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Analysis The Consistency Between The Tariff And The Exchange Rate And Their Reflection On The Trade Balance In Iraq
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       The trade balance is considered as a way to join the national economy with the world, So it is the mirror that reflect the economic center of the country and it is point to competitive ability of it, The tariff and the exchange rate perform a great role to motivate the domestic production and improve the trade balance if we direct them to achieve the same purpose. The Iraqi economic has trade balance which achieve overabundant during the years of studying because of the oil exports, while the other exports represent a small percentage it is hardly remember, and expansion in imports from other side causes exhaustion in oil revenues, and this make the trade balance in permanent shortage and raising in business exposure and put the country in a very difficult situation in case of changing in its oil exports prices or quantity. The negative consistency between the tariff and exchange rate which appear through the weakness of the tariff contribution and the absence of it is role, and rising of exchange rate from other hand is one of the reasons of the Iraqi trade balance shortage. The main conclusion that the researcher worked out that assumption activation of tariff and reducing the Iraqi dinar rate exchange refer clearly to successful consistency between these two variable whereas both of them lead to a rise in the value of imports which motivate the domestic production instead of it and increasing the exports to improve the trade balance. In the end the researcher recommends first of all that tariff must be levied on goods that can be produced domestically at a higher rate than goods that are not capable of producing them, To stimulate the front and back linkages of these industries, and when there is elastic production that means it is a chance to reduce the exchange rate which reflect positively on the Iraqi trade balance.

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
2019 International Conference On Electrical Engineering And Informatics (iceei)
Health Information Exchange: Current Trends, Challenges and Recommendations
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Publication Date
Mon Feb 28 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Level of Educational Supervisors' Practices of Their Supervisory Duties According to The Requirements of Comprehensive Quality in Oman
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The research aims to identify the level of educational supervisors' practices of their supervisory duties according to the requirements of comprehensive quality from the viewpoint of teachers in Oman. Moreover, identify the differences between the responses of the sample about these practices, which are attributed to gender, and years of experience. Thus, a questionnaire was administered to teachers, consisting of (48) items distributed on (5) main fields related to the educational supervisor's practices. The sample consisted of (220) teachers who were randomly chosen from the schools in Dhofar region. Data were analyzed using means, standard divisions, T-test, and One Way ANOVA. The research concluded that the level of educational super

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 28 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
Evaluating the academic achievement of graduate students working in the field of physical education from their point of view
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The research aimed to prepare a measure to evaluate the academic achievement of graduates working in the field of physical education from their point of view, to identify the extent to which graduating students benefit from the curriculum of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Baghdad/Al-Jadriya, and to identify the impact of academic subjects in the practical and theoretical fields. The researchers used the descriptive approach in the research procedures as it is an appropriate approach in achieving the research objectives. The following questions are: What are the academic subjects that have the most impact on graduating students? What are the academic subjects that have the least impact on the are

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 21 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Professional Business Review
The Impact of Dumping Policy on the Food Gap of Chicken Meat in Iraq For the Period (2004-2019) - Turkish Imports Of Chicken Meat a Case Study
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Purpose: As a result of the sudden and ill-considered trade openness of Iraq after 2003 to the countries of the world in general and the neighboring countries in particular, and in the absence of the necessary support for the national productive forces and the lack of effective standardization and quality control devices, this led to the exposure of most local products, especially agricultural ones, to decline and inability On the competition and thus dumping the Iraqi market, especially the agricultural products, with imported products, this study came to find out the effect that dumping has on the local production of chicken meat and the impact of that impact on the size of the food gap, and whether the results of the practica

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The value of work to the Elits of prophets and its influence on cultural construction
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Praise be to Allah and peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad and on his family and companions
The prophets (peace be upon them) urged all thevalues and one of these is the value of work which is of a great importance, that all nations have gathered against us as the eaters gather at a bowl. One of the reasons of our weakness and the strength of our enemy is that we have neglected the value of work. And rather a large number of ignorant and uneducatedpeople started to believe that the means of living, triumph, gaining power, and establishing a civilization are given by Allah with neithergainingnoreffort from us. While we find in the past that Allah the Almighty narrated to us the story of Mary (Peace be upon her) and

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 30 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The Trilogy of Punishment - The Great, Painful and Humiliating in the Holy Quran An objective study: The Trilogy of Punishment - The Great, Painful and Humiliating in the Holy Quran An objective study
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The study of triples seeks to deal with the comprehensive nature of the Qur’an texts, and the choice fell on the trilogy of great torment, pain, and humiliation in the Noble Qur’an - an objective study, the title of this research, in which I tried to shed light on these terms, and the nuances between them, and in particular torment The eschatological terminology varied, which can be summed up in three terms, namely the great, the painful, and the offensive. The types of torment, the pain is the painful one that is described by the severity of pain and its horror, as for the humiliating punishment, it is that which humiliates the one who has fallen on it, and the diversity of torment is due to the diversity of sins.

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 07 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Graduate Unemployment In Iraq , Problems , Solution
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There Are Many  Communities Suffering Of Unemployment Due To Has  Great Social And Economic Impact, As Well As The Psychological Effects Devastating And Serious And That May Threaten States  With Collapse And  Leading Human Displacement And Loss And Crime, And Often Derive Unemployed People To Practice  Bad Habits Such As Gambling, Alcohol And Drug Abuse To Escape From Their Reality To Their Concerns And Problems.

It Should Be Noted, That The Largest Percentage Of Unemployment In Developing Societies Represented By The Educated Class Of University Graduates, And This Is Something Painful.

The Unemployed Know That (Each Capable Of Working And Who Want To Look For And Accept Prevailing Bricks) Is Th

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Publication Date
Mon May 21 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Towards a decentralized planning policy in Iraq
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Iraq is changing from the centralized system of governance to the decentralized system, which assumes devolution of more authorities to the local governments of Iraqi provinces and cities. This puts a responsibility on the academics to produce more research work on the best framework for this change, to ensure the best results. The main objective of this research is to suggest a policy for the decentralized transformation in domain of Urban and Regional Planning in Iraq. A suggested program for the transformation is involved in the paper as well, with analysis for the new relationships between different levels of planning authorities depending on democracy. In addition, a description for planning process flows from bottom to top.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effect of the Active Reading Strategy on the Achievement of the Second Year Middle School Students in Biology
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The aim of the current research is to identify the effect of the effective reading strategy on the achievement of second-middle students in biology, as well as the imaginative thinking skills of students. The researcher adopted the experimental design with partial control to achieve the goal of the research. The current research community identified the second-middle students in the government schools of the Baghdad Education Directorate / Rusafa I for the academic year (2021-2022 AD). The Safina Intermediate School for Girls was chosen to be the research sample in the form of intentionally, two classes were randomly selected from a total of four classes, one of them is experimental and the other is con

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 25 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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In this research, a selection of some mineral water was selected on the basis of being the most marketed by the owners of shops in Najaf province, with six types, where daily samples of this water were taken by 50 ml for two months from (1/11/2018 -1/1/2019). The following ions concentrations were measured (Br-, Cl-, F-, NO3-, SO42-, Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+), pH and the electrical conductivity were measured and the results were compared with the allowable rates according to the international organizations. It was noted that they conform to international and Iraqi standards.

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