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Effect of Job Burnout on Employee Performance: Field Research in the General Company for Vegetable Oil Industry


      This research aims to know the effect of job burnout in the worker’s performance. The researcher presented a theoretical basis for job burnout and the worker's performance. In order to achieve the objectives of the research, a hypothesis was drawn up that determines the nature of the relationship between the independent variable of job burnout and its dimensions (reduced personal accomplishment, depersonalization, Emotional Exhaustion) and variable dependent performance of workers dimensions (productivity, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, creativity), And to represent the volume of this community according to (de Morgan, D. Morgan) global; to represent difficulty at the level of significance (0.05), and up to (0.01), in order to identify the nature of the relationship between the variables adopted, the research sets main and sub-emanating hypotheses from them.

In order to test the hypotheses of the research, the research was carried out by the employees of the General Company for Vegetable Oil Industry for the purpose of obtaining the necessary information through a questionnaire prepared for this purpose distributed to the same number (130) individuals representing the middle and lower administrative levels in different sections and used a total Statistical methods such as relative frequency, arithmetical mean, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation for the measurement and analysis of the same research hypotheses and the simple correlation coefficient Pearson to measure correlation between the variables and (t-test) for his knowledge of the relationship of simple correlation and multiple regression analysis.

The research has reached a number of conclusions, the most important of which is that the presence of functional combustion in the company contributes to low levels of functional performance the existence of a strong correlation between the functional combustion and productivity, and it turned out that the variable sintering the emotions the strongest dimensions of the absence of any correlation between the effect and performance added to that provided The researcher 's group of recommendations was the most important reduction of the phenomenon of combustion functional and work on the development of preventive treatments benefit the company investigated

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Materials Science: Materials In Electronics
Influence of cobalt doping on structural and optical properties of copper oxide expected as an inorganic hole transport layer for perovskite solar cell

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Study The Influence of Doping Electric and Magnetic Nanoparticles on The Nonlinear Optical Properties of Nematic Liquid Crystals

The nonlinear optical properties response of nematic liquid crystal (6CHBT) and the impact of doping with two kinds of nanoparticles; Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles and SbSI ferroelectric nanoparticles have been studied using the non-linear dynamic method through z-scan measurement technique. This was achieved utilizing CW He-Ne laser. The pure LC and magnetic LC nanoparticle composite samples had a maximum absorption while the ferroelectric LC nanoparticle composite had a minimum absorption of the incident light. The nonlinear refractive index was positive for the pure LC and the rod-like ferronematic LC composite samples, while it was negative for the ferroelectric LC composite. The studying of the nonlinear optical

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Study the Effects of Microwave Furnace Heat on The Mechanical Properties and Estimated Fatigue life of AA2024-T3

This research aims to study the effect of microwave furnace heat on the mechanical properties and fatigue life of aluminum alloy (AA 2024-T3). Four conditions were used inside microwave furnace (specimens subjected to heat as dry for 30 and 60min. and specimens subjected to heat as wet (water) for 30 and 60 min.), and compared all results with original alloy (AA 2024-T3). Tensile, fatigue, hardness and surface roughness tests were used in this investigation. It is found that hardness of dry conditions is higher than wet conditions and it increases with increasing of time duration inside microwave furnace for dry and wet conditions. Also, tensile strength has the same behavior of hardness, but it increases with decreasing

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 24 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Differential Equations
The Impact of Media Coverage and Curfew on the Outbreak of Coronavirus Disease 2019 Model: Stability and Bifurcation

In this study, the spreading of the pandemic coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is formulated mathematically. The objective of this study is to stop or slow the spread of COVID-19. In fact, to stop the spread of COVID-19, the vaccine of the disease is needed. However, in the absence of the vaccine, people must have to obey curfew and social distancing and follow the media alert coverage rule. In order to maintain these alternative factors, we must obey the modeling rule. Therefore, the impact of curfew, media alert coverage, and social distance between the individuals on the outbreak of disease is considered. Five ordinary differential equations of the first-order are used to represent the model. The solution properties of the system ar

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2016
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)

    An investigation was provided in this work for the host range of brown soft scale Coccus hesperidum Linnaeus in Baghdad Province.  Five plant species were found infected by this insect, three of these species, Citrusaurantium L. (Rutaceae); Nerium oleander L. (Apocynaceae); Ficuscarica L. (Moraceae) reported earlier, and the remaining two, Dahlia pinnata Cav. (Asteraceae) and Myrtuscommunis L. (Myrtaceae) are recordedhere for the first time as host plants for this pest.

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 02 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Aquatic, Alcoholic and Oily Extracts of Cocos nucifera L.on the Growth of Certain Pathogenic Bacteria Isolated from Wounds and Burns Infections

Three types of extracts ( aquatic, alcoholic, and oily ) were prepared from the fruits of coconuts, and a series of chemical tests were conducted in addition to the use of the FTIR equipment to determine the active locations in the prepared extracts. The results indicated the presence of active compounds (tannins, saponins, flavonoids, turbines and steroids) in the extracts prepared from the fruits of coconuts, also the antimicrobial capability of these extracts were tested on pathogenic bacteria isolated from wounds and burns infections cases. The results proved that the concentration 80 mg/ml of the aquatic extract is the minimum inhibitory concentration for the microbes: Proteus vulgaris and Pseudomonas fluorescence, while the

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Aquatic, Alcoholic and Oily Extracts of Cocos nucifera L.on the Growth of Certain Pathogenic Bacteria Isolated from Wounds and Burns Infections

Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
Journal Name
Attitudes of Teachers of Art Education towards the Use of Visual Intelligence in Teaching: تحرير جاسم كاطع

     The scientific and technological developments and their practical applications in all fields of life in general and in the education field in specific have led to the emergence of variables in the educational structure, teaching methods and in education in their modern form which is consistent in its entirety with    the spirit of the age. We today live the age of knowledge increase full of wide ranging scientific and technological developments. Thus life demands human capabilities of a special kind able to develop and innovate. Here the increasing significance emerges for taking care of the human powers through educational systems much different from those current traditional systems.  System

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 11 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Experimental and Quantum Chemical Studies on the Corrosion Inhibition of Mild Steel By 2-((Thiophen-2-Ylmethylene) Amino)Benzenethio in 1M HCl

The impact of a Schiff base namely 2-((thiophen-2-ylmethylene)amino)benzenethiol  to corrode mild steel in 1 M HCl  resolved was evaluated using different weight loss technique and scanning electron microscopy (SEM).different weight measurements to expand that the 2-((thiophen-2-ylmethylene) amino) benzenethiol  inhibits  the corrosion of mild steel through adsorbing  of  top for mild steel and block the active locality. The inhibitive impacts of 2-((thiophen-2-ylmethylene)amino)benzenethiol  increase with increasing concentration and decrease with increasing temperature. SEM to checking revealed that the alloy surface was quite unaffected and formed protective film on its surface. The investigated

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 03 2024
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Dental Research
The Impact of Passive Smoking on Salivary Glutathione Peroxidase and Selenium in Relation to Dental Caries Severity among Five Years Old Children

Background: It had been found that passive smoking may have the same harmful effect as tobacco cigarettes smoking. Aims: This study was conducted to determine the effect of passive smoking on salivary glutathione peroxidase and selenium in relation to dental caries severity. Settings and Design: The sample consisted of 120 children aged 5 years old, classified into four groups according to the number of cigarettes smoked by their fathers daily: Passive smoking children of 5-10 cigarettes, those of 10–15 cigarettes daily, those of 15–20 cigarettes daily and non-passive smoking children of no smokers indoor (the control group). The sample was further classified according to dental caries severity into three groups: mild (DMFS values <4

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