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The investment Decision Making According to the Preliminary Feasibility Study for the 100-Bed Teaching Hospital - Service Sector in Diwaniya Governorate (Case Study)
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     The research aims to prepare a preliminary feasibility study that shows the importance of preliminary feasibility study in investment decision making, carrying out of the local demand of service provided in accordance with international standards and statement of investment opportunities available to the private sector in several investment methods. In order to reach the objectives of the study was adopted as a method of partial analysis at the level of economic unity through the study demand, supply, costs, economic and social profitability.

      The health sector in Iraq is one of the service sectors facing today a continuous deficiency due to the increase in population growth, diseases and injuries resulting from wars and conflicts, On the other hand, there is a deficit in government funding to complete health service projects, including the Diwaniya hospital with a capacity of 400 beds, Which completed part of its civil works by 19%.

      Accordingly, a preliminary feasibility study was prepared to ensure that there are no fundamental problems that hinder completion the project by investment of the private sector (national or foreign) based on the legislation in force and the market study, which showed the need to invest a 100 bed hospital distributed among 80 beds for care and 20 emergency beds, as well as Specialized clinics and advanced medical centers for all specialties with a medical university to treat lack of medical and nursing staff depend on approved standards, With  providing excellent services and competitive prices leading to the development of the health sector in the Diwaniya province and neighboring provinces.


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Publication Date
Wed Oct 01 2014
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Demonstrators' slogans in Tahrir square (Analytical study of the communication message)
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The research entitled "The Slogans of Demonstrators at Al-Tahreer Square – analytical study for communicative letters" studies the slogans of demonstrators as a communicative means having many signs reflecting the political, social, cultural relations exist in the minds of people. It is so easy to understand its meaning, examining its goals; and explaining their meanings. For these reasons, we have chosen such a topic. Since the means of communications transfer letters between a sender and receiver, the importance of this research is that it is a researchable trial to acknowledge the issues behind the demonstrators' slogans and the different styles have been chosen by them for a whole year; the different sides of the demonstration sinc

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Study of the imperatives of promoting financial inclusion in Iraq: Opportunities and challenges
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The aim of the research is to provide an analytical study to promote financial inclusion in Iraq by clarifying the opportunities and challenges of the economic and demographic situation in Iraq, studying the structure of the financial system and introducing non-bank financial institutions operating in Iraq, and using the descriptive approach. Analytical in the study of the phenomenon of research, the research reached a number of conclusions, the most prominent of which were:

  • Iraqi society is a young society.
  • The majority of the population is 70 percent. They live almost in urban areas.
  • The coverage of bank branch networks is concentrated in only four provinces, leaving other provinces outside financial

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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The worsening of environmental problems has led to them being addressed by many entities, the most important of which are the top regulators. Federal Board of supreme audit Office is one of the most important regulators in Iraq. The problem of the research was the fundamental question of the extent to which the Federal Financial Supervisory Office was committed to implementing and exercising environmental control over the audited ones. The refore, the research was based on the main objective of questioning the role of the Federal Financial Supervisory Office in the exercise of environmental control and the compliance of those under its control, by identifying the antosai standards for environmental control, particularly the stand

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 11 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Hydrochemistry of Groundwater in Northeast Part of Anbar Governorate – West of Iraq
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A groundwater quality assessment has been carried out in northeast part of Anbar governorate in western Iraq. We analyzed hydrochemical parameters such as pH, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids presence of ions to describe groundwater quality. The study area has the only confined aquifer within the geological formation extended in area. Values of groundwater hydrochemical parameters were ranged from (7) to (7.9) for ph, (1599) to (6800) µmhos/cm for electrical conductivity (EC) and (1048) to (4446) mg/l for total dissolved solids (TDS). The origins and types of groundwater in the area were of marine origin and MgCl2 water type while only (6) samples were of continental origin and Na2SO4 wate

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2010
Journal Name
Int. J. Adv. Comp. Techn.
Adding PC Connectivity to the MTS-88 Microcomputer Teaching System
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The MTS-88. c trainer is a training system targeting students in the microprocessors course. It has a built in single-line assembler allowing the users to enter programs in assembly. It has the problem that long programs cannot be traced and tested efficiently. A simple error may cause all the code to be erased and the system to stop responding. Also, this system lacks the ability to be connected to the PC. The aim of this work is to modify the system to make it possible to be connected to the PC through the parallel port. This gives the capability to download long programs to the system after being developed in the PC. The 8255 Programmable Peripheral Interface available in the teaching system is interfaced to the parallel port and used as

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Measuring the Implementation gap of Operational requirement according to the international standard (ISO 9001:2015) in the National Insurance Company : Applied research.
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The aim of the research is to diagnose and analyze the gap between the actual reality and the application of the eighth requirement (operation) in the National Insurance Company in accordance with the international standard specification for the quality management system (ISO 9001:2015), which is related to the planning, implementation and control of operations, which would raise the level of performance of employees and be reflected in the provision of An appropriate service for the faithful, as the reality of the condition of the requirement was studied by identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the system to diagnose the gap and find ways to address it. A workshop was held with company officials, through which questions were raise

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 24 2020
Journal Name
Psychology And Education
The Use of Ergative Verbs to Background the Role of the Agent in two Selected Short Stories: A Syntactico-Semantic Study
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The study explores the use of ergative verbs in constructing clauses and their impact on the backgrounding of the agent's role in two selected short stories. Contrary to hypothesis No. 1, the research indicates that changes in sentence patterns don't affect the meaning of the process. Additionally, hypothesis No. 2 is refuted as the middle structure is found to highlight the agent's role in the science fiction short story, Terra Infirmum, rather than concealing it as hypothesized for "The Invisible Man." The analysis uncovers that writers utilize ergative processes to narrate stories in various ways, including transitive/active voice, intransitive/active voice, and transitive/passive voice. Furthermore, the findings suggest that writers emp

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Publication Date
Mon May 29 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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This study aims to Statement of the relationship between Total Quality Management philosophy and Organizational performance from the point of view of the internal customer. A comparison has been made between two companies, one of which applies the requirements of TQM well and the other does not apply these requirements as the (General Company for Electrical Industries/ Diyala) and (General Company for Electrical Industries/ Baghdad) to conduct the search, During the questionnaire prepared for this purpose and distributed to a sample of 30 employees in the General Company for Electric Industries/ Diyala and (20) employees of the General Company for Electrical Industries/ Baghdad. Their answers were analyzed using a simple correlation coef

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 31 2018
Journal Name
Al-anbar Univrsety Jornal For Law And Political Science
Civil liability of police officers arising from damage to High-Speed Pursuits - study in light of the position of law and the American judiciary
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Since the invention of the automobile, no aspect of American life, including crime and its control, has remained untouched by this far-reaching innovation in transportation. Vehicular "hot pursuit"-when suspects in motor vehicles use excessive speed in attempting to elude the police. Unfortunately, accounts of wild chases across crowded inner city streets, through tree-lined suburban boulevards, and over remote country roads are very real and not merely fictional material created for entertaining television and motion picture audiences. The specter of "hot pursuit," complete with screaming sirens and red or blue flashing lights, has become a recurring fact of modem life.1 So, too, are the mishaps involving police vehicles or the vehicles pu

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 24 2020
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Hyperbole in poetry: A case study of exaggeration
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The present study identifies the linguistic means used to realize hyperbole in poetry as a rhetorical device that makes readers experience the beauty of poetic language. To achieve the aim of the study, a model of analysis in accordance with Spitzbardt (1963), Norrick (1982), and McCarthy & Carter (2004) is used. The analysis of data under investigation reveals that hyperbole is a crucial aid used by poets to portrait the real world as imaginative. In conclusion, poets prefer using lexico-grammatical repertoires than lexico-grammatical configurations. Keywords
