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Analysis The Consistency Between The Tariff And The Exchange Rate And Their Reflection On The Trade Balance In Iraq
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       The trade balance is considered as a way to join the national economy with the world, So it is the mirror that reflect the economic center of the country and it is point to competitive ability of it, The tariff and the exchange rate perform a great role to motivate the domestic production and improve the trade balance if we direct them to achieve the same purpose. The Iraqi economic has trade balance which achieve overabundant during the years of studying because of the oil exports, while the other exports represent a small percentage it is hardly remember, and expansion in imports from other side causes exhaustion in oil revenues, and this make the trade balance in permanent shortage and raising in business exposure and put the country in a very difficult situation in case of changing in its oil exports prices or quantity. The negative consistency between the tariff and exchange rate which appear through the weakness of the tariff contribution and the absence of it is role, and rising of exchange rate from other hand is one of the reasons of the Iraqi trade balance shortage. The main conclusion that the researcher worked out that assumption activation of tariff and reducing the Iraqi dinar rate exchange refer clearly to successful consistency between these two variable whereas both of them lead to a rise in the value of imports which motivate the domestic production instead of it and increasing the exports to improve the trade balance. In the end the researcher recommends first of all that tariff must be levied on goods that can be produced domestically at a higher rate than goods that are not capable of producing them, To stimulate the front and back linkages of these industries, and when there is elastic production that means it is a chance to reduce the exchange rate which reflect positively on the Iraqi trade balance.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Useing the Hierarchical Cluster Analysis and Fuzzy Cluster Analysis Methods for Classification of Some Hospitals in Basra
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In general, the importance of cluster analysis is that one can evaluate elements by clustering multiple homogeneous data; the main objective of this analysis is to collect the elements of a single, homogeneous group into different divisions, depending on many variables. This method of analysis is used to reduce data, generate hypotheses and test them, as well as predict and match models. The research aims to evaluate the fuzzy cluster analysis, which is a special case of cluster analysis, as well as to compare the two methods—classical and fuzzy cluster analysis. The research topic has been allocated to the government and private hospitals. The sampling for this research was comprised of 288 patients being treated in 10 hospitals. As t

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 10 2018
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Using of digital media and its effect on constructing the value system of Iraqi society (Field study on a sample of the audience for the city of Baghdad model)
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With the great development in the field of the Internet, the talk about the new media and its implications began, And its interactive services have made the future of media material sometimes participating in it and manufacturing it at other times,
the public is seeking information and choosing the appropriate ones, as well as exchanging messages with the sender after what the role of the receiver is just receiving information only.
This study aims to demonstrate the effects of using digital media in various forms and types to construct the value system of Iraqi society through the identification of the following aims:
Identify the most popular digital media for the Iraqi public in their daily lives on the Internet.

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 04 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effectiveness of a Proposed Study Unit Based on the Funds of Knowledge Theory in Developing the Attitudes Towards Cultural Identity and the Proposed Study Unit among Students of Basic Education in the Sultanate of Oman
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The present study aims to explore the effectiveness of a proposed study unit based on the funds of knowledge theory in developing the attitudes towards cultural identity and the proposed study unit. In order to achieve the goal of the study, the two researchers followed the quasi-experimental approach, where the study sample consisted of (28) female students of the fifth-grade at Al-Jeelah Basic Education School, Al-Dakhiliyah Governorate in the Sultanate of Oman. The data were collected by two scales: the first is a scale of attitudes towards cultural identity consisting of (26) items. The second was a scale of attitudes towards the proposed study unit, which consisted of (24) items. The results of the study revealed that the effect of

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
International Medical Journal
Surface analysis of the PEKK coating on the cp ti implant using laser technique
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Objective: Evaluation of the poly ether keton keton polymer (PEKK) coating material on the commercial pure titanium disks (CP Ti) with or without laser surface structuring. Design: In vitro experimental study of PEKK polymer coated material on the CP Ti disks with or without laser surface structuring. Materials and methods: coating the surface of the commercial pure titanium (CP Ti) disks with PEKK polymer was performed via using frictional mode CO2 laser, then the samples disks analyzed by using FESEM. Results: the FESEM reveal good adherence and distribution of the PEKK coated material over the CP Ti substrate by using the frictional mode CO2 laser at 2 watt and 6 ms pulse duration. Conclusion: the frictional mode CO2 laser considered an

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 30 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Sedimentology and Basin Development of the Middle Miocene Succession in the Zurbatiya Area, Eastern Iraq
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The present study is focused upon the sedimentology and basin development of the Jeribe and Fatha Formations by using the field observations and microfacies analysis. The area of study situated in the Zurbatiyah area to the south of the Shur sharin valley about 21 km northeast of Badrah city to the southeast of Baghdad. This area lies within the Zagros foreland basin, and located between the Zagros mountains at the northeastern and the Arabian shield at the southeastern.

     The studied succession which including the Jeribe and Fatha Formations were deposited within four associated facies for the Jeribe Formation and three for the Fatha Formation, as shown below: -

Jeribe Formation

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 29 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Obscene speech in the Qur'anic perspective An objective study based on the verses and interpretation of the Noble Qur’an in diagnosis and treatment
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The most famous thing a person does is talk. He loves and hates, and continues with it confirming relationships, and with it, too, comes out of disbelief into faith. Marry a word and separate with a word. He reaches the top of the heavens with a kind word, with which he will gain the pleasure of God, and the Lord of a word that the servant speaks to which God writes with our pleasure or throws him on his face in the fire. Emotions are inflamed, the United Nations is intensified with a word, and relations between states and war continue with a word.

What comes out of a person’s mouth is a translator that expresses the repository of his conscience and reveals the place of his bed, for it is evidence of

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 15 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Evaluate the effect of surface treatments on shear bond strength between lithium disilicate ceramic and dentin.
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Purpose: To evaluate the effect of different surface treatments on shear bond strength between dentin and IPS e.max lithium disilicate glass-ceramic. Materials and Methods: Eighteen extracted third molars were embeded in epoxy resin. The tooth was sectioned vertically in mesiodistal direction using a low speed hard tissue microtome. The buccal and lingual surfaces of each section were ground flat using 600 grit Silicone carbide paper. Eighteen ceramic discs consisted of lithium disilicate glass-ceramic were prepared with a diameter of 4.7mm and height of 2.2mm. The discs were divided in two groups (n=10): (1) IPS e.max treated with hydrofluoric acid and Monobond Plus (MBP) and (2) IPS e.max treated with Monobond Etch &Prime (MBEP). The toot

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Comparative Study between Activated Carbon and Charcoal for the Development of Latent Fingerprints on Nonporous Surfaces
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For criminal investigations, fingerprints remain the most reliable form of personal identification despite developments in other fields like DNA profiling. The objective of this work is to compare the performance of both commercial charcoal and activated carbon powder derived from the Alhagi plant to reveal latent fingerprints from different non-porous surfaces (cardboard, plain glass, aluminum foil sheet, China Dish, Plastic, and Switch). The effect of three variables on activated carbon production was investigated. These variables were the impregnation ratio (the weight ratio of KOH: dried raw material), the activation temperature, and the activation time. The effect factors were investigated using Central Composite Design

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journa
Comparative Study between Activated Carbon and Charcoal for the Development of Latent Fingerprints on Nonporous Surfaces
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For criminal investigations, fingerprints remain the most reliable form of personal identification despite developments in other fields like DNA profiling. The objective of this work is to compare the performance of both commercial charcoal and activated carbon powder derived from the Alhagi plant to reveal latent fingerprints from different non-porous surfaces (cardboard, plain glass, aluminum foil sheet, China Dish, Plastic, and Switch). The effect of three variables on activated carbon production was investigated. These variables were the impregnation ratio (the weight ratio of KOH: dried raw material), the activation temperature, and the activation time. The effect factors were investigated using Central Composite Design (CCD) softwa

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Publication Date
Thu May 05 2022
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Comparative Study on the Corneal Endothelial Cell Count between Type 2 Diabetic and Non-Diabetic Patients
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Background: Diabetes mellitus is one of the commonest chronic disorders worldwide with a rapid rise in prevalence. In Iraq its prevalence is high especially in elderly age group. Patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus have higher vulnerability for complications, whether microvascular or macrovascular. Ocular complications are common in diabetes mellitus, and comprise diabetic retinopathy, diabetic papillopathy, cataract, glaucoma, dry eye disease and diabetic keratopathy. Diabetic keratopathy involves endothelial and epithelial tissues of the cornea, leading to persistent epithelial defect, corneal erosion, or corneal ulcers.

Aim of the Study: To compare the mean corneal endothelial cell count between patients wi

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