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Effect of Job Burnout on Employee Performance: Field Research in the General Company for Vegetable Oil Industry


      This research aims to know the effect of job burnout in the worker’s performance. The researcher presented a theoretical basis for job burnout and the worker's performance. In order to achieve the objectives of the research, a hypothesis was drawn up that determines the nature of the relationship between the independent variable of job burnout and its dimensions (reduced personal accomplishment, depersonalization, Emotional Exhaustion) and variable dependent performance of workers dimensions (productivity, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, creativity), And to represent the volume of this community according to (de Morgan, D. Morgan) global; to represent difficulty at the level of significance (0.05), and up to (0.01), in order to identify the nature of the relationship between the variables adopted, the research sets main and sub-emanating hypotheses from them.

In order to test the hypotheses of the research, the research was carried out by the employees of the General Company for Vegetable Oil Industry for the purpose of obtaining the necessary information through a questionnaire prepared for this purpose distributed to the same number (130) individuals representing the middle and lower administrative levels in different sections and used a total Statistical methods such as relative frequency, arithmetical mean, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation for the measurement and analysis of the same research hypotheses and the simple correlation coefficient Pearson to measure correlation between the variables and (t-test) for his knowledge of the relationship of simple correlation and multiple regression analysis.

The research has reached a number of conclusions, the most important of which is that the presence of functional combustion in the company contributes to low levels of functional performance the existence of a strong correlation between the functional combustion and productivity, and it turned out that the variable sintering the emotions the strongest dimensions of the absence of any correlation between the effect and performance added to that provided The researcher 's group of recommendations was the most important reduction of the phenomenon of combustion functional and work on the development of preventive treatments benefit the company investigated

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 15 2023
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Employing digital marketing through communication in promoting the commercial product

In recent years, the means of communication have achieved a great generality that made them occupy, in a short time, the first ranks among the most widely used social networks in the world, due to the many services and advantages offered by this network to its users. It has led to a leap in the field of visual communication, especially since it relies mainly on the image Its dimensions make it a means of communication and transfer of ideas and meanings between the peoples of the world, and it also allows the inclusion of digital advertising content using multimedia with a degree of professionalism in other social networks, which allowed the various segments of society the opportunity to invest this network in their businesses of differen

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 31 2018
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Al-anbar Univrsety Jornal For Law And Political Science
Civil liability of police officers arising from damage to High-Speed Pursuits - study in light of the position of law and the American judiciary

Since the invention of the automobile, no aspect of American life, including crime and its control, has remained untouched by this far-reaching innovation in transportation. Vehicular "hot pursuit"-when suspects in motor vehicles use excessive speed in attempting to elude the police. Unfortunately, accounts of wild chases across crowded inner city streets, through tree-lined suburban boulevards, and over remote country roads are very real and not merely fictional material created for entertaining television and motion picture audiences. The specter of "hot pursuit," complete with screaming sirens and red or blue flashing lights, has become a recurring fact of modem life.1 So, too, are the mishaps involving police vehicles or the vehicles pu

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 09 2013
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Chemistry And Materials Research
Hydrogen Bonds Effects on the Electrical Properties of Pectin/Pva Graphene Nanocomposites

Electrical properties were studied for Pectin/PVA graphene composites films and the effect of aqueous interaction on their properties. The conductivity and the dielectric constant of this composite are important because Polysaccharide like pectin is increasingly being used in biomedical applications and as nanoparticles coating materials. The Dielectric and conductivity of composite films were compared in dry and wet condition the differences in the results were attributed to the water molecules and the hydrogen bond which connect the three composite compounds (Pectin, PVA and Graphene) together. These connections were allowed the hydrogen and hydroxyl group’s migrations in the composite super molecules. On the other hand, graphene was pr

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
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Journal Of Craniofacial Surgery
The Impact of Blast Implosions and Bullet Injury on Maxillary Air Sinus

Successive waves and generations of terrorists attacked the Iraqis in the years following the fall of the regime in Iraq in 2003, after the US invasion of the country under the pretext of weapons of mass destruction. Hence, the Iraqi people enrolled in ongoing war with these armed groups which led to massive casualties due to blasts and missile injuries.

Mechanism of blasts injury can be classified into primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary. While bullet injuries can be classified into low and high-energy injuries, the type and severity of the injury will influence the type of management, together with facilities available in

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 01 2021
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Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Groundwater Quality Study Based on the Existence of Escherichia coli as Bioindicator
Abstract<p>The research aim was to observe the distribution pattern of <italic>Escherichia coli</italic> as groundwater pollution indicator in the most populous area, Matraman Sub-District Area in Jakarta, Indonesia (106°49’35” EL and 06°10’37” SL) consists of six (6) Urban Villages. The existence of <italic>Escherichia coli</italic> was measured with Most Probable Number (MPN) method as mentioned in Indonesian Standard Number 01-2332.1-2006. This research was also measure pollution parameter of Dissolved Oxygen (DO) and pH, and topography analyses used as well to determine groundwater flow direction. Groundwater sampling was conducted in several housings that have </p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Thu Dec 30 2021
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
The Impact of COVID-19 on Healthy Related Issues, A structured Review

Coronavirus: (COVID-19) is a recently discovered viral disease caused by a new strain of coronavirus.

The majority of patients with corona-virus infections will have a mild-moderate respiratory disease that recovers without special care. Most often, the elderly, and others with chronic medical conditions such as asthma, coronary disease, respiratory illness, and malignancy are seriously ill.

    COVID-19 is spread mostly by salivary droplets or nasal secretions when an infected person coughs or sneezes.

    COVID-19 causes severe acute respiratory illness (SARS-COV-2). The first incidence was recorded in Wuhan, China, in 2019.  Since then it spreads leading to a pandemic.

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Study the Dynamic Behavior of Rotor Supported on a Worn Journal Bearings

In this paper, the effect of wear in the fluid film journal bearings on the dynamic behavior of rotor bearing system has been studied depending on the analytical driven of dynamic stiffness and damping coefficients of worn journal bearing. The finite element method was used to modeling rotor bearing system. The unbalance response, critical speed and natural frequency of rotor bearing system have been studied to determine the changes in these parameters due to wear. MATLAB software was used to find the analytical values of dynamic coefficients of journal bearing. The results of rotor mounted on fluid film journal bearings showed that the wear in journal bearing increases the amplitude of unbalance response and decrease critical speed, sta

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Publication Date
Thu May 06 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Pharmacy Practice
Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on healthcare providers: save the frontline fighters

The objective of this study was to assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on healthcare providers (HCPs) at personal and professional levels.


This was a cross-sectional descriptive study. It was conducted using an electronic format survey through Qualtrics Survey Software in English. The target participants were HCPs working in any healthcare setting across Iraq. The survey was distributed via two professional Facebook groups between 7 April and 7 May 2020. The survey items were adopted with modifications from three previous studies of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and Avia

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Fme Transactions
Development of automated liquid filling system based on the interactive design approach

The automatic liquid filling system is used in different applications such as production of detergents, liquid soaps, fruit juices, milk products, bottled water, etc. The automatic bottle filling system is highly expensive. Where, the common filling systems required to complex changes in hardware and software in order to modify volume of liquid. There are many important variables in the filling process such as volume of liquid, the filling time, etc. This paper presents a new approach to develop an automatic liquid filling system. The new proposed system consists of a conveyor subsystem, filling stations, and camera to detect the level of the liquid at any instant during the filling process. The camera can detect accurately the leve

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Experimental Investigations on the Strength and Serviceability of Biaxial Hollow Concrete Slabs

Biaxial hollow slab is a reinforced concrete slab system with a grid of internal spherical voids included to reduce the self-weight. This paper presents an experimental study of behavior of one-way prestressed concrete bubbled slabs. Twelve full-scale one-way concrete slabs of (3000mm) length with rectangular cross-sectional area of (460mm) width and (150mm) depth. Different parameters like type of specimen (solid or bubbled slabs), type of reinforcement (normal or prestress), range of PPR and diameter of plastic spheres (100 or 120mm) are considered. Due to the using of prestressing force in bubbled slabs (with ratio of plastic sphere diameter D to slab thickness H, D/H=0.67), the specimens showed an increase in ultimat

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