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Intermediate Role Of information Technology In The Relationship To The Entrepreneurial Orientation and Success Factors Of The Project (Analytical exploratory research in Al – Zawraa General Company)
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The purpose of the current research is to identify the reality and applicability of the entrepreneurial approach in its dimensions (creative, proactive, independent, risk tolerant, offensive) and its impact on the success factors of the project (organizational commitment, communication, project team, project monitoring) Access to information, treatment, storage), which is a significant and important link in the success and development of industrial projects with the possibility of studying and analyzing the provision of the appropriate environment for this.

 the research started from a problem expressed by a number of intellectual and practical questions aimed at answering them as well as To answer a number of questions and the most important - What is the reality of the pioneering dimensions of orientation in the company surveyed? , What are the most important factors in the success of the project in the company investigated? .

The objective of the research at the possibility of advancing the status of information technology in the company investigated, and make suggestions and recommendations to develop the role of the leading trend in achieving the success factors of the project.

The research included (7) main hypotheses, which were at the total level and at the sub-dimensions level, which show the correlation and influence between the search variables and to achieve the hypothesis tests applied to the research sample (the solar cell project in Al-Zorra General Company) adopted the questionnaire as the main tool for collecting data and information through (125) members out of (195).

 A well as conducting interviews with some of the respondents in question, where he met (15) managers distributed on the sections of Wa For the people and administrative units in the project. The data were analyzed using SPSS and a number of statistical methods were used to process the data including: arithmetic mean, percentage, standard deviation, variance coefficient, path analysis method, And the use of correlation coefficient (Pearson) to test the validity of correlation hypotheses and the use of simple linear regression coefficient to study the effect between the basic variables.

 The researcher also reached a set of results that important project by information technology and the changes that are made to the dimensions of leadership orientation followed by this change in other variables.

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Administration Diagnosis of quality of work life dimensions: A survey of a sample of employees of the Northern Gas Filling Company in Nynawa
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The primary objective of the present  research is to diagnose the most mportant imensions of quality of work life in a sample of individuals working in the Northern Gas Filling Company in Nynawa. The study sample consisted of 140 employees of the Northern Region Filling Company in even ,Through a questionnaire prepared for this purpose. The study concluded that there are five main factors that are considered to be measure of the quality of working life and are based on their importance: Empowerment, organizational health, internal work environment, motivation, development and training of workers. The study recommended that the organization should payattentio

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Management skills and their reflection in the settlement of insurance compensation: Applied Study in National Insurance Company and Iraqi Insurance Company
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The environment contemporary works for the insurance companies have seen a number of technological developments and changes rapidly in light of the intense competition in the insurance market, and this affects human behavior in the workplace, and to director in his work needs to be a set of managerial skills. so we find compensation activity in companies insurance needs a high managerial skills, so that compensation, director of the settlement procedure successfully. So research aims to test two hypotheses two major belongings variables search using some statistical methods to extract the results and interpretation and analysis (such as arithmetic mean, standard deviation, percentages, Alpha Cronbach's coefficient, Pearson correlation co

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Testing the Assumption of Linearity for Sales of State Company for Electrical Industries
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In this study, the four tests employed for non-linear dependence which is Engle (1982), McLeod &Li (1983), Tsay (1986), and Hinich & Patterson (1995). To test the null hypothesis that the time series is a serially independent and identical distribution process .The linear structure is removed from the data which is represent the sales of State Company for Electrical Industries, through a pre-whitening model, AR (p) model .From The results for tests to the data is not so clear.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 07 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Application of the Alternative Evaluation Strategy in Social Studies In General Education in KSA
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The study aims to reveal the degree of application of the alternative evaluation strategy in social studies in public education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It also aims to identify the opinions of experts on how to implement this. The study adopted the mixed methodology, which represented in the descriptive-analytical method, and qualitative methods through the grounded theory. The study used two tools namely: a questionnaire for assessments of social studies teachers and semi-structured interview questions. The results of the study showed a medium degree of appreciation for the application of alternative evaluation strategies by social studies teachers in general education with an average of (2.28). The results also showed that ther

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Application Tools Lean Six Sigma Definition and measurement phases in new product development. In the Electrical Industries State Company. case Study.
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methodology six sigma Help  to reduce defects by solving problems effectively, and works Lean to reduce losses through the flow of the manufacturing process and when integrating these two methodologies (Lean and six sigma), the methodology of Lean six sigma will form the entrance to the organizers of the optimization process and increase the quality and reduce lead times and costs . by focusing on the needs of the customer. this process uses statistical tools and techniques to analyze and improve processes.

 We have conducted this research in the General Company for Electrical Industries and adopted its product (machine cooling water three taps) as a sample for research. In order to determine t

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The impact of the financing structure on investment decisions : Applied research in a sample of commercial banks listed in the Iraq Stock Exchange for the period (2011-2020)
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               The research aims to shed light on the financing structure, which is one of the important pillars of financial management in the commercial banking sector, which enhances its financial position through financing its various investments, which is one of the pillars of the successful economy of the commercial banking sector. in which country. The contents of the research variables, which were represented by the independent variable, financing structure, the dependent variable, and investment decisions in commercial banks, which the researcher tried to address, as the research began with a basic variable that depends on diagnosing the impact of the financin

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Strategic leadership and It's Impact on Achieving The Organizational Reputation
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Abstract :

This research aims to examine the correlation and the impact of Strategic leadership on Achieving Organizational in some of establishments in ministry of construction and housing which is under public founds, Starting from the importance of research in public organizations and the importance of these organizations to the community, it is rely descriptive analytical methods in achievement of this research, the research involved board of directors, Data has collected from (92) respondents, represent the respondent society exclusively and comprehensively, it involved the general directors, assistant general directors and heads of department, The research relied programs (Excel 2010, Spss V.21), moreover, some o

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 03 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The concept of tira according to Imam Al-Manawi in his book Fayd Al-Qadeer
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Tira is a custom known to the Arabs since the pre-Islamic era. in the occurrence of good or evil. And from the pessimism: that the Arabs in the pre-Islamic era depended on birds, so if one of them went out for a matter, If he sees a bird flying to the right, he will believe in him and go on his journey and his need. The research aims to introduce Imam Al-Manawi and explain his saying in Al-Tira through his book Fayd Al-Qadeer.

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Evaluating the Proposed Curriculum of TEFL for First Intermediate Class Students in AL-Muthannah Governorate for the Second Semester/2007-2008
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During the 1970s, communicative view of language teaching began to be incorporated into syllabus design. The central question for the proponents of this view was: what does the learner want/need to do with the target language? This lead to the emergence of a teaching method (or approach) called communicative language teaching (CLT) during the late 1970s and early 1980s focusing on the functions that must be incorporated into a classroom. According to Brown (2001:43) CLT is a unified but broadly based, theoretically well informed set of tenets about the nature of language and of language learning and teaching. Harmer (2001:84) states that the communicative approach is the name which was given to a set of beliefs which included not only a

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Role of Banking Marketing Strategies in achieving Competitive Advantage: Applicatory Research on a Sample of Iraqi Private Banks
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The main purpose of this research aims to measure the role of banking strategies marketing in achieving competitive advantage within a sample of Iraqi private banks, and in order to achieve this purpose,  the researcher depend on number of sober research approaches which consisted of descriptive, analytical and practical methodologies, to strengthen concepts addressed by the research, size of the sample was (56) individuals which makes up the senior leadership represented (Chairman and members of the Board of Directors, Commissioners and their assistants and department heads) while the primary tool for research (questionnaire), which has been designed based on a number of solemn scientific metrics, after adapted these metrics commen

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