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((The impact of strategic Orientation in the performance of banks private sector Iraqi / compared to the entrance.))
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             bjective researcher through this research to Put a theoretical framework to strategic orientation the center on the market in the business and the diagnosis and interpretation of the nature of the link between relationships and influencing strategic orientation dimensions Almtmthelh organizations (Entrepreneurial Orientation, market Orientation, Interaction Orientation) and  the performance of the Iraqi Private Banks The research community and the  level of dimensional and through the use of scale (Balanced Scorecard) Bmnzawradtha the four, the test of this research in the Iraqi banking sector (Gulf Commercial Bank and the Bank of Ashur International), and applied research on a sample of (85)Director and employee distributors in several administrative levels (manager, department manager, branch manager, higher management staff), and use the search resolution tool to collect data and information as well as personal interviews Program and some private banks annual reports, has sought research to test a number of major and minor hypotheses concerning Relations link and relationships influence between research variables, in order to answer questions related to  the problem of  research and questions basic (Are Iraqi banks Private research community has a strategic orientation led to achieve better performance?, What is the effect of strategic orientation of the three dimensions (Entrepreneurial Orientation, market Orientation, Interaction Orientation) the performance of the Iraqi private banks?). and the dimensions of the strategic orientation its effects on the performance of banks varying sample of the research it is found that the impact of the Entrepreneurial Orientation trend in the first priority, Interaction approach in the second priority, market orientation in the third priority. There are also showing high positive correlation between the strategic orientation(In general) and the performance of the banking banks the same topic, also showed the results of descriptive analysis (general rate) to keep strategic orientation of Gulf Commercial Bank and the Bank of UNESCO's International achieved a force that builds high paragraphs Find variables implying the absorption of researched banks of the importance of strategic orientation dimensions are all "which will reflect positively its performance. strategic direction because of its direct impact on the performance of banks and the success of its business, , as well as in-depth studies to find out the reasons for the negative impact of the move towards the market in the performance of banks researched  and processed increases the efficiency of its interaction with other.                                                                                 


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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2009
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Study the Effect of annealing temperature on the Structure of a-Se and Electrical Properties of a-Se/c-Si Heterojunction
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In this work Study effect of annealing temperature on the Structure
of a-Se and electrical properties of a-Se/c-Si hetrojunction have been
studied.The hetrojunction fabricated by deposition of a-Se film on c-
Si using thermal evaporation.
Electrical properties of a-Se/ c-Si heterojunction include I-V
characteristics, in dark at different annealing temperature and C-V
characteristics are considered in the present work.
C-V characteristics suggested that the fabricated diode was
abrupt type, built in potential determined by extrapolation from
1/C2-V curve. The built - in potential (Vbi) for the Se/ Si System
was found to be increase from 1.21 to 1.62eV with increasing of
annealing temperature

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 17 2019
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The First Record of Three Species of Dogielius (Monogenea) From Three Cyprinid Fishes From the Greater Zab River, North of Iraq*
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A total of 352 freshwater fishes, belonging to three species of the family Cyprinidae were collected from the Greater Zab river in north of Iraq during the period from November 2000 to the end of November 2001. The inspection of their gills revealed the infection of these fishes with three species of monogenetic trematodes belonging to the genus Dogielius. These species included D. mokhayeri from Aspius vorax with a percentage incidence of 37.5%; D. molnari from Cyprinion macrostomum (33.3%) and D. persicus from Barbus luteus (41.2%). The record of this genus and its three above-named species of the present study are considered as the first record on fishes of Iraq.

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
TV ADVERTISEMENT AND SERVICES OF MOBILE PHONE COMPANIES: (Analytical Study of the Trends of Companies and the Public towards Television Advertisement)
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An advertisement is a human activity as old as human societies. As it was practiced by each society in accordance with the circumstances of the times and the means of communication available. The evolution of advertisement in the modern era reflected many factors to become an essential part of the lives of individuals in the world. Interesting in television advertising has increased in particular because it is the first and most influential mass media in the minds of people.

Advertisements play a big role in our lives as individuals. As advertisements surround us where we have been found; and bring us many benefits; as well as their contribution to accelerate the process of economic development a

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Publication Date
Tue May 15 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study of the Influence of Annealing Temperature on the Structural and Optical Properties of ZnTe Prepared by Vacuum Thermal Evaporation Technique
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   The ZnTe alloy was prepared as  deposited thin films on the glass substrates at a thickness of 400±20 nm using vacuum evaporation technique at pressure (1 × 10-5) mbar and room temperature. Then the thin films under vacuum (2 × 10-3 mbar) were annealing at (RT,100 and 300) °C for one hour. The structural properties were studied by using X-ray diffraction and AFM, the results show that the thin films had approached the single crystalline in the direction (111) as preferred orientation of the structure zinc-blende for cubic type, with small peaks of tellurium (Te) element for all prepared thin films. The calculated crystallite size (Cs) decreased with the increase in the anne

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Effect of the Crude Terpenoids Compounds of Melia Azedrach Leaves and Fruits on Some Biological Aspects of Whitefly Bemisia tabaci
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This study was carried out to determine the effects of crude terpenoid compound extracts of Melia azedarach L. leaves and fruits on some biological aspects of whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Genn.) under laboratory conditions of 25 ± 2°C and relative humidity of 65-70%. The results indicated a significant effect on eggs and immature stages when treated with 0.5, 1, 1.5, and 2 mg/ml of leaves and fruits. The mortality rate increased with concentration. It reached 98.68, 100, 100, 95.70, 86.30, and 42.68% for eggs, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd nymphal instars, pupa, and adults, respectively, at a concentration of 2 mg/ml for leaves extract. At the same time, it reached 94.86, 100,100, 100, 87.89, and 44.90% for eggs, 1st, 2nd, and 3r

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 15 2021
Journal Name
Design and implementation of a glove theater of cardboard materials for the students of the Kindergarten Department: قيس هاشم احمد النعيمي
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The current research aims to develop the skills of the kindergarten students in designing and implementing a theater for gauntlets made of cardboard materials. To study this, the researcher determined to build teaching plans for design and implementation skills according to (Kolb model).
The results of this research showed the effectiveness of teaching plans according to (Kolb's model) in developing skills of design and implementation (theater for gauntlets made of cardboard materials) for the students of the Kindergarten Department - the experimental group. Which had a positive effect to reach the desired results in the design and implementation of the gauntlet theater and dealing with cardboard materials

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Determinants of Total Factor Productivity Growth: an Analytical Study of a Cross Section of Countries for the Period (2003-2016)
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            This study tests the effect of a large number of independent variables that control the growth of the total productivity, which amounted to 112 variables, gathered from what is mentioned in the specialized theoretical and applied literature. The data for these variables were taken from global reports of sound international organizations and reliable databases covering the period 1991-2016. The data of the dependent variable, the growth of the total factor productivity, were taken from the database of the world development indicators. The study covered 61 countries for which data were available. The study included three regression models to explain

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Multiphase Flow Behavior Prediction and Optimal Correlation Selection for Vertical Lift Performance in Faihaa Oil Field, Iraq
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In the petroleum industry, multiphase flow dynamics within the tubing string have gained significant attention due to associated challenges. Accurately predicting pressure drops and wellbore pressures is crucial for the effective modeling of vertical lift performance (VLP). This study focuses on predicting the multiphase flow behavior in four wells located in the Faihaa oil field in southern Iraq, utilizing PIPESIM software. The process of selecting the most appropriate multiphase correlation was performed by utilizing production test data to construct a comprehensive survey data catalog. Subsequently, the results were compared with the correlations available within the PIPESIM software. The outcomes reveal that the Hagedorn and Brown (H

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering Science And Technology
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Publication Date
Fri Nov 02 2018
Journal Name
Aci Special Publication
CFRP Repairing System at Openings in Reinforced Concrete T-Beams Cracked by Impact Loads
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