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Analysis The Consistency Between The Tariff And The Exchange Rate And Their Reflection On The Trade Balance In Iraq
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       The trade balance is considered as a way to join the national economy with the world, So it is the mirror that reflect the economic center of the country and it is point to competitive ability of it, The tariff and the exchange rate perform a great role to motivate the domestic production and improve the trade balance if we direct them to achieve the same purpose. The Iraqi economic has trade balance which achieve overabundant during the years of studying because of the oil exports, while the other exports represent a small percentage it is hardly remember, and expansion in imports from other side causes exhaustion in oil revenues, and this make the trade balance in permanent shortage and raising in business exposure and put the country in a very difficult situation in case of changing in its oil exports prices or quantity. The negative consistency between the tariff and exchange rate which appear through the weakness of the tariff contribution and the absence of it is role, and rising of exchange rate from other hand is one of the reasons of the Iraqi trade balance shortage. The main conclusion that the researcher worked out that assumption activation of tariff and reducing the Iraqi dinar rate exchange refer clearly to successful consistency between these two variable whereas both of them lead to a rise in the value of imports which motivate the domestic production instead of it and increasing the exports to improve the trade balance. In the end the researcher recommends first of all that tariff must be levied on goods that can be produced domestically at a higher rate than goods that are not capable of producing them, To stimulate the front and back linkages of these industries, and when there is elastic production that means it is a chance to reduce the exchange rate which reflect positively on the Iraqi trade balance.

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Publication Date
Wed May 02 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The Effect of Time and Place Dimensions on Changing the Quality Dimensions of Sizes of Cities: A Case Study (Baghdad city)
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The city has normal natural state, and the man has a usual movement, change and search for the new .Also, the city has a usual change and transform in its time, place and quality (sizes)structures. The city has a solid memory diving into the past and the future and reflects The real present, and this memory has a timing layers change into real materialistic place making the city has accumulated overlapping circles which is hard to break u , and it broadcasts the lockup timing density ,in which there is no visual record precisely, it is just like((the social record)) that evaluates the un visual relationships between the components and parts of the city (community and form) in a visual quiet exhibition and transform change inside.

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Representations of the ego and the other In the Iraqi feminist novel
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The other is a problematic concept and can be achieved only by the existence of difference and differentiation between human groups in views and views, the other is out of the ego, which is different religiously, politically, socially, culturally, place and language.
We take from the Iraqi feminist novel analytical field to reflect the image of the other in the novelist world, and the models chosen for the study are: the novel granddaughter of American novelist Anaam Kjie Ji, and novel how the sky seemed close to the novelist Batoul al-Khudairi, and novel when you wake up the smell of novelist Dni Ghali, and the rope of the umbilical and the novel Shufuni Shufuni The novel by Samira Al-Manea, the novelist of the novelist Alia Mamdouh,

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role credit guarantee companies to bank guarantee in the financing of small and medium enterprises
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       It has become clear to see the role of the small and medium enterprises in the economy, and for the continuity of these projects it is necessary to supply finance from the banks, How ever the latter suffers risk of lending.                                                                          


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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Current Research In Microbiology And Biotechnology
Cytogenetic Analysis for the Effect of Alcoholic and Water Extracts of Iraqi Propolis in Mice
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This study was conducted to study the cytogenetic effect of both alcoholic and water extracts of propolis on mice. Three different samples of propolis were collected from three different regions of Iraq (Najaf, Arbil and Baghdad) to be used in this study. The cytotoxic effect of two different doses of each extracted sample was measured by employing cytogenetic analysis which included (mitotic index (MI), chromosomal aberrations (CAs), micronucleus index (MN) and sperm abnormalities). Results showed that significant increase in MI and significant reduction in MN, CAs and sperm abnormalities percentage were seen after treatment with both alcoholic and water extract of the three samples when compared with negative control, and alcoholic extrac

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Seismic Effects and Static Analysis for the Artificial Damped Outrigger Systems in Tall R.C Buildings
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This paper studies the combination fluid viscous dampers in the outrigger system to add supplementary damping into the structure, which purpose to remove the dependability of the structure to lower variable intrinsic damping. It works by connecting the central core, comprising either shear walls or braced frames, to the outer perimeter columns.

     The modal considered is a 36 storey square high rise reinforced concrete building. By constructing a discrete lumped mass model, and using frequency-based response function, two systems of dampers, parallel and series systems are studied. The maximum lateral load at the top of the building is calculated, and  this load  w

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 23 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Agricultural Sciences
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This research dealt with study of cladistics taxonomy of  five  species related to the genus Rumex L. and Polygonum L. from family polygonaceae in Iraq by using Mesquite software V.2.75. This  research support strongly delimiting  the species P. aviculare L. and P. lapathifolia suggested in floras publication while R. dentatus L. is setted in single group whereas R. vesicarius L. and R. conglomeratus Murray were included in the same group. Also, this study involved characteristics of shape, dimensions, color, and ornamentation of seeds and fruits as  the seed forms were ranging from lenticular to trigonous. In terms of size calculations,  the seeds of R. vesicarius  was recorded the higher range (4.0- 4.5) mm in length w

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2024
Journal Name
International Journal Of Body, Mind & Culture (2345-5802)
Comparative analysis of the conventional primary healthcare services and family health program in Cairo, Egypt
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Background: Primary healthcare in Egypt has undergone significant reforms since the 1990s, including the pioneering Family Health Program (FHP). However, limited evaluation exists regarding the FHP's impact on enhancing the delivery of primary healthcare services. The primary objective of this study was to analyze and understand the efficiency and effectiveness of the FHP in altering the delivery of primary healthcare in Egypt. We aimed to outline the fundamental characteristics of the primary healthcare system, compare them between the conventional and the newly reformed FHP centers, and gauge the awareness level of these variances among key decision-makers, focusing specifically on Cairo, Egypt. Methods: This cross-sectional study employe

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 13 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Professional Business Review
The Reality of Local Investment in Iraq and Prospects for its Development: a Case Study in the Baghdad Investment Commission
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Purpose: This research is to identify the most important challenges for the local investment commissions and to develop solutions and proposals to encourage local and foreign investment in local governments in Iraq (the Iraqi provinces are irregular in the region).   Theoretical Framework: This research suggests a conceptual framework for the local investment commissions in order to solve their problems, the most important of which was to identify the most critical challenges which are facing the Baghdad Investment Commission BIC and how to overcome them.   Design/The methodology approach: Research involved a mixed-methods approach through two stages. During the first stage, the researcher gathered quantitative data from all inves

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2022
Journal Name
Anbar Journal Of Agricultural Sciences
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The current report dealt with the effect of pesticides on the ecosystem through their impact on soil, water, and microorganisms and their impact on human health. As well as this study dealt with the biodegradation process of pesticides and the organisms involved in this process, even some previous studies proved that Bacillus spp. And Pseudomonas sp. Bacteria is the most efficient in the biodegradation of pesticides, at the same time, other previous studies dealt with the environmental factors that affect the biodegradation process of pesticides. It proved that each of the incubation periods, pH, and temperature have different effects on biodegradation. Most of the studies indicated that the best incubation period for biodegradation is 7-8

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Publication Date
Fri May 31 2024
Journal Name
Reproductive Health Of Woman
Tumor-promoting roles of IL-4 and TGF-β3, their implications in the progression of breast tumors
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Immunosuppressive cytokines are the main components of the tumor microenvironment and perform a vital function in controlling the immune response to malignant neoplasms.The objective: to study the influence of interleukin-4 (IL-4) and transforming growth factor-β3 (TGF-β3) on the development of breast tumors in women.Materials and methods. The concentration of cytokines IL-4 and TGF-β3 in blood serum was determined in 40 women with benign breast tumors, 40 women with malignant breast tumors, and 40 healthy patients without breast pathology, who were included in the control group.Breast cancer (BC) patients were divided into two groups; the first group included patients with the II stage of BC, who were considered to have a low le

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