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The Role of Strategic direction in Strategic Reputation and its impact on Competitive Compressions Survey study in mobile communications companies in Iraq
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The curr­ent research aims at identifying the role strategic Orientation of the dimensions (market orientation, customer orientation, Entrepreneurship orientation, competitor orientation, technology orientation) in strategic reputation building in its dimensions (product and service quality, financial performance, environment and workplace, Innovation, Social Responsibility), and its effect on competitive pressure with its two dimensions (Internal and External Pressure), to accomplish the research aim (Zain, Iraq, Asia Cell, Cork, Omnia) have been chosen in the province of Karbala, as the research tries to identify the role of the intellectual and practical framework to played by the direction started from a problem expressed by a number of intellectual and practical questions aimed to answer and diagnose the level of their importance, their impact and the extent of their applicability in the telecommunications companies. The research is based on the questionnaire form as a tool for collecting the necessary data. The research sample reaches (89) managers in the companies, and obtained (81) questionnaire forms valid for analysis. One of the most important conclusions is the lack of discrepancy between the dimensions of the companies in question with regard to attracting customers and care of the quality of services provided. The important recommendations needed to be adopted is proactive strategy consistent with the capabilities of companies promise to impose a strategic as a context of competitive influence.

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 31 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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The current research aimed to analyze the importance, correlation and the effect of independent variables represented by marketing variables on the dependent variable represented by local brand, through taking ENIEM as a model for this study, which represents a sensitive sector for the Algerian consumer. The results of the study evinced that the Algerian consumer has a positive image toward the brand ENIEM given marketing variables which has acquired considerable importance to this consumer. Also, the results of this study showed a statistically significant correlation between marketing variables and good perception toward the brand ENIEM, at the same time, the existence of a statistically significant effect for each of these variables o

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The effect of transparency on job satisfaction: An applied research in sample of national insurance companies
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Transparency considered being one of the modern administrational terms which started to be largely used in the last period, because of its political, economical, social and cultural dimensions. As well as, its administrational dimension that helps to create a work environment marked by order and flawless from wrong practices and Transparency provides credibility to the sides that pursue it in their practices, till it became a mean of distinction. The choice of the subject of the research ((Transparency and its effect on Level of Job satisfactions of Workers in General Insurance company)), which aims to measure the effect of Transparency in Level of Job satisfactions of Workers in Insurance company. Came in the time when many countries te

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 18 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Comparative Study of Heavy Metals and Trace Elements Concentration in Milk Samples Consumed in Iraq
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The measurements of major and trace elements in different brands of milk powder selected from the Iraqis market via the X-ray fluorescence (XRF) Technique have been studied in the present work. The result of the measurements reveals the high concentrations of sodium, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, potassium, calcium and magnesium. Furthermore, low concentrations of aluminum, silicon, iron, bromine, molybdenum, iodine, barium, titanium, manganese, cobalt, chrome, nickel, copper, zinc and lead were detected. Neutron activation analysis (NAA) and Kjeldahl technique were also employed to determine the concentrations of nitrogen. It was found that the nitrogen concentration was in the range of (1.96 - 3.23) % which is within the permissible li

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Innovation, Creativity And Change
Responsible accounting and its role in achieving competitive advantage
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One of the management accounting tools is responsible accounting. In this system, the organisation is divided into responsibility centres that help to connect an individual performance responsible to perform through a combined system of reports according to the implementation of the mechanism of exception tools which gives assistance in planning. The exploitation of the organisation's available resources is achieved through the application of responsible accounting. Also, the best exploitation will lead to the provision of low-cost products through the disposal of all types of waste or loss during the cost centres. By providing products at a lower cost and satisfying the wishes of the needs of customers, the result reflects the competitive

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 10 2021
Journal Name
المؤتمر العلمي الدولي الثالث - المجلة الامريكية الدولية للعلوم الانسانية والاجتماعية
Public Governance and Sustainable Development - A descriptive study of the reality of public institutions in Iraq
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In light of crises, the need for efficient and flexible public administrations to make quick and decisive decisions, also institutions capable of directing the internal elements and components of them and adapting them to the requirements of rapid change due to crises and disasters, which led to scarce resources becoming scarcer and economic, political and social problems becomes more prominent. For the majority of developing countries, including Iraq, the increasing need for the importance of moving towards enhancing the efficiency of the performance of public institutions while trying to predict their future, can only be achieved. Through solid mechanisms and principles of governance that enhance the ability of institutions and make them

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Towards Perceptions building a descriptive and procedural for the knowledge assets at the center of learning and growth for the techniques of Balanced Score card in the light of the strategic map concepts to achieve the strategic and operational: requirements of the contemporary business
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   Witness the current business environment changes rapidly reflected on the performance of the facility wishing to stay , which is no longer style reaction enough to handle installations with their environment , and quickly began to lose its luster with the emergence of a message and the vision of contemporary business environment from a set of parts interacting with each other and the concept of behavioral includes all dimensions of performance, it is imperative to adopt a system installations influence variables and positive interaction through the development of strategic plans and the use of implementation and follow-up strategies to ensure the effectiveness of the method for meas

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
(Measuring and analyzing the impact of financial crises on the main source for financing the public budget in Iraq) *
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    Form recurrence of financial crises phenomenon disturbing and attention , and returns the reasons so that its negative effects were sharp and dangerous , because of the nature and cause of Ncaha , threatened political and economic stability of the countries in which they occur these crises , in addition to Machmlh these crises spread of contagion across multiple channels to include other countries many developed and developing , and the reason for this to the openness of the economic and financial witnessed by the countries affected by crises and other countries concerned, the financial crisis is a case of financial turmoil appears in one of the sections of the financial system one and extends to

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
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The fluctuations in oil prices in world markets affect the general budget and the trade balance of the rent countries, because oil is a strategic commodity affected by economic and political factors. The fluctuations in oil prices affect the public budgets of the rent countries through the public revenue side of oil revenues. On the other hand, these fluctuations affect the balance of trade through the volume of oil exports, which lead to imbalance of trade surplus or deficit .                                           &nbs

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 29 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
A proposed form for the Combined Assurance report and its impact In achieving sustainable development in the Iraqi economic units
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Despite the importance of sustainable development and its dimensions in developing performance and supporting competitive advantage in economic units, there is a gap and lack of coordination between Combined Assurance  providers (management, internal audit, external audit) to report on sustainable development, and the research aims to propose a model for the Combined Assurance report to achieve development sustainable development in the Iraqi economic units, especially the Baghdad Municipality, enables assurance providers to coordinate efforts that lead to the achievement of Combined Assurance, The research found the proposed model for the Combined Assurance report in achieving sustainable development in the Iraqi economic units, es

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Role of the evaluation process of the staff in determining the training programs Field research in the Office of the Inspector General of the Ministry of Health / Iraq
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         The objective of this research is to determine the relationship between the performance evaluation process and the training programs for the employees, to identify the extent of the organization's commitment to perform the performance evaluation process for its employees and to use the results of this process in determining the appropriate training programs. Performance evaluation, functional analysis, evaluation method used, dependent variable (training programs) and its dimensions, type of programs, program objectives, program curriculum, And the application of the field research methodology and the questionnaire, which included 146 individuals to know their views and analyz

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