المشكلة واه

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